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You have been tasked to update the database by creating a PL/SQL to increase the salary of all IT Programmer
employees by twice of their existing salary. Which of the following will execute successfully?
v_job_id employees.job_id%TYPE := 'IT_PROG';
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 2 WHERE job_id = v_job_id;

Which of the folllowing is required in a subquery?


PL/SQL Provides a block structure for executable units of ________________.


In PL/SQL Block Structure, which of the following are OPTIONAL?

None of the choices

You want to display the department name the same with the location of the Purchasing department.
SELECT department_name from departments where location_id = (SELECT location_id from departments where
department_name = 'Purchasing')

This is a type of cursor which is created and managed internally by the Oracle server to process SQL statements

PL/SQL stands for

Procedural Language extension to SQL

You want to display all employee id, name, hired date and salary who are hired after employee 104 was hired..
SELECT employee_id, last_name, hire_date, salary FROM employees WHERE TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(hire_date,
'YYYY')) > (SELECT TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(hire_date, 'YYYY')) FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 104)

Which of the following PL/SQL that will display the total number employees whose salary is 10000 and above?
v_salary employees.salary%TYPE := 10000;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_salary FROM employees WHERE salary >= v_salary;

You want to know the total number of employees whose firstname starts with letter D.
Which of the folllowing PLS/SQL executes successfully?
v_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE := 'D%';
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_first_name FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE v_first_name;

Which of the following is INCORRECT?

Use single-row operators with multiple-row subqueries
In the DECLARE section of the PL/SQL block
All of the choices

You have been tasked to update the database by creating a PL/SQL to increase the salary of all IT Programmer
employees by 50% of their existing salary.
Which of the following will execute successfully?
v_job_id employees.job_id%TYPE := 'IT_PROG';
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary *0.50 WHERE job_id = v_job_id;

Evaluate the following PL/SQL.

2 v_employee_id employees.employee_id%TYPE := 114;
4 DELETE employees WHERE employee_id = v_employee_id;
5 END;
The PL/SQL will delete employee number 114.

Actions are being performed when error occurs during PL/SQL execution in the

Evaluate the SQL Command

SELECT job_id, job_title FROM jobs J WHERE INCLUDES
(SELECT * FROM employees WHERE J.job_id = e.job_id );
The SQL will return an error. Invalid "INCLUDES" parameter.

When an exception is predefined by Oracle server, the exception is raised ____________ .


What is the last clause in trapping exceptions?


You can trap any error by including a corresponding handler within the exception-handling section of the PL/SQL block.

RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR is used in two different places. These are ___________________.

Executable and exceptions section

How do you test the output of a PL/SQL block?

Use a predefined Oracle package and its procedure

What is the exception name when single row SELECT returned no data.

What are the three PL/SQL block types?

Anonymous, Procedure, Function

Which of the folllowing is TRUE?

SQL code are embedded within PL/SQL statements
Which of the following does NOT describes SELECT Statement in a PL/SQL.
Queries must return only one column.

What is the exception name when PL/SQL has an internal problem


Evaluate the PL/SQL

v_first_name VARCHAR2(50);
v_last_name VARCHAR2(50);
v_salary INTEGER(20);
SELECT first_name, last_name, salary INTO v_first_name, v_last_name, v_salary FROM employees WHERE
department_id = 60;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Firstname : '|| v_first_name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Lastname : '|| v_last_name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary : '|| v_salary);
Error in Line 6.

Which of the following DOES NOT describes an exception?

Exception is a PL/SQL error that is raised before program execution.

Evaluate the following PL/SQL.

v_email VARCHAR(20);
SELECT email INTO v_email FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE email like 'D%';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employees whose email address starts with letter D :'
|| v_email);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Your select statement retrieved multiple rows.');
The PL/SQL block will run successfully.

Which of the following PL/SQL will execute successfully?

v_salary INTEGER(20);
SELECT salary INTO v_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 150;

What is the error trapping function that returns the numeric value of the error code?

Display employee's name and id whose firstname starts with letter D and job id is SA_REP. Sort the output by
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE 'D%' and job_id = 'IT_PROG'
ORDER BY department_id

Display all employees whose job id contains the word 'ACCOUNT'.

Display all the records sorted by price from most expensive to the cheapest parts.

Display the first 5 letter in the surname of all the employees whose firstname starts with letter 'D'
SELECT SUBSTR(last_name,1,5), first_name FROM employees WHERE SUBSTR(first_name,1,1) = 'D'

Display the name, jobs id and salary of the all the employees whose department id is 100 and salary is below 8000.
Arrange the output by salary in ascending order.
SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM employees WHERE department_id = 100 AND salary < 8000 ORDER BY

Display all the records whose stock is below 20 and in warehouse number 3.
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE onhand< 20 AND warehouse = 3;

Display the total number of characters of the last name of all the employees.
SELECT LENGTH(last_name) FROM employees;

Which of the following SELECT statement is the correct PL/SQL that will display eliminate the duplicate rows for column
class and warehouse.

Using Data Manipulation Language, you can ADD columns in the table.

Display the first 3 letter in the first name of all the employees.
SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,3) FROM employees;

ANSI SQL commands cannot be abbreviated.


Display the last day of the month and the hiring date when the employees are hired in the company.
SELECT LAST_DAY(hire_date), hire_date FROM employees; 

List all the employee_id of all employees whose salary is 5000 and below and belong to department 60 or 100.
SELECT employee_id,salary, department_id FROM employees WHERE salary < 5000 AND department_id IN (60,100)  

Display all the employee's id and salary whose annual salary is from 100,000 to 200,000. Arrange the output by salary in
descending order.
SELECT employee_id, salary FROM employees WHERE salary *12 >= 100000 AND salary *12 <= 200000 ORDER BY
salary desc

SQL stands for

Structured Query Language

Which of the following SQL commands will display all stocks whose class is HW or AP.
SELECT * FROM parts WHERE IN class ('HW', 'AP');

Display the part number whose class is not HW, AG or SG.

SELECT partnum FROM parts WHERE class NOT IN ('HW', 'AG', SG')

Which of the following SELECT statement is the correct PL/SQL that will display all rows and columns?

Which of the following SELECT statement is the correctreport the will merge the column CLASS and PRICE rename the

Which of the following is the correct report that will display the CLASS from table PARTS.

Which of the following SELECT statement is the correct report that will deduct 5 from ONHAND, multiply 5 in
WAREHOUSE, after getting the value on both ONHAND and WAREHOUSE add their data: as shown below: ONHAND - 5 +
Note that you have to force the Oracle to prioritize first the Subtraction over Multiplication. List only the column

Which of the following is NOT a Data Manipulation Language?


Which of the following SELECT statement is the correct report that will display the unique value for WAREHOUSE
renames the column as "No. of Available Warehouse".

Using CREATE SQL Command, you can add new records in the table.

Which of the following SELECT statement is the correctreport that will combine the column PARTNUM and DESCRIPTION
put a literal character string "belongs to" in between the two columns then rename the column as "NUMBER TITLE".
Note put space before and after the character literal string to avoid no spaces in the report.

Which of the following SELECT statement is the correct report that will rename the column DESCRIPTION to TITLE,

The following are capabilities of SQL SELECT

Projection, Selection, Join records

The two development environments of Oracle are _______________ and ______________.

Oracle SQL Developer; SQL command line

Create a SQL script to display the fullname of evey employee with the format Lastname, Firstname example Santos,
Arnold. Display the output in a single column. Label the column as Fullname
SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(last_name, ','), first_name) AS Fullname FROM employees;

You can relate data to multiple tables using a foreign key.


There was 10% price increase in the all the parts in warehouse number 3. The Store Manager asked the Database
Administrator to generate a report showing the part number, the old and new price.
Which of the following SQL statement would satisfy the requirement of the Store Manager.
SELECT partnum, price, price * 1.1 FROM parts WHERE warehouse = 3
You want to display the employee id, date hired of all employees whose hired date is September.
Which SQL statement give the required output?

SELECT employee_id, hire_date, TO_CHAR(hire_date, 'Month') AS "Hired Month" FROM employees WHERE
TO_CHAR(hire_date, 'MON') = 'SEP'

You want to display the employee's last name hired from year 2000 to 2002.
Which SQL statement give the required output?
SELECT last_name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE hire_date>= TO_DATE('01-Jan-2000', 'DD-Mon-RR') AND
hire_date<= TO_DATE('31-Dec-2002', 'DD-Mon-RR')

Ms. Ella what to generate the average salary of all employees whose job function is IT_PROG.
Which of the following SQL command will produce the output.
SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'IT_PROG';

You want to display the last name and the year when an employee was hired whose job id is IT_PROG.
Which SQL statement give the required output?
SELECT last_name, TO_CHAR(hire_date,'YYYY') FROM employees WHERE job_id = ‘IT_PROG’;

You want to display the employee’s last name whose salary is below 10,000 and whose lastname starts with letter K.
Which SQL statement give the required output format of the salary?
SELECT last_name, TO_CHAR(salary, '$999,999.99') AS "MONTHLY SALARY" FROM employees WHERE salary <
10000WHERE last_name LIKE ‘K%’

John want to know how many employees receiving salary below 10,000. What SQL command he need to run?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees WHERE salary < 10000;

What is the SQL command to display the date of the first employee that was hired?
SELECT MIN(hire_date) FROM employees;

Which of the following SQL command will display all records with part number contains the number 9?
SELECT * from parts WHERE partnum LIKE '%9%'

You want to display the employee's last name and date hired in year 2002 whose salary is above 5000.
Which SQL statement give the required output?
SELECT last_name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE hire_date >= TO_DATE('01-Jan-2002', 'DD-Mon-RR') AND
hire_date <= TO_DATE('31-Dec-2002', 'DD-Mon-RR') AND salary > 5000;

You want to display the employee id and the year when an employee was hired.
Which SQL statement give the required output?
SELECT employee_id, TO_CHAR(hire_date,'YYYY') FROM employees;
You want to display the employee's last name whose salary is below 10,000.
Which SQL statement give the required output format of the salary?
Required output :

SELECT last_name, TO_CHAR(salary, '$999,999.99') AS "MONTHLY SALARY" FROM employees WHERE salary < 10000

You want to display all the employee id and the month an employee was hired excluding employees whose job id is
AD_VP. Which SQL statement give the required output?
SELECT employee_id, hire_date, TO_CHAR(hire_date,'Month') AS "Hired Month", job_id FROM employees WHERE
job_id NOT IN ('AD_VP');

The General Manager request to the Database Administrator to generate the total salary per month of every
department in the company.
SELECT department_id, SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id

What will be the output of the following SQL?

SELECT * FROM parts WHERE (warehouse = 1 or warehouse = 2) AND class IN ('HW', 'AP') AND (price > 200 AND price <
2 rows returned

Aldrin wants to know the highest salary in every department. Which of the following SQL command will display the
required output?
SELECT department_id, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id

Which of the following SQL command will display the summary table showing the total quantity on hand per class.
SELECT class, sum(onhand) AS "QTY ON HAND" FROM parts GROUP BY class

John want to know how many part items are there in warehouse number 3.
What SQL command he need to run?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parts WHERE warehouse = 3;

The General Manager request to the Database Administrator to generate the total number of parts and total
outstanding balance on hand of every class in warehouse number 1&2.
SELECT warehouse, class, COUNT(partnum), SUM(onhand) FROM parts GROUP BY warehouse,class HAVING
warehouse = 1 OR warehouse = 2;

You want to display the employee's id and formatted date hired as shown below.
Which SQL statement give the required output?
Required output :

SELECT employee_id, TO_CHAR(hire_date, 'fmMonth DD, YYYY') AS "Hired Date" FROM employees;

Display the warehouse number, class, highest price & lowest price, total on hand balance whose class is AP.
Sort the output by warehouse number.
SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), sum(onhand)
FROM parts
WHERE class = 'AP'
GROUP BY warehouse, class
ORDER BY warehouse;

Complete the diagram in Trapping Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors.

Declare, Associate, Reference

The PL/SQL code block helps modularize code by using:

All of the choices

Evaluate the following PL/SQL.

(p_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE,
p_name OUT employees.last_name%TYPE,
p_salary OUT employees.salary%TYPE) IS
BEGIN SELECT last_name, salary INTO p_name, p_salary
FROM employeesWHERE employee_id = p_id;
END query_employee
No error
Which of the following command is used to create a stand-alone procedure that is stored in the Oracle database?

Procedure can be stored in the database as a schema object.


What is the default parameter mode when no mode is specified?


Evaluate the following PL/SQL. Which of the following will line creates an error?
p_department_id IN employees.department_id%TYPE,
p_name OUT employees.last_name%TYPE,
p_salary OUT employees.salary%TYPE
SELECT last_name, salary, department_id INTO p_name, p_salary, p_department_id
FROM employees
WHERE salary >= p_salary AND department_id = p_department_id ;
END query_emp;
Line 3

This is a subset of an existing data type that may place a constraint on its base type.

Restrictive, specifies a RETURN type, associates only with type-compatible queries are description of a

Which of the following describes weak REF CURSOR?

Associates with any query

This is a subset of an existing data type that may place a constraint on its base type.

Which of the following is the syntax to fetch from a cursor variable?

FETCH cursor_variable_name INTO variable_name1
[,variable_name2,. . .] | record_name;

Fetch into a record when fetching from a cursor.


Evaluate the following. What will be the output?

SUBTYPE Accumulator IS NUMBER (4,2);
v_amount accumulator;
v_num1 NUMBER;
v_num2 NUMBER;
v_num3 NUMBER;
v_amount := 10.50;
v_num1 := 1;
v_num2 := 2;
v_num3 := 3;
v_num1 := v_amount;
v_num2 := v_num1 + v_amount;
v_num2 := v_num2 - v_num3;

dbms_output.put_line('Total is: ' || v_num2);


Which of the following is the syntax to define a REF CURSOR type?

TYPE ref_type_name IS REF CURSOR
[RETURN return_type];

Which of the following is INCORRECT about the guidelines for cursor design?
Use column aliases in cursors for calculated columns fetched into records declared with %COLUMNTYPE.

Which of the following is the syntax to close a cursor?

CLOSE cursor_variable_name;

Use column aliases in cursors for calculated columns fetched into records declared with %COLUMNTYPE.

Use column aliases in cursors for calculated columns fetched into records declared with %COLUMNTYPE.

The PL/SQL code block helps modularize code by using:

All of the choices

PL/SQL Provides a block structure for executable units of ________________.


This is a subset of an existing data type that may place a constraint on its base type.

You have been tasked to update the database by creating a PL/SQL to increase the salary of all IT Programmer
employees by twice of their existing salary. Which of the following will execute successfully?
v_job_id employees.job_id%TYPE := 'IT_PROG';
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 2 WHERE job_id = v_job_id;

Which of the following describes weak REF CURSOR?

Associates with any query

Fetch into a record when fetching from a cursor.


Evaluate the following PL/SQL.

(p_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE,
p_name OUT employees.last_name%TYPE,
p_salary OUT employees.salary%TYPE) IS
BEGIN SELECT last_name, salary INTO p_name, p_salary
FROM employeesWHERE employee_id = p_id;
END query_employee
No error

Matt wants to change his password from 1234 to abcd.

Which of the following will perform the task?

Evaluate the SQL command

SELECT employee_id, job_id, salary from employees where salary < ALL (SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE job_id =
'FI_ACCOUNT') AND job_id = 'IT_PROG'
This has no error

Procedure can be stored in the database as a schema object.


Which of the following SQL command that the DBA will run to provide Matt to create a table in the Oracle Database.
GRANT create table TO matt

Which of the following is the syntax to define a REF CURSOR type?

TYPE ref_type_name IS REF CURSOR
[RETURN return_type];

What is the exception name when PL/SQL has an internal problem


You want to cancel the privilege of matt to retrieve records from the employees table.
REVOKE select ON employees FROM matt;

Procedure can be stored in the database as a schema object.


Which of the following rules is INCORRECT about cursor variables?

None of the choices.

You can use this procedure to issue user-defined error messages from stored subprograms.

An owner has all the privileges on the object.

Evaluate the SQL command

SELECT employee_id, salary from employees where salary = ANY (SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE job_id =
'IT_PROG') AND job_id = 'ST_CLERK'
This has no error.

Nathaniel had accidentally deleted all the records in the newly updated ORACLE database using the DELETE SQL
What is the best solution that he can do to restore all the deleted records in the database.
Run the ROLLBACK command

Evaluate the given SQL syntax

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...)
WHERE condition;
This will produce an error.

Which of the following command is used to create a stand-alone procedure that is stored in the Oracle database?

Which of the following is the syntax to open a cursor varial

OPEN cursor_variable_name
FOR select_statement;

A FOREIGN KEY is a field in one table that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table.

Actions are being performed when error occurs during PL/SQL execution in the

Evaluate the following PL/SQL.

(p_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE,
p_name OUT employees.last_name%TYPE,
p_salary OUT employees.salary%TYPE) IS
BEGIN SELECT last_name, salary INTO p_name, p_salary
FROM employeesWHERE employee_id = p_id;
END query_employee
No error

Which of the following is the syntax to open a cursor varial

OPEN cursor_variable_name
FOR select_statement;

You want to know the total number of employees whose firstname starts with letter D.
Which of the folllowing PLS/SQL executes successfully?
v_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE := 'D%';
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_first_name FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE v_first_name;

What is the exception name when single row SELECT returned no data.

Which of the following command will delete all records in the table employees
DELETE FROM employees

What is the error trapping function that returns the numeric value of the error code?

Evaluate the following PL/SQL. Which of the following will line creates an error?
p_department_id IN employees.department_id%TYPE,
p_name OUT employees.last_name%TYPE,
p_salary OUT employees.salary%TYPE
SELECT last_name, salary, department_id INTO p_name, p_salary, p_department_id
FROM employees
WHERE salary >= p_salary AND department_id = p_department_id ;
END query_emp;
Line 3

A join between two tables that returns the results of the INNER join as well as the_______________ rows from the left
(or right) table is called a left (or right) OUTER join.

Which of the folllowing does NOT describes subprogram? i. Compiled only once ii. Stored in the database iii. Do not
return values iv. Can take parameters v. Unnamed PL/SQL blocks
iii & v

Which of the following syntax to declare EXCEPTION named e_invalid_id?

e_invalid_id EXCEPTION;


A behavior of a single individual or a group that has led to a systematic lack of productivity, reliability, accountability and
a growing sphere of unprofessional/unhealthy relationships.
Negative work ethic

He states that "what was once understood as the work ethic—not just hard work but also a set of accompanying virtues,
whose crucial role in the development and sustaining of free markets too few now recall".
Steven Malanga

Defined as “the place where work immersion of students is done".

Workplace Immersion Venue

An employee needs to give respect to the company. That means honesty and integrity.

Absenteeism increases when effective safety programs are introduced.

Workplace safety is important.

A belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen
Work ethic

When does the Labor Code of the Philippines took effect?

November 1, 1974

The maximum age for employment is 18 years old and above that age is not allowed.

The employer have the right to terminate an employee.


1.Defined as “the place where work immersion of students is done".
Workplace Immersion Venue

2. A behavior of a single individual or a group that has led to a systematic lack of productivity, reliability, accountability
and a growing sphere of unprofessional/unhealthy relationships.
Negative work ethic

3. The date where Labor Code of the Philippines took effect.
November 1, 1974

4. A belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen
Work ethic


5. He states that "what was once understood as the work ethic—not just hard work but also a set of accompanying
virtues, whose crucial role in the development and sustaining of free markets too few now recall".
Steven Malanga

BL-RSCH-2122-LEC-1922S Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

A variable is a label or name that represents a concept or characteristics that varies.


Research is an unsystematic process of gathering intellectual data using inquiry, experimentation and investigation.

The purpose of conducting a research is to burden an individual’s life.


In doing a quantitative research the data collection approach is unstructured.


Qualitative : numbers ; Quantitative : words


A problem is something that needs to be solved or addressed


Re-searchable problems imply the possibilities of empirical investigation.


The main motivation/purpose of an Action Research is to expand man’s knowledge.


Basic Research is also called as pure and fundamental research, which is the main purpose is to add additional
knowledge and information.

Quantitative Research is an empirical investigation or a phenomenon via statistical mathematical and computational

What are the types of research according to purpose?


What are the types of research according to structure?


Give at least 3 criteria in selecting or formulating a research problem.

• Should be existing current/recent issue.
• Availability of data
• Significant and relevant to the field
• Time
• No legal/ethical impediments

Give at least 3 definition of a problem.

• a difficulty
• sources of trouble
• unresolved controversy
• something that needs to be solved or addressed
• a struggle
• a question raised for inquiry
• an issue/concern
• hinders an individual to do something

This part presents the overview or the macro-view of what the research will be about.
A discussion on the setting of the problem, the previous efforts taken to solve related problems, the rationale underlying
the choice of particular area of investigation.
Background of the Study

It contains the need for undertaking the research project followed by the detailed set of objectives.
Statement of the Problem

These are tentative statements about a given problem which serves as a tentative answer to one or more of the
research question and are subjected to statistical test.

It defines the exact boundaries of the investigation as they relate to the nature of information necessary for the study
and feasibility of obtaining them.

A concept, illustration or diagram used by the researcher to present the ideas of the study and show the relationship of
the variables.
Conceptual Framework

It includes theories cited by the authorities regarding a topic and an explanation on how these theories apply to a study
Theoretical Framework

In the Conceptual Framework, the part of the diagram that shows the steps/methods on how to gather the needed data
for the study as well as on how to interpret the data gathered.

In formulating the Statement of the Problem, question no. 1 should always be the ____________ of the respondents

This portion indicates the need of the study and its possible applications and utilization.
Significance of the Study

Are the following examples of intentional plagiarism, unintentional plagiarism, or correct ethical use of sources? Why?
Mia cites a piece of information that turns out to be common knowledge.
Braden wants to use a particular source that supports his claim, but the library doesn’t have it, so he chooses another
source to use instead and cites that.
Both A and B are examples of correct ethical use of sources, because it is never wrong to cite a source that doesn’t
need it, and because Braden cited his new source correctly.

Based on the rhetorical context of the following source, would you include it in your research essay? Why or why not?
The purpose of this text is to sell services, as evidenced by the tabs across the top, so any claims made on this site are
suspect. This is not a good source for a research essay.
Based on what you know about evaluating sources for your task, which of the following sources is most likely to be the
most useful for a research essay about state vs. federal power in U.S. government?
The Declaration of Independence.
A list of reasons called “Why we need to destroy the federal government,” found on a personal blog titled “Neo-
Conservative Thought” and published three months ago.
A story about one man’s struggle to avoid paying federal income tax, published in the popular magazine People.
A, because even though it’s old, it’s an important primary source that frames this entire debate.

Evaluate the first page of this student’s paper, focusing on MLA document format and page layout.

The title, top three lines, and page numbers are all formatted incorrectly.

Evaluate these two students’ strategies to avoid plagiarism. Which one is more effective and why?
Bryony looks up all the authors she is going to cite to make sure they are credentialled. She also plans on using mostly
quotes instead of paraphrases or summaries, since they are easier to check for accuracy.
Candice plans to use a reference management website for her note-taking, and she checks with her professor if she’s
not sure if a piece of information needs a citation or not.
Candice’s system is more effective because it solves the root problems of plagiarism.

Maile has found a source for a research essay. She needs to evaluate its authority before deciding whether to use it.
Which strategy should she use?
She should look at other research results to see how many times the author of this source is cited, and determine her
author’s credentials on the topic.

Read the following excerpt from your friend Isobel, who has been finding and evaluating sources for a research project.
Which feedback below would most help her improve this passage?

“Choosing a celebrity to endorse your product can sometimes backfire” (from source #1). Youth want to dress like their
favorite stars and “stores like Kohls and K-Mart know that and have signed celebrities to clothing lines” (from source #2).
“Almost 20% of all television advertisements in the United States feature a famous person as an endorser…Celebrity
endorsers may be influential because they are viewed as highly dynamic and they have attractive and likeable qualities”
(from source 3).
Isobel needs to synthesize her sources and create a single, guiding purpose for using them.

Sergei copy and pastes a passage from one of his sources into his essay. He does not use quotation marks, but he does
provide a clear citation at the end of the passage. This is
intentional plagiarism.
Tad wants to model strategies for avoiding academic dishonesty for his younger siblings. Which of the following should
he do?
Tad should compose a brand-new essay for his English class, even though a previous essay he wrote for a Humanities
class would also fit the English assignment’s parameters.

The image below captures the homepage of “Kid Fashion” by, a website on the topic of school uniforms and
their impacts. Based on this screenshot, evaluate the usefulness of this source for a research essay recommending a
local public school switch to requiring student uniforms.

This is a useful source for preliminary research, but maybe not for your paper, because it’s written for a popular

This is a useful source for preliminary research, but maybe not for your paper, because it’s written for a popular
These are most likely to be accurate in their data and correct in their conclusions.

What are the most effective strategies for evaluating a source’s suitability for use in a research paper?
See if the source supports a point of view you want to discuss, and see if contains data you need.

What is the best approach to reading a scholarly article if you are evaluating it for use in your research essay?
Read the abstract first, then read the discussion or conclusion section, and then read the introduction.

Which advice should you give the author of the following Works Cited section to help her improve it?
Work Cite
Mara Brendegen.. "Verbal Abuse by the Teacher and Child Adjustment From Kindergarten Through Grade 6." Officail
Journal of the American Accademy of Pediatrics, 1 May 2006.. 27 Nov. 2012.
Julie Mack. "Tenure Reform: Union Says It's Open to Streamlining Process for Firing." The Kalamazoo Gazette. Michigan
Live, 21 web. Nov. 2010. 30 November 2012.
Reeder, Scott and the rest. "The Hidden Cost of Tenure." The Hidden Cost of Tenure. Small News Group, 3 Apr. 2002. 02
Dec. 2012.
Review what order your Works Cited entry elements should come in, how to write author names, and the citation
formatting rules.

Which of these strategies for preliminary research on an essay project is most likely to be effective, and why?

Rita uses the library databases to find three sources she can use in her paper, and then works on creating good body
Margaret creates a working thesis statement, and then decides what kinds of sources she’ll need to support it.
B, because Margaret’s working thesis statement will guide and shape her upcoming work.
While peer-reviewing another student’s essay, you notice that he has quoted six lines from a book. What should you
look for to make sure the quote and in-text citation are formatted correctly?
Check to see if the material is formatted as a block quotation. It should be indented more and should lack quotation
marks. The in-text citation should come after the period.

Why are citation and formatting styles necessary for academic writing?
These styles serve our readers’ interests, by clearly identifying where scholarly resources are incorporated so that
they can be found and consulted easily

You are writing a research paper arguing that elementary school educators should be concerned about increased
diagnoses of childhood attention deficit disorder (ADD). Knowing what you do about the importance of the rhetorical
context of potential sources, which of the following sources is the most useful to your project?
An account of first-hand experience from a teen who was diagnosed with ADD when he was five.
A parent’s blog of first-hand experience of raising three sons who were diagnosed with ADD.
An academic article noting survey results from pediatricians demonstrating that ADD diagnoses have doubled in the past
15 years.
C, because while they are all useful, a scholarly source such as a survey provides the best support for your claim.

Your classmate is focusing her research on Google Scholar and plans not to use the library databases, because she says
that Google Scholar is easier to use. How would you evaluate her plan, and what feedback should you offer her?
The library databases let you search for full-text articles only, which can save you time. You may want to consider
using them along with Google Scholar.

You want to find sources on your essay topic, the role of the vice president in deciding national security matters. You
begin searching on Google Scholar, but get too many results. Which strategy should you use to make this search more
useful for you?
Decide on a subtopic, settle on some key words, and add them into your search blank with the word “and.”

What advantages are there, if any, to incorporating peer-reviewed articles and texts into your research essay?
These are most likely to be accurate in their data and correct in their conclusions.

What are the most effective strategies for evaluating a source’s suitability for use in a research paper?
See if the source supports a point of view you want to discuss, and see if contains data you need.

Research is a systematic process of gathering intellectual data using inquiry, experimentation and investigation.

Quantitative research is difficult to quantify.


Extraneous variable are variables of a situation in which results of an experiment can be attributed to either the
operation of an independent variable.

Researchable problems imply the possibilities of empirical investigation.


Operational definition is an indication of (something) the meaning of a variable through the specification of the manner
by which it is measured, categorized, or controlled.
Variables are “changing or characteristics” of persons or things like age, gender, intelligence, ideas, achievements,
confidence, and so on that are involved in your research study.

Independent Variable is a response or behavior that is measured.


Basic research is also known as action research.


Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,
opinions, and motivations.

Research Problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a
troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful
understanding and deliberate investigation.

All of the statements are referring to research EXCEPT:

subjective inquiry

A type of research according to purpose that is done for knowledge enhancement.

Basic Research

These are sources of research problem:

I. Environment
II. Previous studies
III. Interests
IV. Industry-competent skills
All of the above

 Operational definition is an indication of (something) the meaning of a variable through the specification of the manner
by which it is measured, categorized, or controlled.

Give the proper arrangement of research.

I. Review of the Related Literature
II. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
III. Problems/ Objectives
IV. Research Designs

All of the following are listed in criteria for selecting a research problem EXCEPT:

I.   Timely
II.  Availability of data
III. Outdated issues
IV. Significant and relevant to the field

__________________ is a question raised for inquiry.

A type of research according to purpose that requires a solution or action to a certain problem.

Select one:
a. Applied Research 
b. Basic Research
c. Qualitative Research

d. Quantitative Research

It is necessary that researchers should know how to choose searchable problem. If possible, a research
problem should possess the 7M’s resources such as Manpower, Money, Materials, Methods, Machinery,
Moment of Time, and Marketing.
Select one:
a. Partly no
b. Agree 

c. Partly yes

d. Disagree

What research approach uses quantifiable data to analyze and come up with conclusions?

Select one:
a. Quantitative Research 
b. Descriptive Research
c. Evaluative Research

d. Qualitative Research
What data are said to be perceived through five senses?
Select one:
a. qualitative data 
b. numerical data
c. empirical data

d. non-empirical data

Which of the following is a technique for gathering evidence?

Select one:
a. Methodology 
b. Design
c. Approach

d. Method

What kind of sources is eye witnesses classified?

Select one:
a. Reliable sources
b. Primary sources 
c. Secondary sources

d. Hearsay
These are statements considered as an ‘intelligent guess’.

Select one:
a. Theory
b. Hypothesis 
c. Assumption

d. Concept
What is the distinction of a quantitative research from a qualitative research, based on the nature of the

Select one:
a. Qualitative research requires experience while quantitative requires numerical computation 
b. The data of quantitative research are overt behaviors of the respondents while the data of qualitative
are covert.
c. The data in quantitative research are pre-determined while in qualitative research, data are culled out

d. The data of the quantitative research are based on hypothesis while the data of the qualitative are
based on assumptions.
What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?

Select one:
Use an asterisk and a footnote
 Insert the complete citation in parenthesis 
c. State the first and the last name/s of the author

d. Use the author, date citation method

Which part of the research reveals the objectives of the study?

Select one:
a. Statement of the Problem 
b. Delimitation of the Study
c. Definition of Terms

d. Significance of the Study

It is one which is taken from books or studies that were tested and proven so many times over a long
period of time.

Select one:
a. Review of Studies 
b. Synthesis
c. Hypothesis

d. Text
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
  "Padayon: Student Activism in the 21st  Century"

Select one:
a. Evaluative Framework 

b. Relational Framework
All are characteristics of a good research paper except...
Select one:
a. Pre-judged 
b. Objective
c. Logical

d. Analytical
What data are said to be perceived through five senses?
Select one:
a. non-empirical data
b. qualitative data 
c. numerical data

d. empirical data
Which of the following is a technique for gathering evidence?

Select one:
a. Method
b. Design
c. Methodology 
d. Approach
What kind of sources is eye witnesses classified?

Select one:
a. Hearsay
b. Secondary sources
c. Primary sources 

d. Reliable sources
All are characteristics of a good research paper except...
Select one:
a. Pre-judged 
b. Objective
c. Logical

d. Analytical
What data are said to be perceived through five senses?
Select one:
a. non-empirical data
b. qualitative data 
c. numerical data

d. empirical data
Which of the following is a technique for gathering evidence?

Select one:
a. Method
b. Design
c. Methodology 

d. Approach
What kind of sources is eye witnesses classified?

Select one:
a. Hearsay
b. Secondary sources
c. Primary sources 

d. Reliable sources
These are statements considered as an ‘intelligent guess’.

Select one:
a. Hypothesis 
b. Assumption
c. Theory

d. Concept
What is the distinction of a quantitative research from a qualitative research, based on the nature of the

Select one:
a. Qualitative research requires experience while quantitative requires numerical computation 
b. The data of quantitative research are overt behaviors of the respondents while the data of qualitative
are covert.
c. The data of the quantitative research are based on hypothesis while the data of the qualitative are
based on assumptions.

d. The data in quantitative research are pre-determined while in qualitative research, data are culled out
What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?

Select one:
a. State the first and the last name/s of the author
Use an asterisk and a footnote
c. Use the author, date citation method

 Insert the complete citation in parenthesis 
"Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve a higher level, than those taught first aid
by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:

Select one:
a. Students
b. method of instruction 
c. Programmed instruction

d. Level of achievement
It is one which is taken from books or studies that were tested and proven so many times over a long
period of time.

Select one:
a. Text
b. Review of Studies 
c. Hypothesis

d. Synthesis
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Customer Satisfaction in Candon Business Center"

Select one:
a. Evaluative Framework 

b. Relational Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Facebook Messenger and Its Impact to the Social Interaction of Junior High School Students"

Select one:
a. Evaluative Framework

b. Relational Framework 
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Battle of the Sexes: Discrimination among the Teaching Personnel of John Institute"

Select one:
a. Relational Framework

b. Evaluative Framework 
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Correlation of Watching Mature Cartoons and Students’ Deportment as Perceived by Junior High
School Students in Paranaque National High School"

Select one:
a. Relational Framework 

b. Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Today I don’t Feel Like Doing Anything: Reasons Why Students Procrastinate"

Select one:
a. Relational Framework

b. Evaluative Framework 
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Relationship of Human Resource Practices to the Faculty Job Satisfaction in San Beda College"

Select one:
a. Evaluative Framework

b. Relational Framework 
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
  "Padayon: Student Activism in the 21st  Century"
Select one:
a. Relational Framework

b. Evaluative Framework 
Switches can work properly even without the “break” expression.

Declaration clauses are declared as “number + 1”.


There are four (4) major features of an object-oriented programming language – encapsulation, inheritance,
polymorphism and abstraction.

Abstraction works by hiding the implementation details and showing only the functions necessary.

Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below: The final output of the code snippet is _______.


number++; is an expression

number++; is a block

A superclass is also known as a parent class.


The sort( ) method is always ascending.


For-loops can be nested in while loops.


Object oriented programming utilizes the top down method


_________ is also known as a parent class.

Super class
Which of these is a proper decrement?

In instantiating an object, the keyword instance is used.


For-loops has a set number of iterations before starting.


Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below:

The error in Figure 2 is _______.
no error

Using a break; statement causes the loop to jump to the next iteration.

“||” and “&&” can be used in conditional statements.


Another loop can be used as test expression.


Variables must be declared as _______ for it to be fully hidden.


While statements check the test expression at the end.


A _______ array is an array containing true or false values.


Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below:

The value of “pStr” in line 24 is _______.


Expressions can be long and complex.

Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below: The final value of num in the output is ________


Among the statements below which is only an expression

“string1” + “string2”

Which of these is a proper decrement?


For-loops has a set number of iterations before starting.


A class block can be an expression


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