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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent
that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” — Charles

This is a great lesson learned from how nature works. In Principles, Ray Dalio
also mentions the importance of learning from how nature works and how it
Adaptability is key to our own survival and development.
This has been monumental in my own personal growth. There are many things
I used to think I couldn’t do something. When came time to do things out of
my comfort zone, I would simply accept that it wasn’t for me or that I couldn’t
do it.
One day I said to myself: “Enough is enough!”.
I decided NOW was the time to conquer my fears of height and drowning. I did
rock climbing for a bit. I’m still scared, but less so than before. I practiced
swimming a few times. Again, I’m still scared, but it doesn’t paralyze me
Eight months ago, I started to deliberately learn new skills every month. I
believe it will change my life forever. Till now I became more versatile. I
became more adaptable. Little did I know that practicing completely different
skills for 15 hours each every month would I become that adaptable and start
learning a lot faster.
Today, I feel like I’m more ready than ever to tackle the rapid changes in
In short, here are the three lessons I learned from the Charles Darwin:
1. Adaptability is key to our own survival and development;
2. Only once you’ve adapted will you succeed; and
3. Persistence is key to achieving anything in life.

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