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How To Find The Best Veterinarians For Your Pet

If you're particularly fond of animals, and having pets, you should be familiar and well aware of
their essential needs. Just like you, your pet requires medical care and attention when needed.
In order to get the optimal treatment for your pet, you should go to the best Veterinarian
available. However, with hundreds of vets out there, it may be difficult to settle on one.
Mentioned below are a few things that'll help you find the best veterinarian for your pet.

1. Ask people for recommendations

This is in fact one of the best ways to come across a great veterinarian. Talk to people who own
pets and share the same love for animals as you do, and ask them for recommendations. You
could also ask people at animal shelters that you trust to point you in the right direction.
Recommendations are always great as they come forward through experiences and rarely turn
out to be disappointing.

2. The clinic/hospital should be accredited

You should always conduct a thorough research on the veterinarian’s history including his
education and experience. Make sure the clinic or hospital has American Animal Hospital
Association (AAHA) approval. Although some prominent clinics aren't accredited, such
membership does ensure high standards of medical care. You can look up AAHA-accredited
hospitals with the American Animal Hospital Association Hospital Locator.

3. Go for a specialist

At times you may need a veterinary specialist, who deals in specific health issues. A veterinary
specialist may be consulted when the problem with the animal is beyond the help of a common
veterinary. For example, if your animal has neurological issues, then you should take it to
someone who's main area of expertise is in that specific area, and has additional training in it.
Also, make sure the veterinary specialist you go for is accredited by The American Board of
Veterinary Specialists (ABVS). The ABVS makes sure your veterinarian qualifies for the position
and has met the specific requirements for their specialty and studied longer to become an
expert in a particular area.

4. Take a tour of the hospital/clinic

When you find a hospital/clinic that you like, or if you're following up on a recommendation,
always take a tour of the premises. The hospital would be more than willing to give you a tour of
the place. Be thorough when you look through, check if the place is clean and well organized.
Make sure you take a look at the animals there, and see if they are comfortable and safe. A
good hospital should be equipped with all the necessary equipment required. Check out the
equipment to make sure it's up to date. The place should also be able to send out labs and have
specialists on board. Remember to ask the management any questions you have, and ensure
you are convinced with the level of standards.

5. Interaction

Take your pet to the clinic and see how the vet interacts with the animal. Is his approach friendly
and careful? Schedule an appointment beforehand and introduce your pet to the veterinary in a
casual friendly way, and see if it's comfortable around the vet.
6. Employees at the hospital/clinic

Are the vet techs and assistant employed at the hospital/clinic trained and experienced? Do
they have sound knowledge of animals and are sensitive to them? Remember to ask the
management for the experience of the staff employed there, that'd be responsible for looking
after your pet.

7. Timings

It may seem that the timings of a clinic are irrelevant or not that important, but they are. Always
make sure that the clinic is open hours that are convenient for you, and suit your routine.

8. Be practical

When you're looking for a veterinarian, use common sense and register with one that is close to
your home or not that far. You don't want to be driving 3 hours to a veterinarian every time
something happens to your pet, just because it's the best option. Settle for a good one you can
reach easily and conveniently.

9. Cost

Make sure that whichever hospital/clinic you pick isn't too expensive or out of your budget.
There's no point going for the best in the city if you simply can't afford their services. Pick one
that is reputable and well known, but is also affordable to you.

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