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The 'I' 1 Dollar is Ill or Sick. This precedes the actual death.

However, the

spiritual death occured on March 20, 2014. The physical or actual death is

manifested in the Corona Virus.

The Sun is Sick or dead and dying.

This reign of the Sun as "God" through the Establishment of the Eye, as

stated, ended in the calendar year of Man; as recorded in the Corportation by the

Entities of the United States was March 20, 2014. The Eye was Established by

those worshipping it in 1776, etc. [The Declaration of Independence, U.S.

Consititution, Bill of Rights]

The Yeshua or Chosen One as referenced in Enoch had the purpose of

Creation to Destroy the Establishment of the Eye. Thus the Eye was not to be

Established and then destroyed. The Eye was to be destroyed prior to "Any"

Establishment. Therefore, Satan and the Eye never reigned in deed. This was all

the conjuring or illusion put forth by the Entities of which OBAMA admitted to

working with in his papers. The very same Entities, Reagan Declared the "New

World Order" for.

Reagan's 1964 - Oct 27 address "Declares" the Eye on behalf of The Fallen

Entities. This declaration was in fact those entities giving notificagtion to the

Heaven that time has come where the principles of the Almighty and his

declaration would be replaced by the fallen ones.

The Declaration was made on the 27th(28th), The Almighty sent forth The

Chosen one on the 28th/29th.

As the description implies the board is Chess (Black/White).

And broad is the way that Led to

Destruction of the Eye in 2008-2014.

Get this, Obama from Reagan through Clinton, Bush, Bush were to Establish the

Eye through hollywood, Media, Drugs, Prison Complex, legislation, etc.

These policies along with those of Johnson (Nixon, Ford, Carter) created the

Environment for The Gay Rights Legislation on the National level and the "Broad"

Changes in the State levels.

The Drugs along with the welfare programs destroyed the family. The Social

Programs through the clergy and Religion Distorted the Fundamental Foundation

of the Black Community. Dividing them through denominations of Currency. This

along with the The Mass Incarceration and brainwashing of the Black Community

through Public Education, perpetuated by The white supremacist, Established the

United States as a Slave Colony.

This is why Obama, A "Black" person had to "Establish" through the LAW, the

executive order or New World Order. One Man for a Woman and One Woman for

a A Man. Not Man for Man or Woman for Woman. Equally important, the Board is

Chess. Barack is neither a Black nor a White piece. He was able to move across

the Board seamlessly. This, is why him. He embodied both principles of the Board

and It was only at the End his intentions were known. Had he ran on Gay rights

and didn't lie about "evolving" he would have not become President.

This, is why the Chosen one. At that moment, when All Seeing Eye was in the

sky, BARACK OBAMA came onto the Board at the Corner of Callowhill And "Broad"

street or "Way".

The Prophecy was fulfilled, that of "Matt" 24:43 and "1 Thes" 5:2


2008, Obama did not present himself as the one to Establish the Eye. Likewise, I
did not present myself as the one sent to Destroy the Establishment of the Eye. In

Broad Daylight-On Broad Street OBAMA representing Hope for the Establishment

of the Eye was greeted. "OBAMA!" "I Hope You Win". He said on Behalf of the

Eye "Thank You" Accepting The Throne from Me on Behalf of My Father Whom

sent Me. The CAVEAT was accepted as well.


"I WILL", He promised.

Thus his ascension to the thrown was conditioned on him Establishing "not" the

Eye. As "GOOD" pertains to The Creator, and the Establishment of the Creator is

Adam and Eve and All that was in them "GOOD". Not Adam and Steve.

It is for this reason Alone, on March 20, 2014, The Eye Appeared before me

to recieve its final words from Urbn Yeshua,

"Its Over", referring to the reign of the Eye. It was moments prior to that, that the

Kingdoms of The Earth were reverted Back to The Kingdoms of The All Mighty.

Thus, The Trump was Ordered to Sound. So It Is.

The Eye did not Appreciate it and I repented later, not them. Because I said, "I Hate


I Became strickened for a time.

Now the Eye is Strickened, The Corona.

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