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Subject: Computer

Class Four
Chapter: 1 Reviewing Computers
Give examples of input, processing, and output. (page 7)
Expected responses: using the calculator feature of the computer to add numbers; locating a file
using the Search feature; entering text in a Word document; etc.
Word Whiz (page 7)
Write the opposites of the following words.
multiple: single
support: a band on, oppose
expensive: cheap
newest: oldest
Draw lines to match the words to their meanings.
classify: arrange things in groups
solve: find a solution
auto mate: use a machine instead of people
Label the pictures below and state what kind of devices they are. (page 8)
Key board (input device), speakers (output device), mouse (input device),
Scanner (input device), graphics tablet(input device),printer(output device)
Explore with Whiz (page 9)
Solve the clues and write the answers.
Displays output: monitor
Processes data in to information: CPU
Personal computer: microcomputer
Powerful but bulky: mainframes
Electricity meter: analog computer
Are these statements true or false?
1. False. 2.False. 3.True. 4.True.
5.False. 6.True. 7.False. 8.True.
Whiz’s Quiz
1.What are the three important characteristics of computers?
Computers are extremely fast and can carry out hundreds of instructions in minutes.
Computers are very accurate. They do not make mistakes.
Computers store all the information in their memory.
2.Which computers should banks use? Statey our reasons.
Banks should use main frames because they are powerful computers with large storage
capacity that hundreds of people can use at the sametime.
3.How is a super computer different from a mainframe?
A super computer works on a single problem at a time unlike a mainframe which can support
many problems and users at a time.
4.List the differences between analog and digital devices.
Analog computers work at an extraordinary speed. They can solve the most complex equations
in seconds. They have limited memory and can perform only certain types of calculations.
Digital computers produce results that can be read with greater precision, but are slower than analog
computers. They are easier to program.
5. Define input and output devices.
Input devices are those devices that help us enter data and programs in to the computer. Output devices
are those devices that display processed data.
6. Define Input and Output.
Data that is entered into a computer is called input.
Data has been processed is called output.
Define the following:
Mainframe are very powerful computers with large storage capacities, but they are bulky and expensive.
Minicomputer is smaller and less powerful than a mainframe. It serves fewer uses at a time.
Microcomputer are the smaller and cheapest computers. They are the computers that we see in homes and

Chapter: 2 Pioneers of Computers

How is the present day calculator different from the Pascaline? (page 12)
The present day calculator has buttons compared to the Pascaline which had eight movable dials.
The present day calculator can perform many complex calculations but the Pascaline could only
add and subtract.
Word Whiz (page 15)
Find the words that mean the following:
Follow procedures: process
Make a hole in something: punch
Arrange in formation in a table: tabulate
Explore With Whiz (pages 16 and 17)
Label the machines. Write the names of the pioneers. Draw an arrow from the pictures
of the pioneers to the machines they invented.
Names of pioneers (down the column): Charles Babbage, Gottfried Leibniz, Blaise Pascal,
Herman Hollerith
Names of machines (down the column): tabulating machine, Leibniz calculator
,analytical engine, Pascaline
Circle the correct answers.
1. Pascaline
2. multiply and divide
3.difference engine
4.punched cards
Unscramble the jumbled words to see what modern computers can do. (page 17)
Whiz’s Quiz
1.Who was Blaise Pascal and what did he invent?
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician and physicist. He invented a nearly mechanical
calculator called the Pascaline. The Pascaline had eight movable dials which were used to
add and subtract numbers.
2.What did Leibniz develop? In what way was he successful?
Leibniz developed the first mechanical calculator called the stepped reckoner. He was
successful because the binary number system he created was used in the future in all
digital computers.
3.Why is Babbage called the father of the modern computer?
Charles Babbage is called the father of the modern computer because all
computers today are based on his plans and ideas.
4.Why is Herman Hollerith considered a pioneer of computers?
Herman Hollerith is considered a pioneer of computers because he invented the punched card which
could store data and the tabulating machine which could process data stored on punched cards.

Chapter: 3 About the CPU

Does the CPU do the following? Answer with a yes/no. (page 19)
1.No. 2.Yes. 3.No. 4.No.
Word Whiz (page 21)
Identify the words from the given meanings.
communication, coordination
Which part of the CPU is used for the following? (page 21)
To calculate the total books an author has sold: ALU
To get a scanned copy of a picture: CU
To see a flight schedule on the monitor: CU
To retrieve data stored on the computer: MU
Explore With Whiz (pages 23 and 24)
Tick the correct statement.
1.The arithmetic logic unit performs all arithmetical calculations.
2.The disks in the hard disk drive are protected in an airtight case.
3.The control unit controls communication between input/output devices.
4.We can store films on DVDs.
5.We can attach input and output devices as well as the USB flash drive to a USB port.
Whiz’s Quiz (page 25)
1.Why is the CPU called the brain of the computer?
The CPU is called the brain of the computer because it controls and processes all the
information in the computer. I t also directs and controls the f l o w of information through
output devices. The computer cannot function without the CPU.
2. Name the three components of the CPU.
The three components of the CPU are the arithmetic logic unit or ALU, the control unit or
CU, and the memory unit or MU.
3.How is the ALU different from the CU?
The ALU performs all arithmetical calculations and makes all logical decisions where as the CU controls
communication and coordination between input/output devices and the computer. The CU also directs
different parts of the computer to carry out instructions
4.Why are the disks in the hard disk drive sealed in an airtight case?
The disks in the hard disk drive are sealed in an airtight case to protect them from dust.

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