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Book report

I studied the book “Anxiety relief” by John Crawford. The book is a self-help book ad I chose it to
read it to see what information it had to offer as my project is on mental health in reality TV.
Although the book isn’t specific to reality TV it did have a lot to say about mental health.

My favourite quote from the book is “Healing anxiety is an organic process, not just nuts and bolts". I
like this quote as it is very straight to the point and honest. Crawford suffered from his own
terrifying experience with anxiety in his 20’s. He always thought that there would be a quick fix but
realised eventually there wasn’t, giving him inspiration for the book and he trained to be a therapist
and specialises in treating anxiety.

The book talks about many things such as creating the correct mindset and understanding the brain
and how it creates stress and anxiety. It also talks about why people should self-love and how
important it is for recovering from anxiety attacks. This was such an important bit within the book as
many people suffer from anxiety attacks, little or big, so teaching yourself how to love yourself is
such a key factor in getting better.

Another part of the book I liked where he speaks about avoiding “soul destroying, resource-sucking
wrong turns” as there are so many fake articles online which can make people feel worse about
themselves, so learning how to avoid them is such a good help.

Overall, I did learn a lot from this book but it isn’t something that I would read for fun. It is quite
factional and there is a lot in there to learn from and I believe it is a good sef help book.

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