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q1) The picture on the left is that of Rini Simon Khanna and the guy on the right

is Shammi Narang. Both of them used to be news anchors for Doordarshan.Even though
you may not have seen them before
on TV, millions of people hear their voices daily. Where ?

All Hindi and English in-train and in-station voice messages and announcements of
the Delhi Metro, Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon, Mumbai Metro, Bangalore Metro and Jaipur
Metro are recorded in Narang's and Khanna�s voices respectively, thus ensuring yet
again that their voice is heard by millions on a daily basis.

q2)This is an ad campaign by which iconic company ?


q3)- X attacks its opponents by thrusting up into the air.

-Y attacks its opponents by swiping down.
-These actions are metaphorically related to the movement of Z.
-What are X,Y and Z ?

X- Bull
Y- Bear
Z- Stock Market

q4)The word was originally two Latin terms, "locum" meaning in place of, and
"teneris" meaning holding, together the phrase applied to anyone "holding in place
of" someone else. Over time the word �locum� developed into what it is today. It is
possible that when the English heard the French pronounce the compound word X, they
perceived a slurring between the first and second syllables. Today, most English
speaking nations except the United States pronounce X the way the English do.


q5)This was the form in which this item was packed in medieval times. It was also
used as a form of currency. What is it shown in the picture ?


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