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Reduced adverb clauses refer to the shortening of an adverb clause to

an adverbialphrase of time, causality, or opposition.

Reduced Adverb Clauses of Time


Before / After / Since

 Keep the time word

 Remove the subject
 Change the verb to the gerund form OR Use a noun

Before he bought the house, he did a lot of research. -> Before buying the house,
he did a lot of research.
After she had lunch, she went back to work. -> After having lunch, she went back
to work.

Reduced Adverb Clauses of Causality


'because', 'since' and 'as'

 Remove the subordinating conjunction

 Remove the subject
 Change the verb to the gerund form

Because she was late, she excused herself at the meeting. -> Being late, she
excused herself.
As Tom had extra work to do, he stayed late at work. -> Having extra work to do,
Tom stayed late at work.

Reduced Adverb Clauses of Opposition


 Keep the subordinating conjunction

 Remove the subject and the verb 'be'
 Keep the noun or adjective
 OR Change the verb to the gerund form

Though he had a lot of money, he didn't have many friends. -> Though having a
lot of money, he didn't have many friends.
Although she was beautiful, she still felt shy. -> Although beautiful, she still felt

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