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Name : Restika Tria Mei Landa Class : 3A DIII Kebidanan

Npm : 1726030008 Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris


1. Understanding Corona Virus

Corona virus or corona virus is a large family of viruses that cause mild to moderate
upper respiratory infections, such as flu. However, some types of Corona virus can also
cause more serious diseases, such as: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Pneumonia.
To date, seven Corona Viruses (HCoVs) have been identified, namely: HCoV-229E,
HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-HKU1, SARS-COV (which causes acute respiratory
syndrome), MERS-COV (Eastern respiratory syndrome) Middle). 2019-nCoV, also known
as the Corona Novel virus (caused an outbreak of pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, China in
December 2019, and spread to other countries to date.

2. Risk Factors for Corona Virus Infection

Anyone can be infected with Corona Virus. However, infants and young children,
as well as people with weak immunity are more vulnerable to this virus attack. In addition,
seasonal conditions may also be influential.

3. Causes of Corona Virus Infection

Corona virus infection is caused by Corona Virus itself. Most Corona Viruses
spread like other viruses in general, such as: Splashing of saliva, touching hands or face,
touching eyes, nose, or mouth after handling items exposed to saliva splashes with Corona
Virus. The incubation period is not known with certainty. However, the average symptoms
that occur after 2-14 days after the first virus enters the body. Corona virus is thought to
originate from animals.

4. Symptoms of Corona Virus Infection

Symptoms of the Corona virus are mild such as: runny nose, cough, sore throat,
fever, feeling unwell, shortness of breath and chest pain.

5. Prevention of Corona Virus Infection

Until now there has been no vaccine to prevent Corona Virus infection. However,
there are several ways you can do to reduce the risk of contracting this virus. Following
efforts can be done: Frequently wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds to clean,
Avoid touching the face, nose , or mouth, Avoid direct or close contact with sick people,
Avoid touching wild animals or birds. Clean and sterilize the surface of objects that are
often used, use a mask and immediately consult a doctor or health worker if you feel unwell.
  Some Hand Sanitizer ingredients that you need:
1. Formula 1 Ethanol 96%: 8.333 ml Hydrogen Peroxide 3%: 417 ml
Glycerin 98%: 145 ml 1 liter distilled water, can be obtained by boiling
water and cooling it
2. Formula 2 Isopropyl alcohol 99.8%: 7515 ml Glycerin 98%: 145 ml
Hydrogen peroxide 3%: 417 ml 1 liter distilled water

Tools needed:
1. 10 liter jerry cans
2. Measuring cup
3. Funnel
4. Small bottle

How to make Hand Sanitizer according to WHO standards :

1. Select the hand sanitizer formula that you want. Then put Ethanol (for
formula 1) or Isopropyl alcohol (for formula 2) according to the dose
into the jerry cans;
2. Enter hydrogen peroxide liquid into jerry cans according to the dose;
3. Add glycerin. Glycerin is sticky and thick. You can use a little sterile
water to rinse the glycerin in a measuring cup before putting it in jerry
4. After all the ingredients have been put in 1 jerry can, add 1 liter of
distilled water. Don't forget to close the jerry can so that the alcohol
does not evaporate;
5. Beat the jerry can slowly. This is done so that the three ingredients
can be mixed evenly;
6. It did not take long, the hand sanitizer was ready to be transferred to
smaller bottles for easy transport;
7. Finally, keep these bottles for 72 hours (approximately 3 days) to avoid
contamination from the bottles;
8. Hand Sanitizer is ready to be taken and used by you and your family.

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