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Lesson 7 Reading Test

Name ( )
Read the letter on textbook pg. 321 and answer the following questions. If the questions are in Japanese,
answer in Japanese. If the questions are in English, answer in English. Write answers in complete sentences.
1. メアリーさんは、どこにすんでいますか。(Write specific.)

2. メアリーさんのお母さんは、どんな人ですか。

3. 京子さんは、今どこですか。

4. どうして、日本の高校生はたいへんですか。

5. Explain Mary’s host father.

6. What kind of host family does Mary have?

7. What kind of classes does Mary take?

8. What kind of activity other than study does Mary do?

9. Does Mary see host brother often? If the answer is no, why?

10. When did Mary write the letter?

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