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No commercial distribution without permission. Contact, go @ waterfire as.Updates fttpi/ htm Copyright| byStefan Verstraeten. wvailable at: 006 by Andre Ay.Copyright 1990-2005 by Gary Odom.Portions copyright 2000-2001 Ootakamols Produced with Moyo Go Studio: frvwamayogo com °o OTe large takemoku (high) point (6-4), experimented with during the "new fuseki movement in >, Japanin the 19308. This point is 1 seldom played as the initial comner point nowadays. White continues with to ® (2)Black continues with or is not recommended. ‘d'is possible. ° (@)Black continues with 'to OWhite continues with 9! or b'. White ‘is an overplay. Black continues with 0 (6) White 6 is an overplay. QO White continues with '. White 'b’ isnot recommended. 89 ‘3 a (Black continues with '. Black is not recommended. OBlack § is not recommended, as Black gains no advantage. 44 Black still has to cover the potential cutting point. This variation is not favorable to Black. |White 6 is not recommended. Ne @\N) o aa (4) Gi gr @The Black group in the corner may not live, but White is split in two,and the White group at right must eraul along the second line, to gain liberties, giving Black favorable thickness. @ Black 5 results in Black building a moyo on the right, while White builds a moyo at top. T Cotakamoks Produced with Moyo Go Studio: fr vamoyego com °o GO'A’ is correct, tenuki 'B’ is not recommended. aa O White continues with 'or b’. (4)Black continues with or '. QO White continues with 9'to 'c. (©)A'settles on the top, giving the B’ hes various (Clisa mistake. outcomes. QA initiates the cut. B'makes a big wall, but Black’ shape is better. @xorB. QA avoids being tricked making a wall around smell corner. Bi destroys Black's position, but needs the ladder. (Clis bad, ° 8 @4'if Black has the ladder, 'B' if ‘White has the ladder. OWhite continues with '9' to take the corner or top,'b' to emphasize the right, c'to take the corner, of for influence at top,or possibly the right. 0662 (©)White 6 emphasizes the corner or top. ° QO White continues with 'to take z Ootakamok. Produced with Moyo Go Studio: frvvmeyogo.con] the corner, or b'to emphasize the White continues with‘. White b' top. isa mistake. a2 a6 44 Black continues with 42 Black continues with or '. Black 'b'is not recommended. ® 6 th — age ® 62 (@)White 6 emphasizes the right. White continues with 9", White 6) and ‘c'are mistakes. ° és Black continues with 'a'or 'b!, but ais preferred. G8 Black plays ‘9’ to emphasize the right, 'b' to emphasize the top. ° b & 4 @ O24 QWhite continues with ' or b'. @White 9’ sacrifices the corner for the center and right side. White b! takes the corner, 6s scraficing the center. ___4@a_ 38 2028 @ 62> “89 4 (@)Black continues with or . b 46 1 @Plack 17 emphasizes the top. ga 46 White 16 isa mistake 6 White sacrifices for the right side 46 White 16 isa mistake and center. @pblack 15 is not recommended, — @8Black continues with '' to Cc’ though White must play correctly to geta favorable result. Black 'b' requires a ladder block 49 Black continues with >. Black 'b Cotakamoks vith Moyo Go Studio: frvwamayogo com to the lower left corner. b — 20/24) 22@ia ia 26 a8 2/40 28: ois @Black 29 is unreasonable without a ladder block to the lower left. 8 024 1 22@aa |) Hh asia n 2/20 a 26:28 16 @ Black 29 is slow but sure. 2028 8 White takes the corner. ® 2028 On@u 6 268 a a 28 2 TOO? | 16 Fr @ White plays ‘2! for thickness and the right side, or 'b' to take the top at the expense of the right side. “201 “B08 16 & ! $0 White plays 30 for thickness and the right side. & OBO 2/1046 @White 16 is a mistake. ae ® White dies quickly with ', or crawls along the second line (the line of defeat") with '' to live in agony. 8 @pBlack Lis a mistake. White continues with isa mistake. 48 Black plays '' to emphasize the monn ® GaWhite 14 isa mistake White may try s'or'b'. @> end bare msi. Produced with Moyo Go Studio: fi vivamayogo com —b 12} (6) 4) @ 62 a 10 42 Black continues with 3’ or 44 Black plays ''to take the comer, and '! for influence toward. the top. 20 b 14) 16 as QOBlack gives away the comer straight-awvay with , or plays a ko for the corner with @yBlack 21 forces a ko fight for the 20} @12 Os % 6 2 (10) y14) 16) ag oO 12> (68) b a @ @ 62 White continues with ', White b' is anoverplay. eee an 388 aa 4 o'e2 G4 White 'b'is an overplay. White continues with 's'. White 'b’ isa mistake. 2 —-—___ © _—_ : @12 6Q®) 4 GB White 19 isa mistake (Almost ironicelly, White 6 aims at influence at the top. QO White plays 9! for influence at top,or b'for territory on the right side (@)Black continues with 'to ‘emphasize the top, 'b'to ‘emphasize the right side. 06° b QO: Q White continues with 9! peaceably, or b'to cut. 3

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