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Mischief : playful misbehavior or troublemaking, especially in children/ usil

2. Chic : cantic, elok
3. Fabulous : menakjubkan, hebat
4. Promiscuity: pergaulan bebas, sex bebas
5. Charge: tuduhan
6. Incarcerated : dipenjara
7. Imprison : memenjarakan, menjebloskan ke penjara
8. Pat down : an act of searching a person for concealed items such as
weapons or illegal drugs, made by passing the hands over their clothing.
9. Detaining : ditahan
10.Tucking : menyelipkan
11.Underneath: di bawah
12. Goods : things for sale
13.Took off : membuka, mengambil, berangkat, melarikan diri
14. Thef : the action or crime of stealing.
15. Consent : persetujuan
16. Attempt : usaha, percobaa
17. Burglary : entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime,
especially theft (penyusupan dgn tujuan merampok)
18. Kinder garden : tk
19. Retaliation : pembalasan
20. Hold your own :
remain in a strong position when somebody is attacking you, competing wit
h you
21. Shot : a try at something. Go ahead. Give it another shot.
22. Molested : to touch without permission. assault or abuse (a person,
especially a woman or child) sexually.
23. Punk : a young man who fights and is involved in criminal activities
24. Tauting : mengejek
25. Penitentiary : penjara
26. Inmate : tahana
27. Unbotton : membuka kancing
28. Period : A word used after a statement to emphasise its finality, usually
used to sound more savage
29. I had got searched : aku dicari
30. Hand cuffed : diborgol
31. Badge : lencana
32. Comply : memenuhi, menuruti
33. Take him down : jatuhkan
34. Drectives : petunjuk, perintah
35. Diployed : dikerahkan
36. You’ve been warned : kamu telah diperingati
37. Advise : nasihat
38. Supper : makan malam
39. Endless : tdk ada habis2nya
40. Rusty : berkarat, kaku, lupa
41. Figurine : patung kecil
42. Dispears : bubar
43. Yield : menghasilakan
44. Dirt : kotoran, lumpur
45. Beetle : kumbang
46. Emperor : kaisar
47. Peripheral vision : what is seen on the side by the eye when looking
straight ahead
48. Embracing : merangkul, meluk
49. Greedy : serakah
50. Carcass : bangkai
51. Placenta : ari2
52. Stiff : kaku
53. Limping : jalan dgn susah
54. Birth Canal : jalan keluar utk kelahiran
55. Startled : kaget
56. Defiance : tantangan
57. Remain : tetap, tinggal, tersisa
58. Femur/tight bone : tulang paha
59. Shrunk : menciut
60. Scent : bau
61. Scab :kopeng
62. Alert : waspada
63. Pus : nanah
64. Vet : dokter hewan
65. Examine : cek, memeriksa
66. Fine : denda
67. Insubordinate : durhaka, melawan, tdk mematuhi perintah
68. Lifted : terangkat
69. Taunts : mengejek
70. Degrading : merendahkan, menghinakan
71. god almighty : tuhan yang maha kuasa
72. Unconscious : tidak sadar
73. Annihilate : membinasakan
74. Cunning : licik
75. Crass : stupid and without considering how other people might feel
76. Disgrace : aib
77. Chairman of the board : ketua dewan
78. Prodigal : boros
79. Demand : meminta, menuntut
80. wield : memegang
81. Limbs : anggota tubuh
82. Dismember : megkoyakkan
83. Bow down : membugkukkan diri
84. Contender : lawan
85. Any further : lebih jauh

1. I deal it in my own way

2. No stillborn kittens remain inside her
3. The cat is startled by a honking sound
4. You should have learned something today
5. You need to stop spitting for real man
6. I’m not going to play no games
7. You want to come up in here, you gonna be my bitch
8. I ain’t broke you down yet.
9. I know you don’t be talking like that when you out there talking to your
gang, do you?
10.And you think you hard baby, but you’re not
11. So the reason you're being placed under arrest is
12. I have you on camera
13. Have I been mean or anything?
14. You are not at home. You will not disrespect me at my house. Is that
15. Iam not what you just called me
16. We haven’t even started yet
17. You’re starting in the wrong way
18. Monica’s adoptive mom = mama adopsinya monica
19. I have pulled a gun on somebody’s before
20. Now he’s into gang activity
21. Monica had did something to one the gang members
22. And they were gonna shot the house up
23. You doing in the street that you don’t have no business doing, but you’d
actually have me dead
24. If anybody get in my face i’m gonna tell em back real quick
25. You just talking. You all talk, bitch
87. You’re better than that
88. You gonna let him get the better of you?
26. What’s going on with you, for real?
27. People in here talking bullshit
28. People are going talk about you no matter what, man.
29. I got people in here talking about me everyday, insulting me, threatening
me. You think I fight everybody who comes in here? You think I can fight
everybody who comes in here?
30. So what’s going make it any different for you?
31. So you get 5 or 6 guys in here talking a bunch of noise, about you, about
your family, what they gonna do to you, you gonna try to fight them off?
32. Only thing you going to end up is in hospital. Is that what you want?
33. You gotta let some stuff go sometimes, man
34. Why are you guys letting this happen to me?
35. I stop talking when I want to. I don’t follow your fucking direction
36. You ain’t even worth my time
37. I ain’t telling him to do nothing.
38. And either of one you are my momma and my daddy
39. Damn sure ain’t scared fo you. We damn sure ain’t scared of you either
40. That shit ain’t cool. You don’t get cool points for hitting on your mama like
41. I don’t give a fuck how tough you think you are baby. There’s always
somebody tougher than you
42. You come in here, you ain’t got no backup
43. You got something you wanna talk to me about it, ?
44. I don’t like it when people get in my face and just yell. I don’t like it either
but sometimes you gotta deal with it
45. I don’t like being told what to do
46. When I get angry, I start hitting things and destroying things
47. I got real mad and I didn’t remember what I was doing
48. I really do think that it could get to the point one day when something
tragic could happen
49. One day he asked me to come out here and get aspirin out of the car
50. It’s not going to benefit me
51. What are you going to do? You going to get physical with one of them?
52. Ain’t nothing between us but friends and guess what?
53. I done sucked all the air
54. I will hit anybody that comes to my path. When I get mad I go crazy
55. The worst thing I’ve ever said to my teacher was called her a bitch
56. And I fight in school because people always have something to say and
calling me all types of name like gay and stuff. But I’m not gay and I would
never be
57. She thinks it’s gonna change me but it’s not gonna change me not one bit.
This not gonna change me
58. This is what you gonna be at tho
59. We gonna find out who gonna be on their knees
60. I’m proud off al the bad things that I do
61. When I’m figthting somebody I feel like they getting what they deserve
62. The next person I see
63. He’s been bullying peoples at high school
64. We’re walking down the road
65. You killin me slowly and you don’t even know me
66. These tears that I’m crying for you is real
67. Imma just sit down and do my time
68. If they be trying to take my shoes or anything man, that’s when I might get
seriously mad
69. You ain’t gonna do nothing
70. I’ll definitely see you when you got back
71. My temper is very bad. It triggers at any second
72. You already see what your actions have caused
73. I don’t want to have to come visit you in jail
74. If my ways keep me the way I am then eventually, that’s where I am going
to be
75. You run your mouth in here you gonna get hurt
76. Tell your mama that for me
77. Facing life in this motherfucker
78. Everything that can happen to you in the streets, I done been through it.
And ain’t nothing good come out of it
79. I thought I couldn’t come to jail. I thought I wasn’t gonna get caught. I’m
caught now. I’m in here
80. I’m not trying to argue with you. I’m just trying to get you to see the reality
81. You’ve got to control yourself
82. Get off your phone call
83. Don’t hang up my phone
84. You honestly though wrong
85. I’m more mad at bretman for not doing shit about his sister being bullied
right IN FRONT of his face :(
86. Fucking cheaters. Bitch that’s not cheating. The last thing that was cheating
for you was your last man.
87. I told you not to invite anyone
88. They’re gonna find a way to come to us
89. Shall we do it again?
90. I’ve never broken a board before but I broke a bitch’s nose before and I’m
like I’ve been around like I could do this
91. Bruce lee is my great uncle
92. It even says on the diagram
93. It’s gonna be a battle who wore pink best
94. It kinds of shows us
95. I’d be touching it
96. Honey if you ain’t in the 30s club you broke and I don’t speak broke
97. Nobody comes for broke bitches
98. That was the biggest shit I’ve ever seen
99. This game is making my stomach hurt
100. 4 done 5 done 6 done, I’m shocked
101. Honey, I am the king
102. All I could think about was I’m ready to drink
103. I care so little about chocolate right now
104. We do things differently

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