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Natural Disasters

The theme of natural disasters is increasingly present in the daily life of society, whether in
newspapers, television, radio, among others, even though these people do not reside in “risk
areas”. Although the term leads us to associate them only with earthquakes, tsunamis,
hurricanes and volcanic eruptions, natural disasters also include phenomena such as landslides,
erosion, floods and among others, which can occur naturally or through anthropic intervention.
Natural disasters can be defined as the result of phenomena about an ecosystem causing serious
disturbance of social/environmental functioning, involving environmental, human, material
and economic losses, limiting resource. But does our planet deserve all of this?
In recent times, the number of natural disasters has increases in various parts of the world. In
general, disasters are aggravated by man’s attempts to dominate Nature, which in the majority,
end up frustrated. According to research, some scientists relate this scenario to global warming.
In view of this problem, we can say that the relationship between disasters and development
is clear, the more society looks for comfortable living, the more it directly or indirectly destroys
the environment. The lack of preventive mechanisms prevents government and private sectors
from anticipating the effects of disasters.
Finally, we humans must stop and think “our planet is increasingly being destroyed”

Trabalho elaborado por:

Mariana Correia 11thB

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