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Hello, today I am going to tell you about Alan Turing, He was an English computer scientist,

mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and philosopher. He was born on June 23, 1912 in London
(Great Britain). The British mathematician spent much of his childhood in India since his father
worked in the Colonial Administration of the country. During his childhood, he always excelled in
math classes.

In 1926, when he was 14 years old, he entered the Sherborne boarding school in Dorset, Great
Britain. Despite being very good at math and winning most of the math awards, He never got the
attention of his teachers.

He was attracted to men, he was homosexual. Interesting fact is that he became an Atheist when
his first love died, the name was Christopher Morcom and he met him while studying at the
boarding school, he died because of tuberculosis.

After finishing his internship studies, On 1936 he publishes his most famous thesis, called "The
turing machine" or " On Computable Numbers". Finally he started his doctorate studies at
Princeton University and published his thesis "Machine oracle".

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