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Chapter 5

I think Chapter 5 was the most important scene in Animal farm because this is the Chapter
Snowball was chased off the farm. Snowball was an excellent leader as he came up with lots of
clubs for the animals to be in, excellent speeches and plans like the windmill, and constantly
won debates between him and Napoleon. But this was his downfall. He got onto Napoleon's
nerves and was chased out of the farm. This is also important because the dogs that Napoleon
took away from Jessie and Bluebell appeared again but as fierce guard dogs. This signifies the
power Napoleon will have for the rest of the book because he has his guard dogs if anyone
goes against him, and his leadership among all the animals since Snowball is gone. He then
suddenly takes Snowball’s plan and starts to build the windmill. I also think not having Snowball
on the farm was one of the reasons Animalism failed. Snowball organized the animals in a way
that would have maximum efficiency on the farm, which is why the first harvest was successful.
Also, Snowball is willing to work hard and to be involved in the farm as he noticed they may be
attacked, and devised a plan and then battle of the cowshed unlike Napoleon who did nothing.
Snowball inspires all the animals. But since he was chased away, the animals could not use his
intelligence and fell into napoleon’s harsh leadership.

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