Natural Remedies For Insomnia

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Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Insomnia, generally described as a state of habitual sleeplessness or in simpler terms the inability to sleep. This
disorder, irrespective of age is either a psychiatric disorder or a symptom of another disease. Moreover, it is
inconsistent taking only from a few days, all the way to weeks or perhaps months to recover which at times
leads to an array of problems such as irritability, depression or frustration, loss in memory and the risk of heart
disease. Although, Insomnia may seem a case which may fade away over time but unfortunately that is not the
case. We never know how long this state may run, and the impact it would be having on us would only
exacerbate if the disorder is overlooked and not given a certain amount of deliberation to it.

The only pragmatic solution seemingly to us, would be undergoing intensive treatment which would not only be
a drag but also costly. However, there are certain reliable natural remedies that not only act as an extremely
effective and proficient cure to this particular disorder, but are also safer than the usual medications.

Firstly, while going to sleep make sure that you are in a calm and peaceful environment, and that your bed and
pillow are comfortable. Secondly, make sure you steer clear off unnecessary thought or ideas related to work or
for that matter anything regarding your day to day life. This would help limit the pressure and keep you off the
anxiety radar consequently aiding you to a good solid sleep. Moreover, if you rampantly get up to urinate during
the course of your sleep, then limit the intake of liquid before you go to bed, as waking up to urinate creates a
massive disturbance in your sleep routine. Also, do not indulge yourselves in unnecessary stressful situations
before going to bed. Steer clear of screens like your smartphones or laptops, and stop any other work that you
may be doing, as this all would interfere with the relaxation of your mind while you are trying to sleep.

Secondly, exercise. Give your body a good workout either in the morning or during the day, you could take a jog
round the neighborhood, or involve yourself with sports or anything for that matter, exercising during the day
aids your sleep at night better than most medications. Another important factor, is the habit of taking
unnecessary naps during the day. This gives your body the relaxation it needed so that when you’re in bed late
night, your eyes stubbornly refuse to stay shut. This also applies to the consumption of caffeine or alcohol during
the day, so that rather being relaxed and sleepy at night, we are alert and awake due to our day-intake acting as
stimulants and acting their natural course. Most importantly, stick to a proper sleep schedule. Don’t rotate your
sleep routine now and then, stick to the same.

Lastly, there are natural herbs and substances that help to overcome insomnia. These includes the intake of
magnesium and calcium, Eleuthero which enhances your mental activity and physical endurance, Ashwagandha
an herb that helps your body eliminate stress as well as pressure, and wild lettuce which eliminates body and
muscle pains and also reduces anxiety. These are, to name a few natural “ingredients” that help in fighting off

To put it all together, I believe taking these simple measures would overcome our state of insomnia, without
any requirement of expensive treatment or medication.

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