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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 7 November 2002 (07.11.2002) PC (10) International Publication Number WO 02/089502 A3 H04Q 7138 (21) International Application Number: PCT/AISO2/14286 (22) International Filing Date: 2 May 2002 (02.05.2002) (25) Filing Language English (26) Publication Language: English (80) Priority Data: (60/287.748, 2 May 2001 (02.05.2001) US States except US: INC. [USUS}; ta Clara, CA. 95054 (71 Applicant for all designated LINKAIR COMMUNICATIONS 2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 109, (us), (72) Inventors; and (75) Inventors/Applicants for U'S only: GONG, Xiaohong, [CN/US]; 782 Mary Caroline Drive, San Jose, CA 95133 (US), HO, Joseph [CN/USI; 514 Alberta Avenue, Sunny e. CA 94087 (US). CHEN, Junbi [CN/CN]; Room 908 ms) en cr Sinotrans Plaza B, #A43 North Xizhimen Road, Beijing 100084 (CN) Agents: KOHLER, Thomas, Dal; Pennie & Edmonds LLP, 1155 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 (Ws). Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, Z, DE, DK, DM, DZ, 11, GB, GD, GE, GH, (GM, HR, HU, I, IL, IN, IS, JP. KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ,LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW. MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL. PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG. SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, YN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), DK, FS, FL FR, "TR), OAPI patent GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, {Continued on next page] Ms /NCHRONIZATION HANDOFF MECHANISMS FOR WIRE $8 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Ms BTSA 610 Monsurbment Report 02/089502 A3 S 620 820 670" ——— seated — IHO-Compote 880 (57) Abstract: HandofT is one of the key components in today’s cellular networks. Handoff allows the reuse of scarce wireless handwidth resource from coll to call, and is critical for the operation of cellular networks. Prior art ard handoff mechanisms have ‘ahigh connection dropping rate. Ths invention presents a mechanism for reducing the probability of dropping connections caused hy hard-handotf by performing pre-synehronization. In one embodiment, the mobile station first completes synchronization, and ‘optionally resource allocation, with a neighboring cell before dropping the connection in the curent cell ierruption during handotT and thus better voice and data quality. ‘This result is shorter WO 02/089502 A3_| Published: ‘For orleter codes and other abbreviation, refer tothe "Guid- ith imernational search report ‘ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations” appearing atthe begin= ning of each regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette (88) Date of publication ofthe international search report: 27 February 2003 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT = = ena Apptcaon to ru/us 02/14286 7%, SUASSIFORTON OF AUR IEST WATER 8 Pe 7 Ho4a7/3i Accordng'onkrnslonl Pet Casto (PO) oro beth natoal daesicaon and 1. 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DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT ‘catego | Ctson of document, wih nacaton, whar appre ofthe elvan parsages Feteartto cam no, x Us 5 640 679 A (LUNDQVIST NILS PATRIK ET 1-3, AL) 17 dune 1997 (1997-06-17) 8-13, 17-19, 24-29, 32 the whole document x EP 0 589 753 A (ALCATEL RADIOTELEPHONE) 1-3,8,9, 30 March 1994 (1994-03-30) 11,17, 19,24, 25,32 column 5, line 52 -colunn 7, line 37 column 8, Tine 44 -colunn 9, line 41 figure 4 A EP 0 474 138 A (NOKIA NOBILE PHONES LTD) 1432 11 March 1992 (1992-03-11) column 5, Tine 21 -column 7, line & column 9, line 15 -column 10, line 13 7 KY] Fatherdosuens na ttein te comin a box Di] Patent arty monte soto in annex + Special calagaibe ot Gad ooo “8 document tring to genoral sie cine a tien ‘Sniaredib bod paca overs “E* eaierdocrent ut pubioed on orate htrsonal ‘ingest * doctbent when may to outs on oes cs) ‘tics eaaah he puoknon date sche ‘ion oraer solar sche “OF dpi aon oan ol Geotail *e cocamentpblaned pio he etratna ing i but ‘iaranfnw pty de ios "7 ltr docu! publics atthe Imationa rin oe "Epon Sand tei vile app ee sande croix We “¢ eocuret pater rolovance; th can inyonten arnt bo ensred nolo tao one {fre an imantve sop won ns Someta sone “docu pact oloranco; ha cal inyonten ‘art be cindred eve an veri Sap when I ‘Suet combined wth ens ero oo" abe coat {reece og cbmmstoa pan soa 18 dctment member fhe eae patent fay Taso aa calaon hs aaa oT 17 October 2002 Dato ming oa aria SSS ope 28/10/2002 ate and mating aden on SA Eurpaan Paci Oto, P2246 atantan 2 Hit Se YF Tel tn) 40°40 Fe 91a epon Fe (es) 00-3006 uses aoe Pacholec, D Fae POTTED moo a page 1 of 2 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT ‘tional Appeation No rci/us 02/14286 (Continuation) EOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT TaiegB= | Chalo Ime, ih aeaTOn hate RP POPTA Te TOT PDS Foie aaen A WO 99 37037 A (QUALCONM INC) 22 duly 1999 (1999-07-22) page 5, line 6 - line 35 1-32 Fae PTSUEI artan a Doe page 2 of 2 ISTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT ermation on patent farly members Appeation No PCT/US 02/14286 Patent document Pubsicaton Patent amy Publication ited in search report ate members) cate US 5640679 A 17-06-1997 AU 672294 B2 26-09-1996 AU 6223394 A 26-09-1994 cA 2133734 AL 15-09-1994 ch 1103242 A,B 31-05-1995 DE 69418547 D1 24-06-1999 DE «69418547 72 16-09-1999 DK 638215 13 22-11-1999 EP (0638215 AL 15-02-1995 ES 2133545 13 16-09-1999 FI 945120 A 31-10-1994 BR 3030895 T3 30-11-1999 HK 1014305 AL 05-10-2000 oP 7507433 T 10-08-1995 NZ 262526 A 26-07-1996 RU 2120697 C1 20-10-1998 WO 9421057 AL 15-09-1994 56 42906 AL 17-10-1997 EP 0589753 A 30-03-1994 FR 2695776 AL 18-03-1994 aT 193795 T 15-06-2000 AU 4737793 A 24-03-1994 cN 1092228 A ,B 14-09-1994 DE 69328809 D1 13-07-2000 DE 69328809 T2 11-01-2001 0K 589753 13 09-10-2000 EP 1032234 AL 30-08-2000 EP 0589753 AL 30-03-1994 ES 2147193 13 01-09-2000 FI 934006 A) 16-03-1994 aR 3033788 13 31-10-2000 HK 1007260 AL 19-01-2001 oP. 6205460 A 22-07-1994 No 933254 A 16-03-1994 NZ 248564 A 28-05-1996, PT 589753 T 30-11-2000 sé 49019 AL 18-05-1998 EP 0474138 A 11-03-1992 FI 904388 A 06-03-1992 aT. 145108 T 15-11-1996 DE 69123019 D1 12-12-1996 DE 69123019 T2 28-05-1997 EP 0474138 AZ 11-03-1992 ES 2093662 T3 01-01-1997 oP 3040854 B2 15-05-2000 oP 4263524 A 18-09-1992 WO 9937037 A 22-07-1999 US 6307840 81 23-10-2001 AU 746708 B2 02-05-2002 AU 2230799 A 02-08-1999 Be 104592 A 30-03-2001 BR 9906959 A. 14-11-2000 cA 2316260 AL 22-07-1999 cN 1288614 T 21-03-2001 EP 1048128 AL 02-11-2000 FI 20001485 A 18-09-2000 HU 0100858 AZ 30-07-2001 oP 2002510157 T 02-04-2002 No 20003631 A 13-09-2000 Fam BCTREABIO Glo oy a a page 1 of 2 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT ae ‘formation on patent family members FoT/us 02/14286 Patent document Pubiaton Patent fay Pabteatton cain search report cats members) eat WO 9937037 A PL 341838 Al 07-05-2001 SK 10662000 A3 12-03-2001 TR 200002055 12 21-12-2000 Wo 9937037 AL 22-07-1999 Us 2001022779 Al 20-09-2001 Fen RSTROAE yo ay page 2 of 2

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