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3 ~~~~~
- CUSTOM NOT-EPAD TEXT ! Add whatever notepad phrases you want as text files in
the "Assets/Text/NotepadMessages" folder, and the goose will pull them up!
- NEW MODDING API! Drop mods into their own folders in
Assets/Mods/YourModNameHere, and toggle "EnableMods" in the config.ini! Build your
own mods with the solution in the "FOR MODDERS" folder! Join the discord and check the #goose-mods channel for more info and help
on this :D
- NEW CONFIG TOGGLES! Customize the goose's behaviour further, silence the audio,
and more!

- Goose auto-releases mouse when it quits while stealing your cursor. No more
having to alt-tab!
- Lifted multi-hundred meme 'soft-cap'. Now you crazy monsters can load even more
memes at once. Crazy kids.

COMING SOON in v0.4+...

- Twitch Chat/Donations Integration (let the chat control the goose! donation
messages!) when you own the soon-to-release "Desktop Goose for Twitch", or whatever
it'll be called, program.
- Modding API updates!
- Native multi-goose support!

~~~~~ 0.21 Hotfix ~~~~~

- Fixed the infamous "Red X" crash!

~~~~~ NEW IN VERSION 0.2 ~~~~~

- UNLIMITED MEMES! Add whatever images you want to the memes folder, and the goose
will pull them up!
- GIF SUPPORT! Add GIFs to the meme folder and Goose will bring you your infinite
- HACK THE GOOSE! Adjust his aggression and a few other parameters, by opening
config.goos in Notepad! More customization to come...

- Temp fix: No more crashing, on an edge-case donation image load failure, if you
move the files around for some reason? (In general, don't move and delete files
while the program's running- a file lock safeguard is coming soon so you don't have
to worry about it :) )

COMING SOON in v0.3+...:

- Customize the goose note messages!
- Play a custom jukebox playlist!
- Better mod support? Join the discord at and check the
#goose-mods channel to see how this develops.

~~~~~ VERSION 0.1 ~~~~~

This is just the base! We're only getting started

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