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Situation 1

In a doctor’s waiting room in Singapore.

A: Is this seat taken? (vocabulary/idiom problem)


Dhifa : I'm nervous what will be happen if I met that doctor.

Fio : don't worry, it's better to know earlier what happen with you, so you will be safe and not
feel sick anymore

Dhifa : yeah I guess, it is the best way. I'm just scared going to see a doctor

Irvink : excuse me girls, is this seat taken?

Dhifa : huh? Umm sorry, but I'm not sure about what you have said before

Fio : yeah, we are so sorry we didn't hear you clearly, but what did you say?

Irvink : hehe it's okay, I asked you is this seat taken? I'm so tired so I want to sit here if this seat
is free.

Fio : yeah this seat is empty, you can sit here

Irvink : okay, thank you so much.

Situation 10

You get a scholarship to study in New Zealand and decide to travel around the country in
your holiday.

Friend: you should use the Naked Bus; it’s much cheaper (vocabulary/grammar)

You: !!!!!
Irvink : do you have to be naked to get those $1 seats?

Fio : did you say 'naked'? What do you mean by naked? It's so rude!

Dhifa : calm down, this is New Zealand, his mean, do you want to get 1 seat by giving $1 ?

Fio : what did he mean by naked?

Irvink : Naked Bus. In New Zealand, naked bus equal with public transportation

Fio : oh I see, sorry I didn't know

Dhifa : that's culture. It’s okay

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