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Nama : Jeri Arda

NIM : 112016006

MID Semester Writing II

1. Write a logical division about, “Why I always Read the Qur’an”.

The Qur'an is the way of life of mankind, although that benefit only those who fear Him.
So much wisdom from multiply read the Qur’an. First, get the reward very much, where
one letter be rewarded with ten virtues, of course to achieve it, we must try to reproduce
reciting the Qur’an. Second, Allah SWT will elevate people always read the Qur’an, learn
what it implies and practice it in our daily lives. Third, get peace of soul or heart that is
extraordinary. Fourth, get help on the Day of Judgment. So, read always the Qur’an,
spare time remains of life that Allah SWT gave to deepen his teachings. Should not be
wasted, because the Qur'an will take our ease when facing Allah SWT.

2. Write a process paragraph, “How to be a good English Teacher”.

When teaching English for beginners, the most important, is three things: The first,
Patience: Your students may also be anxious and nervous. Learning an entirely new
language is a huge task. Next, practice: English is best learned by practicing it. Give a lot
of practice to speak English, so that your students can get smoothness. Finally, explain
with an example: How do you expect students to speak English, if you do not do it
yourself? Not just while teaching, use only English even when having a casual
conversation with your students. Thus tips to be a good English teacher, may be a guide
in teaching English for those of you who just became a teacher of English.

3. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting about neat people and messy people.
Tiara and Desi. They are my friends. Tiara, bespectacled woman, she is graduated from
Islamic University of Ogan Komering Ilir Kayuagung. Working in the oil palm company.
She was a manager. Desi, bespectacled woman, too, the same university graduates with
Tiara. Now working for a construction company and design. Tiara and Desi are
professional people. They were both superb. Tiara was almost like me; annoyed at the
irregularity. She was always a pile of paper on his office desk with a very neat - so do not
look messy and easily when searching. She always scanning and storing neat almost all
the important documents. All of document asked by his boss, she almost always have a
copy. Desi, my other friend, is the opposite with Tiara. She did not look like me. I have
never seen even working papers neat. Documents, copies of contracts, business cards,
important proposals appear scattered on her desk. Desi often ask for help, calling her
assistant, to find the missing piece of paper. Their stories seemed to be like a tale of two
types of employees as well as the type of people.

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