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31 Kampung Lalang
Date Address

9th March 2020 Salutation

Dear Yusuf,
Hello !
How are you dude ? I just heard that you have received a new job. I couldn’t be happier for
your congratulations. I know it is not easy to get a job in this troubled job market. it is particulary
difficult for a fresh graduate with hardly any work experience, I really appreciate the resourcefullness
you showed in your job search. Although I still haven’t been able to find a job, your success has
inspired me to try harder.
I’m quite sure that your knowledge of computers and artistic skill will make you a great
graphics designer. I expect to hear great news coming from your direction in the next year.
Best wishes for success.

Sincerely, Closing



Structure of Personal Letter

Date Date when the letter is written ( top left)
Address Place where you are writing from ( top right)
Salutation & Name Greeting and the person’s name you are writing to
Introduction The opening of the letter
Body The main part of the letter. It includes what you want
to write to the other person
Closure The part indicates the letter is going to end
Complimentary close Short expressions like ‘’Love you ‘’, ‘’sincerely yours ‘’
Signature Signature or initials of the writer

SENTENCE STRUCTURE - Accuracy of grammar is important

- Complete sentences are expected
- Slang can be used
- Use the contractions such as ‘’I’ll’ ,’’I’m, ‘’we’ ll’’
- Use Personal pronouns such as ‘’I’’, ‘’we’’, ‘’you’’
- Use active voice
STYLE - Language use may be personal like first and second
person pronouns
- Be Warm
- Use the Person’ s nama you are writing to
- Vary sentence length
- Write in a natural, conversational style

Congratulation letter
By : Novita

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