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Ainhoa Garcia Igual

3r MEI

Didàctica de la llengua anglesa

Questionnaire based on the article Singing with 4 to 5 year olds by Brendan Dunne

How much do you already know?

1. What are the benefits of singing for the young learner? Discuss this
question with a partner and write 3 sentences in the spaces provided below

For young students, singing promotes expression and helps to expand vocabulary.

It also helps young students to their concentration and memory.

And also, for young students singing is useful because it helps to learn languages more


2. What are the benefits of singing for the young language learner? Fill out the
following questionnaire and then read the article. Look at your answers to
see if you were right or wrong.
1. Singing actively involves children in their learning process YES
2. Singing leaves a deep trace in the memory YES
3. Songs rarely address experiences outside the language classes NO
4. Songs do not help the learners because they are repetitive NO
5. Songs make pronunciation difficult for children NO

3. Which songs work best with this age group? Look at the box and choose the
words that you think best answer this question.

Meaningful modern repetitive changes in pitch strong rhythms

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