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Materi #3, TIME (A)

AM dimulai dari tengah malam dan berakhir saat tengah hari

PM dimulai dari tengah hari dan berakhir saat tengah malam

Fill the blank with am/pm

1. I have breakfast at 7 …….

2. I have lunch at 1 ………

3. They have dinner at 7 ………

4. I wake up at 5 ………

5. We will go to swimming pool at 3 ……...

Materi #3, TIME (B)

Two o’clock = dua tepat


A quarter past five = lima lewat seperempat (jam)

Half past four = setengah lima

05.15 04.30
10 menit

Ten past five = lima lewat sepuluh

Ten to five = lima kurang sepuluh

05.10 04.50

Catatan Catatan
To digunakan jika menit diatas Past digunakan jika menit di
30 (tiga puluh) bawah 30 (tiga puluh)
Lihat contoh Lihat contoh

Translate into sentence
Example = 02.05 = five past two
TIPS Catatan
1. 11.00 =
Menit selalu diucapkan lebih
dulu ya kak :) 2. 01.10 =

3. 05.30 =

4. 04.50 =

5. 05.04 =

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