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nifying the truth that " God was in Tke Empire Series
'Publishers' 1page Christ, reconciling the world unto him-
Conducted by the Department of Circulation self."
of the Review and Herald Publishing The purpose of " The Desire of Ages " IN 1896 " The Empires of the Bible,"
Company is to set forth • Jesus Christ as the one the first volume of the Empire series,
in whom every longing may be satisfied, was published; the second volume, " The
to present the life of God as revealed Great Empires of Prophecy," in 1898;
' Standard Works in his Son, and the divine beauty of the and the third volume, " Ecclesiastical
life of Christ, of which all may partake ; Empire," in 1901. These are three very
The Pillars of Our Denomi- not to satisfy the desires of the merely important books, and should be care-
national Literature ' curious nor the questionings of critics. fully studied by every member of every
THE following list of books contains The work will interest all classes; for church.
the principal standard works .that have they were all represented in the various
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in all its phases: — couragement from the great Consoler The Empires of the Bible
while hewas here upon the earth. " The Empires of the Bible" traces
Patriarchs and Prophets It contains nearly 90o pages, beauti- the history from the origin of nations
BY MRS. E. G. WHITE fully illustrated, and substantially bound to the captivity of Judah, and carefully
A commentary on the principal Bible in the following styles: Popular edition, reveals the causes of the rise and the
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the Sabbath, etc. empires of Egypt and Assyria, and the
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trayed; and from each a lesson is drawn, BY ITRIAll SMITH The reader is greatly assisted in the
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This serieS contains 1,996 pages of the
The work •contains 70o pages, and is directly_ from the Scripture, from his- most important historical matter, espe-
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It contains 600 octavo pages, thor-
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The Desire of Ages lowing styles : cloth, marbled edges, D.Order of Review & Herald, Washington,
BY MRS. E. G. WHITE C.; Battle Creek, Mich.; Pacific Press,
$2 ; cloth, gilt edges, $2.5o; library, mar- Mountain View, Cal.; Kansas City, Mo.;
An interesting, instructive. and thrill- bled edges, $3; half morocco, marbled Southern Publishing Assn., Nashville, Tenn.;
ing volume on the life of Christ, mag- edges, $3.50; morocco, gilt edges, $4.25. or your State Tract Society.
"Here is the Patience of the Saints: Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14: 12.

VOL. 81. WASHIN GTON, D. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. No. 52.

Stunted to The Proriamatton of "tile ened the very life of this advent move- direction to make it easy to reverse it,
Imo otter betturrett ment has been openly challenged and and the array of facts and figures con-
unto the *ainto- repudiated, and there has been a seeking cerning the increase of lawlessness, to
after the old paths, which is bringing which we have recently called attention,
back the old-time spirit of this message. constitutes a terrible indictment against
Review and Herald Publishing Association With this revival of faith and courage public morality. There is no power in
Terms: in Advance there has also been an increase of mis- the ethics and the philosophy of " the
One Year.... $1.50 Four Months .50 sionary zeal, and a more intelligent com- new evangelism " to cope with this
Eight Months. • 1.00 Three Months .40
Six Months .75 Two Months .25 prehension of the world-wide nature of situation, and peace congresses held by
No extra postage is charged to countries within the this work. The year has witnessed such nations which are steadily increasing
Universal Postal Union.
action on the part of some of the home their fighting power are not likely to
Address all communications and make all Drafts conferences as indicates a purpose to convert the world. The whole drift is
and Money Orders payable to —
REVIEW AND HERALD, 222 North Capitol St..
plan for really finishing the work in this toward the •battle of the great day. The
Washington, D.,C. generation. Finally, the reports thus only hope for the world is in the third
[Entered as second-class matter Augut 14, 1903, at far received seem to warrant the con- angel's message. This message, we are
the post office at Washington, D. C., under the ad of clusion that the recent week of prayer confident, will make rapid progress
Congress of March 3,1819.]
was a time of revival and preparation for during the coming year. If all the be-
greater things. The backward view re- lievers will heartily co-operate with
gittrocial veals mistakes and failures, but there are God's purpose concerning his people and
also victories and progress. Let us work at this time, the next twelve
Looking Backward profit by these experiences, as we face months may witness such a revelation
WITH the passing of the old year it is the conflicts which are yet to come. of the power and glory of God as has
natural, and perhaps profitable, to re- not been seen since apostolic times. For
view the record of 1904. Although we Looking Forward this the preparation has already been
can not change the past, we may be able WE are not prophets, but we have the
made. Only our own unfaithfulness will
to draw from it encouragement and words of the prophets. We are not star- defer or dim the glory. The time de-
warning for the future. It ought to be gazers and prognosticators, but we are mands whole-hearted service. Let the
clear to the observing and thoughtful expected to discern the signs of the coming year be filled with it.
that history is being made very fast in times. We should not attempt to be wise
" Come, let us anew our journey pursue,
these days. Events of great significance above what is written, but " the things
Roll round with the year,
follow each other in rapid succession, that are revealed belong unto us and to And never stand still till the Master
and the sensation of yesterday is over- our children." In the light, therefore, appear."
shadowed by the greater sensation of which is cast upon our situation by the
to-day. This has been true in almost sure word of prophecy, and by attending
What They Did in 1844
every line of human experience. In this to the voice of current events, we may
time of great light the minds of men be sure of some things in our forecast of THERE is a paragraph in one of Sister
have been • stimulated to wonderful the experiences of the coming year. We White's articles, designated for use
achievement, and the fruits of the in- have no ground to expect an improve- during the recent week of prayer, which
tense life have been seen in the whole ment in the general situation. On the ought not to be dismissed with a single
intellectual field. That which casts a contrary, we have every reason to ex- reading. It runs as follows: " Be al-
dark shadow over the whole picture is pect that " evil men and impostors shall ways ready; ' in such an hour as ye
the fact that the Bible and the God of wax worse and worse." There are no think not the Son of man cometh.' Go
the Bible have, with such increasing indications that there will be a genuine to your rest at night with every sin con-
emphasis, been refused their place as the revival of true religion among the great fessed. Thus we did in 1844, when we
inspiration and the power for good; and denominations of the day. The time of expected to meet our Lord. And now
as an inevitable consequence evil has be- false revivals is at hand, and they may this great event is nearer than when we
come more and more rampant. That appear at any time; 'but there can be no first believed. Be always ready, in the
control in human affairs which is often true repentance and turning to God evening, in the morning, and at noon,
called self-control, but which is really without a radical change in the whole that when the cry is heard, ' Behold, the
the restraining influence of the Spirit of attitude of Christendom toward the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet
God, has been in a large degree, re- fundamentals in Christianity,— the Bible him! ' you may, even though awakened
jected, and rapid progress has been made and the Lord's Christ. And the day of out of sleep, go forth to meet him with
in that experience which will finally their visitation seems not to have been your lamps trimmed and burning." There
demonstrate to the universe the true na- perceived. Those who do not wish to is a directness and a simplicity in this
ture of sin,— unrestrained sin,— sin in its be partakers of her sins must now come instruction which make the thought of
real hideousness. The year has also been out from a fallen church. The current the nearness of the coming of the Lord
marked by significant experiences in our in the social and political world has very vivid. That event is now to be
own work. That teaching which threat- gained too much headway in the wrong reckoned 'with by us just as it was by

the believers in 1844. Each day's ex- with " the newspapers will brand me as , The second quotation makes it clear
perience must now close with the posi- a heretic." that this conception of God as " a divine,
If any newspaper is surprised by this
tive assurance that we are justified by ever-present, all-pervading Intelligence"
confession, it must be ignorant of the
faith, and that we have peace with God outgivings of Dr. Abbott, and of the is emphatically anti-Christian. Here it
through our Lord Jesus Christ. This school of theology to which he belongs, is: —
must become a settled habit with us, so for a long time past, or be incapable of If God is an essence pervading all na-
that we may be always ready to meet the drawing an obvious logical conclusion. ture, then he dwells in all men; and in
This school of theology, the " New The- order to attain holiness, man has only
Lord, though he should come suddenly. ology," has given up the dogmatic to develop the power that is within him.
As we close the day with thanksgiving premises of the old theology, and accord- These theories, followed to their logical
and intercession, let this instruction be ing to past religious standards it is conclusion, sweep away the whole Chris-
remembered: " Go to your rest at night wholly heretical. Measured by those tian economy. They do away with the
with every sin confessed. Thus we did tests, it is as infidel as was Ingersoll necessity for the atonement, and make
himself, the difference between it and man his own savior.— " Testimonies for
in 1844, when we expected to meet our him being rather in form of statement the Church," Vol. VIII, page 291.
Lord." Sinners whose sins have all than in substance of thought. Years ago we were told that " all who
been confessed and forgiven will be Dr. Abbott tried to save himself at
Cambridge by saying, after making his value their eternal interests should be on
ready to hail the Bridegroom with joy.
formal pantheistic confession, " Yet God their guard against the inroads of
has a personality." He had described skepticism," and that " the very pillars
An Obvious Conclusion Acknowl- his divinity as the "one energy " which of truth will be assailed." The time has
edged " has always been working," and the
surely come when we ought to give
only possible attribute of personality he
ONE difficulty which we have found in hadaiven it was " intelligence." That most earnest heed to this instruction. In
dealing with the scientific infidelity which simply means that the " energy " the three messages of Revelation 14, as
has been thrusting itself upon us, with " works " through the laws of nature, God gave them to this people, we shall
the avowed purpose of supplanting well- and the science which knows no person- find " a solid, immovable platform."
ality in God would agree with him en-
established truths, has been the fact that tirely. Actually, there is as •much per- Here we can take our stand. " Woe to
it was so often clothed in language sonality in electricity as in Dr. Abbott's him who shall, move a block or stir a pin
capable of a double interpretation. " energy." of these messages. The true under-
The new views were often suggested Dr. Abbott, however, will be disap- standing of these messages is of vital
pointed in his expectation of being de- importance." It is our privilege and duty
rather than openly stated. By an
nounced as a heretic. The Presbyterian
apparently slight and plausible modi- clergyman who threw overboard the to give these messages to the world as
fication in the interpretation of familiar Westminster Confession is not haled for God has given them to us, without any
passages of Scripture, by abolishing trial as a heretic, but held tight in the of the interpretations of a pantheistic
any distinction between the physical embrace of his presbytery. The Union science.
Theological Seminary constructs an in-
and the spiritual, and by playing definite creed of its own, and there is
upon the twofold sense of some no outcry in the religious world. The
Ready to Respond
words, it has been possible to introduce miracle of the incarnation is explained Now and then a special appeal from
among us the beginnings of a system of away in nominally orthodox pulpits, and the mission fields makes very hard read-
reduced to a merely symbolic, a purely ing for some. For instance, Elder
teaching which, when logically devel-
imaginative significance, yet no trials for
oped, would overthrow the very founda- heresy result. Ketring last week told of the open door
tions of Christianity in general, and the Dr. Abbott himself had classed the in Peru — open, even though his meet-
third angel's message in particular. All prophets of the Old Testament with con- ings are held behind closed and barred
this teaching would have carried with it, temporary men of genius, yet nothing doors — and added this appeal: —
was done to him and no expressions of 0 that God would move upon the
in large degree, its own antidote, if the surprise at his conclusions were heard. hearts of some faithful, God-fearing
conclusions involved in the first posi- And now, also, when he makes bold to workers to come here to help give the
tions had been openly avowed. Here declare to Harvard students his square last message of mercy to this, people!
was the difficulty. The premises were pantheism, there will be no excitement
in any quarter. Everybody who knew That stirring call, we know, must have
stoutly maintained, but the conclusions
anything about his school of religious been hard reading for one consecrated
were either denied or so carefully hidden thought knew very well already that its worker in the northwest, who has had a
under a veneering of truth that many reasoning was pantheistic. heavy burden for the west coast of South
were being deceived. All the same, ought such a man to be
occupying the pulpit of a Christian America, and has longed for the word to
Some of the advocates, however, of
church founded on belief in a "great go. So it is with appeals from many a
this new , philosophy are beginning to first Cause" and on belief in the fact of field. Hearts are stirred to respond.
acknowledge the inevitable conclusions the incarnation and in something more The Lord has been preparing recruits
of their premises. One of these is Dr. than mere " energy," even if it be an
Lyman Abbott, of New York. His " intelligent energy " ? Ought he not to for the service, and while awaiting their
be on a platform wholly independent of time to go into the fields many have been
present position and its real meaning, as
religion as it was •once conceived to be ? learning lessons of patience which will
well as its relation to a kind of teaching
which is quite familiar to us, is so clearly In this connection it seems appropriate prove valuable when their time does
presented in an editorial in a recent to call attention to two brief extracts come.
from the spirit of prophecy. The first It seems assured that the week-of-
issue of the New York Sun, that we prayer season will introduce a year of
quote it entire. It is entitled " The Con- one shows that much of the religion of
fession of Dr. Abbott: —" the present day is heathenism in dis- deeper interest in missions than any year
guise. It reads as follows: — preceding. This will mean advance
Dr. Lyman Abbott announced in a moves, and response to calls for fresh
sermon to Harvard students on Sunday The god of many professedly wise recruits. From various parts we hear of
[December 18] that he no longer be- men, of philosophers, poets, politicians,
lieves in " a great first Cause." " My journalists,— the god of polished fash- members engaged in business who are
God," he said, " is a great and ever- ionable circles, of many colleges and uni- inquiring how best to get into needy
present force." That is, he has become versities, even of some theological in- fields as self-supporting missionaries.
a pantheist. The confession seemed to stitutions,— is little better than Baal, the The camp is astir. The Lord is making
him so startling that, after having made sun-god of Phenicia.—"Great Contro- his people willing in this day of his
it, he declared his expectation that forth- versy," page 583., power. w. A. S.

What Has Been Accomplished bear to the world which will reveal a Such figures impress us with the fact
personal God and a divine Saviour, that war is going on in our earth not
A WRITER who has evidently given
some careful thought to the question which will teach the necessity of a alone in far-off Manchuria or Africa,
has prepared the following summary thorough conversion, which will not dis- but at our very doors and under condi-
statement of the results of the " New count prayer and faith, and which will tions of nominal peace. The spirit of
Theology " in contrast with old- emphasize the fact that there is a hell to selfishness which fills the world is ac-
fashioned Christianity : — shun and a heaven to win. This is the companied everywhere by lawlessness
testimony of the third angel's message. and strife, which oftentimes produce re-
A pantheistic god, instead of a per-
sults but little short of those attending
sonal God.
A human savior, instead of a divine Violence in Labor Conflicts a military campaign. There is a vast
Saviour. STATISTICS prepared by Mr. Slason amount of nominal peace, but very little
Infallible scholarship, instead of an in- real peace, in the world.
fallible Bible. Thompson, and published in The Out-
look, of violence attending labor con- As it was just prior to the first
" Modern thought," instead of a " Thus
saith the Lord." flicts, show a total of 198 persons killed, destruction of the world, in the days of
A development of religious ideas from 1,966 persons injured, and 6,114 arrests Noah, when " the earth was filled with
the human mind, instead of a revelation made in the United States in •connection violence," so it is to-day, and we know
from God. that the earth is ready for a second
The natural in all things, the super- with such conflicts for two years and
nine months ending Sept. 30, 1904. visitation of the wrath of God.
natural in nothing. L. A. S.
Reformation, instead of regeneration. These figures are the outcome of an
Culture, instead of conversion. inquiry " instituted to secure the concrete
A change of environment, instead of An Indefinite Sabbath
facts, if possible, and some reliable data
a change of heart.
The energy of the flesh, instead of as to the mortality through the unceasing IN an argument to prove that the first
prayer and faith. war which labor unions have been day of the week is the Christian Sab-
Interest in the secular, instead of zeal waging in the United States during bath, Rev. R. C. Wylie, a prominent ad-
for religion. recent years." " The difficulty of Ob- vocate of Sunday legislation, says that
Nobody afraid of hell, and nobody
taining anything like full statistics of " the expression in the fourth command-
caring much about heaven.
Everybody coming out right anyhow, the violence attending strikes," Mr. ment ' The seventh day is the Sabbath
and nobody on the wrong track except Thompson says, makes it certain that of the Lord thy God' can not refer to
those who cling to the faith once deliv- these figures greatly understate the the seventh day of the week or Saturday,
ered to the saints. truth. Nor do they, he adds, " begin but to the seventh, after six days of
Those who are acquainted with the to tell the whole harrowing tale of vio- labor. . . . The fourth commandment
situation as it exists in the religious lence and outrage attending strikes fixes nothing as to the day of the week
world to-day, and have not been in- during the period mentioned," as " may to be observed. It is just as applicable
fatuated with these satanic sophistries, be judged from the fact that in the no matter what day of the week the rest
know that this summary is altogether State of Pennsylvania alone, between day falls upon."
too true. There is no compromise be- May 1 and Nov. 3, 1902," in connection Is it not strange that men who stren-
tween these two systems of teaching. with a " peaceable " strike, " there were uously insist that there should be a
They can not stand together. The one thirty occupied dwellings dynamited; definite fixed weekly Sabbath, appointed
which holds its ground must overthrow forty trains obstructed or wrecked; four and enforced by law, for the people of
the other. For twenty years the struggle dams and bridges dynamited; scores of this day, should contend that God left
has been going on in the so-called ortho- houses burned, stoned, shot into, or the world for thousands of years to ob-
dox churches, but now the " New otherwise attacked; unnumbered riots serve the Sabbath by keeping any one
Theology " claims to be orthodox, and and assaults with clubs, stones, and day in seven after six days of work, as
is ruthlessly demolishing " the founda- other weapons; cattle poisoned, doctors might suit their preference or conve-
tions of many generations." forbidden to attend the sick, ministers nience? The Bible says that " God is not
Those who have been called out under boycotted for ministering to the dying." the author of confusion; " but either this
this message are to refuse these per- In this work Mr. Thompson has had in statement must be wrong or Dr. Wylie
versions of the truth of the gospel, mind two questions `put to him by Mr. must be in error in charging God with
whether advocated without or within this John Mitchell, president of the United the authorship of a system of Sabbath
denomination. " Words of power have Mine Workers of America: " Can observance which would allow men to
been sent by God and by Christ to this strikes be conducted without violence?" have as many different sabbaths as there
people, bringing them out from the and, " Can they succeed when not ac- are days in the week.
world, point by point, into the clear light companied by lawlessness ? " — which The fourth commandment states as the
of present truth. With lips touched with questions Mr. Mitchell answers with a reason for keeping the Sabbath, the fact
holy fire, God's servants have proclaimed positive " Yes." Mr. Thompson, how- that in six days the Lord made heaven
the message. The divine utterance has ever, finds himself led to a different con- and earth, and rested the seventh day.
set its seal to the genuineness of the clusion. " Unfortunately," he says, This made the week, and the Sabbath
truth proclaimed. . . . Let not erroneous " stern and inexorable facts which I have day was and is necessarily the seventh
theories receive countenance from the gathered from every section of the day of the week. And so long as this
people who ought to be standing firmly Union prove that if strikes can be con- division of time was observed by all,
on the platform of eternal truth. God ducted without violence, without as- there could be but one day observed as
calls upon us to hold firmly to the funda- saults, without lawlessness, without the Sabbath. It would be necessary to
mental principles that are based upon un- riots and murder, they are not, and, with violate God's law before any new weekly
questionable authority." rare and insignificant exceptions, they cycle of time could be set up. Every
Those who believe in an inspired and never have been." " A strike without other weekly rest day than the seventh
infallible Bible, and have been kept on violence of some sort is a barren ideality day of the primeval week, must rest on
the straight line of truth by the warn- that exists only in the minds of self-de- a foundation of disobedience to God.
ings and instruction coming through the ceived sentimentalists, professional agi- Is it not strange also that any intelli-
spirit of prophecy, have a testimony to tators, and unsophisticated economists." gent person should make this further

statement of Dr. Wylie's that " it is be that the responsibilities created by these distant lands, and their hearts re-
clear that the Jewish Sabbath was re- the growth of this cause all fall upon sponded in love and self-sacrifice. They
pealed, but not the fourth command- those Who go to mission fields. Those obeyed the command of the great Gen-
ment"? If, before there was any other who go must cut loose from everything eral, " Go ye into all the world, and
Sabbath day than that observed by the in this world. They must provide for preach the gospel to every creature."
Jews, that Sabbath had been repealed, the care of aged parents, young brothers Forgetful of their own personal inter-
and if, as Dr. Wylie says, that Sabbath and sisters, and helpless, dependent rel- ests, they have gone abroad to render
could be repealed without repealing the atives. They must dispose of, or leave service to their fellow men. The ques-
fourth commandment, then the fourth in the hands of others, their homes, tion of their support they have left with
commandment could have existed with- which represent the careful savings of the Lord and their brethren. The Lord
out any Sabbath at all, and the Sabbath years of toil. They must leave a coun- will surely do his part; and we brethren .
and the fourth commandment are in- try whose people, language, and customs will do ours. Thank God for this loy-
dependent of each other! Such state- they understand, and go where every- alty ! A. G. DANIELI.S.
ments are noteworthy only as illustrating thing is new and strange. They must
the blindness into which men are led by leave the many comforts, advantages, A Lesson from Israel
clinging to an unscriptural doctrine. and safeguards of modern, advanced
" ALL these things happened unto
L. A. S. civilization, and place themselves where
them for ensamples: and they are
they will be exposed to heat and cold,
written for our admonition, upon whom
Special Divine Protection and disease, without proper protection,
the ends of the world are come."
IN view of the fact that, on an and be deprived of educational and other
The Lord had harkened unto the
average, about twenty thousand persons advantages they and their children need.
cries of his oppressed people. He had
are killed by snake bites every year in They must cut themselves off from what
brought them " forth out of Egypt with
India alone, and thousands slain by wild appears to be a visible means of sup-
a mighty hand, and with an outstretched
beasts, the following report by a student port, and cast themselves on the good-
arm." Patiently and tenderly he had led
of missionary history is worthy of will and loyalty of the believers in this
them through the wilderness. His
special emphasis: — message who do not go.
people had sometimes murmured at trial
It is a notable fact that though mis- This is what the triumphant progress
and difficulty, but invariably their
sionaries, especially those in India and of this cause in the world means to those
Africa, are constantly exposed to danger mighty Leader had wrought for them a
who go to the front. What does it mean wonderful deliverance. And had Israel
by reason of wild beasts and venomous
reptiles, there is not, so far as the writer to those who stay at home? Have they
believed the Lord, and faithfully fol-
has been able to discover, a single case any special responsibilities? If so, what lowed where he desired to lead them,
on record of a missionary who has met are they? Those who remain at home in
they would soon have entered their
death in this way. The peculiar possession of property and of commer-
promises made to the seventy (in Luke possession.
cial advantages, must give of their " If the Lord delight in us," said
in: 19) and to the disciples (in Mark
16: 18) seem to have been wonderfully means to support those who have left Caleb and Joshua, " then he will bring us
fulfilled. all these. This is a vital, fundamental into this land, and give it to us. . . .
Times without number missionaries point in the great problem of foreign Only rebel not ye against the Lord,
have been in such peril from reptiles and missions. It is immensely practical. It neither fear ye the people of the land;
beasts that they were conscious of the can not be overlooked, forgotten, nor for they are bread for us: their defense
fact that only the special interposition of set aside except at the peril of our com- is departed from them, and the Lord is
God could have saved them. In such rades. Many connected with this cause, with us: fear them not."
times these promises have been very and who enjoy reading of its progress, What a blessing would have been
towers of refuge. God, from his throne do not realize what this means from a theirs, what reproach and bitterness and
in the heavens, actually sends angels to financial standpoint. Look at our situa- hardship might they have escaped, had
stand by and protect his servants. tion to-day. We have ministers, Bible the children of Israel harkened to the
W. A. S. workers, writers, teachers, physicians,
words of courage and trust spoken by
nurses, and canvassers in Canada, Mexico,
the faithful servants of God! But they
No, Not Too Late Central and South America, The West " entered not in because of unbelief."
AT the close of the week of prayer, Indies, Egypt, Africa, Palestine, Turkey, The heart of their Heavenly Father
letters come to our office containing India, Ceylon, China, Japan, the islands was grieved with the unbelief and dis-
donations in which the donors say, " I of the Pacific, and in other lands. These trust manifested by his children. He
hope this is not too late to go into the laborers are our own brethren and had desired them to open their mouth
Annual Offering to help make the eighty sisters (and brothers and sisters in the wide, that he might fill it. " But my
thousand dollars called for." Others flesh, too). They were once in our people would not harken to my voice;
earnestly ask, " Am I too late to have a midst. Now they are scattered all over and Israel would none of me. . . . They
part in making up the eighty thousand the world. They find perishing souls walked in their own counsels." How
dollars? " who are glad to get the light of the gos- pathetically sorrowful are the words
To all, we are glad that we can say it pel. They are devoting every hour of that follow: " 0, that my people had
is not too late to take part in swelling their time, and all their strength, wholly harkened unto me, and Israel had
the annual offering to the amount called to the proclamation of the truth. They walked in my ways ! I should soon
for. The remittances will be coming in are not farming, nor engaging in com- have subdued their enemies, and turned
for several weeks, and during that time mercial enterprises of any kind — not be- my hand against their adversaries. The
any gifts sent to the local conference cause they do not like to work, nor be- haters of the Lord should have sub-
treasury or to this office will be placed cause they are not able to make a living mitted themselves unto him: but their
in the fund. for themselves. When they were here time should have endured forever." Ps.
We still feel burdened to call upon our engaged in worldly business, they were 81 : 11-16.
brethren and sisters to consider seriously as industrious and successful -as any of
the grave .obligations that rest upon us; but their ears caught the earnest To Seventh-day Adventists a definite
those who remain at home. It can not appeals for help that are coming from work has been committed. Promises

have been made that will be realized if cutes them at his own will, owns per- tend to put international peace on a se-
sonally all the land, unless it be such cure footing. They do tend, on the
unitedly and courageously we will arise as has been previously cultivated by
to finish this work. More than four other hand, to make a nation feel ready
natives, and is in possession of all its
years ago the message came to us: — products, and has the profits of all its for war, and therefore more likely to
" Have faith in God. He gave me exports. Nothing like it is known in trust to the arbitrament' of the sword.
human government within regions fa-
the idea of giving Christ's Object
miliar to civilized men. It is required
Lessons' for the relief of the schools. that there should be a profit from this THE following paragraph is taken from
He is testing his people and institutions vast estate, and that profit comes from the forty-second report of the Comp-
in this thing, to see if they' will 'work the sale of rubber. Horrible cruelties troller of the Currency, just prepared for
together, and be of one mind in self- have been committed in compelling men transmission to Congress: —
to bring in rubber, even to the extent
denial and self-sacrifice. of mutilation, destruction of villages, and Statistics relating to the aggregate
" Let our institutions make every ef- stock of money in the principal coun-
the existence of practical slavery.
tries of the world at the close of the
fort to free themselves from debt. Let But when the matter of these atrocities calendar year 1903 have been received
every family arouse. Let the ministers was under consideration by the recent and compiled by the Bureau of the Mint,
of our churches and the presidents of Peace Congress in Boston, it was from which it appears that the aggre-
our conferences awaken. Then He will Cardinal Gibbons, the head of Roman gate is $12,313,100,000, the amount of
tell you what to do next." gold being $5,628,200,000, of which $2,-
Catholicism in this country, who came 892,600,000 is held in banks and public
We were also told that " if all will forward with a laudatory defense of treasuries, $2,526,000,000 being in gen-
take hold of the work in the spirit of King Leopold, because the latter is a eral circulation. The stock of silver
self-sacrifice, for Christ's sake and for " most Christian prince " of the Catholic aggregates $3,201,400,000, of which $2,-
the truth's sake, it will not •be long be- Church. In this incident the papacy ap- 268,700,000 is " full tender " and the
remaininer $932,700,000 limited tender.
fore the jubilee song of freedom can pears in its true •character. Uncovered s paper currency is stated as
be sung throughout our borders." The subject is to 'be brought before amounting to $3,483,500,000. Of the
Some, yes, •many of our people have the United States Senate by petition total stock of money in the world $2,-
responded to 'this call. We can not esti- from various organizations, and the 500,200,000, or approximately one fifth,
mate the great blessings that have come Senate will be asked to urge upon the is held in this country. The stock of
gold of the United States, $1,320,400,000,
to individuals and to our institutions as powers responsible for the existence of is greater than that of any other coun-
a result of the self-sacrificing efforts the Kongo State such action as will at try, and is nearly one fourth of the
that have been put forth. But have we least mitigate the evils which oppress world's stock. The amount of silver is
not stopped short of the mark that has that land. L. A. S. $679,200,000.
been set before us? Our schools are When reading the statement that ap-
not yet freed from debt. Shall we as a proximately one fifth of • the world's
people remain satisfied in the position Nrit and Comma stock of money is held in the United
of the one who put his hand to the plow, States, we should remember that a com-
and then turned back? A MASS-MEETING to promote the cause paratively few men control the finances
We have now reached a time for of international peace was •held in New of this country. This is the oligarchy of
another mighty effort to complete the York City, December 6, under the direc- wealth — almost immeasurable money
work of " rolling back the reproach." tion of the New York executive com- power in the hands of a limited number.
Let us hear in mind the experience of The possibilities of such a situation are
Israel, that we may not, because of mittee of the American. Conference on
International Arbitration. A number of tremendous. It is one of the signs of the
doubt, discouragement, or inactivity,
fail to receive 'the promises of God. Let times.
speakers were heard, 'but the only speech
us keep the high mark before us, work- reported was that of Archbishop Ireland,
ing earnestly and prayerfully, and it will AN indication of the readiness of Prot-
who uttered a eulogy on peace, but closed
not be long till "the jubilee song of estants and Catholics to join hands in
freedom can be sung throughout our his address by saying: —
borders." W. C. WHITE. Meanwhile let us be practical. We the cause of Sunday enforcement, ap-
are yet far from the ideal. America may pears in a recent issue of The Defender,
strive for the best, but until the best is organ of the New England Sabbath Pro-
The Barbarities of a Christian secured beyond peril, she must be ready tective League, which quotes from a
Prince for the worst, and so long as war is still strong " pastoral letter " against Sunday
possible, so long as it remains the sole
IN a recent issue of The Independent desecration, written by Archbishop Bru-
arbitrament in defense of vital interests,
reference is again made to the atrocities so long must America put faith in her chesi, of Montreal. Among the reasons
reported from the Kongo Free State, army and navy. given by the archbishop and published
which come based upon evidence that can The thing which the nation is urged to by this Protestant journal against such
not be disregarded. This journal do just now, therefore, is to provide an desecration is the following: —
says: — army and navy which can be depended Do you not see that these amusements
Notwithstanding all the efforts made on to do good service in case of war. organized 'by greedy speculators lead
to blind the public as to the atrocities To get ready to fight is, in spite of all hundreds of people to the desertion of
committed by the Belgian authorities in the mass, the abandonment of the sacra-
the Kongo State, they seem to be proved the peace talk, the practical thing. The ments, to ignorance of the truths of
beyond all question, and they have been nations of the Old World started out on faith, to the destruction of the family tie,
of a horrible character. It is not suffi- , this pathway to peace a long time ago, and to the weakening if not extinction of
cient to say that atrocities are likely to but peace is still far off. They created good morals?
occur sporadically in a settlement of armies and navies to 'be " prepared for The class of Protestants for whom The
any new country. That is true, and yet
the worst," and to-day Europe is likened Defender speaks are apparently ready to
there seems to be a system about this
which indicates heartless management. to a powder-magazine which requires indorse the papal institution of the mass
The Kongo Free State is not a free only a spark to produce an explosion. and the religious system centering
state at all. There is absolutely no The equilibrium of peace in Europe is around it, if the cause of Sunday ob-
freedom in it. It is the most extreme servance is to be served thereby, and
exceedingly unstable. America, it would
example of government by a single man,
and that man the king of the Belgians. seem, might learn from Europe the Roman 'Catholics are ready to co-
He rules everything, makes all laws, exe- lesson that armies and armaments do not operate with them upon this basis.

has been with God, and has drawn near if he has a living connection with God,
mud Ai tirlt5 to him in fervent, effectual prayer. The the Holy Spirit takes the word, and
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are Holy Spirit has fallen upon him, his soul shows it to those for whom he is labor-
honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things ing.
are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever has felt the vital, heavenly fire, and he
things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if will be able to compare spiritual things Light, light from the Word of God,
there be any nu:se, think on these things." Phil. 4 :8.
with spiritual. Power will be given him —this is what the people need. If the
"la the Time of Trouble He Shall
to break down the strongholds of Satan. teachers of the word are willing, the
Hide Me." Ps. 27: 5 Hearts will be melted and subdued by Lord will lead them into close relation
his presentation of the love of God, and with the people. He will guide them to
LAY not, my soul, thy grief too much to many will inquire, " What must I do the homes of those who need and desire
When God doth empty thee, he (loth to 'be saved?" the truth; and as the servants of God
impart My brethren, seek God in earnest engage in the work of seeking for the
Himself, in place of earthly joys re- prayer, that when you stand before the lost sheep, their spiritual faculties are
moved; people, you may realize the solemnity awakened and energized. Knowing that
When he thy love and trust in him hath of the message that you are about to they are in harmony with God, they feel
proved, bear. Talk simply and to the point. joyous and happy. Under the guidance
Lie still, my soul, nor dare to think him Let your discourses be short. Handle of the Holy Spirit, they obtain an ex-
hard, only a few points, saving your strength perience that is invaluable to them.
Lest thou, by murmuring, his work re-
for house-to-house work. Ministers too Their intellectual and moral powers at-
often give lengthy discourses. The tain their highest development ; for
Think'st thou thy God can ever make minds of the people are wearied by such grace is given in answer to the demand.
mistake? discourses, and the truth loses its ef- I was shown two Bible workers seated
Or cause thee needless sorrow to par- fect upon them. Let the teacher of the in a family. With the open Bible before
take? Word first talk with God. Then he can them, they presented the Lord Jesus as
Is this thy Father's love which once did stand before the people •with the Holy the sin-pardoning Saviour. Their words
give Spirit working upon his mind. were spoken with freshness and power.
His Son to die, that thou in him might'st Earnest prayer was offered to God, and
live? The Lord desires that the truth shall
In this, and all his dealings of to-day, come close to the people, and this can hearts were subdued by the softening
He only seeks to burn thy dross away. be accomplished only by personal labor. influence of the Holy Spirit. As the
Much is comprehended in the command, Word of •God •was explained, I saw that
Return, •my soul, " return unto thy rest," " Go out into the highways and hedges, a soft, radiant light illumined the Scrip-
And trust thy God to order what is best; and compel them to come in, that my tures, and I said softly, " Go ye out into
To his kind arms thy welcome is most house may •be filled." There is a work the highways and hedges, and compel
sure, to be done in this line that has not yet them to come in, that my house may be
His heart of love hath solace firm and filled."
pure : been done. Let God's workers teach
Therein, e'en now, thy faith can surely the truth in families, diawing close to These workers were not boastful, but
read those for whom they labor. If they humble and contrite, realizing always
In " paths of righteousness " thy God thus co-operate with God, he will clothe that the Holy Spirit is the efficiency of
doth lead. them with spiritual power. Christ will every worker. , Under the influence of
guide them in their work, entering the the Spirit, indifference vanished, and
And when thou knowest as thou here art houses of the people with them, and giv- an earnest interest was manifested. The
known, ing them words to speak that will sink precious light was communicated from
In deep humility thou then shalt awn neighbor to neighbor. Family altars
That what in time was grievous unto thee deep into the hearts of the listeners.
Exceeding gain hath wrought eternally. The Holy Spirit will open hearts and that had been broken down were again
Then rest thee in thy Father's choice minds to receive the rays coming from erected, and many souls were won to
to-day, the source of all light. the truth.
To guide thy steps in his appointed way. There are families who will never be Teaching the Scriptures, praying in

1. — Selected. reached 'by the truth of God's Word

unless his servants enter their homes,
and by earnest ministry, sanctified by
families,— this is the work of the evan-
gelist, and this work is to be mingled
with preaching. If it is omitted, preach-
Words to Ministers the indorsement of the Holy Spirit, ing will, to a great extent, lie a failure.
MRS. E. G. WHITE break down the barriers. As the peo- Come close to the people by personal
IF the one who feels that he is called ple see that these workers are messen- efforts. Teach them that the love of
of God to be a minister will humble gers of mercy, the ministers of grace, God must come into the sanctuary of the
himself and learn of Christ, he will they are ready to listen to the words home life.
become a true gospel teacher. There spoken by them. But the hearts of Take no glory whatever to yourself.
should be among our ministers less those who do this work must throb in Do not work with a divided mind, try-
sermonizing and more tact to educate unison with the heart of Christ. They ing to serve God and self at the same
the people in practical Christianity. must be wholly consecrated to the serv- time. Keep self out of sight. Let your
The people must be impressed with the ice of God, ready to do his bidding, words lead the weary and heavy laden
fact that Christ is salvation to all who ready to go wherever his providence to carry their burdens to Jesus. Work
believe. "'God so loved the world, that sends them, ready to speak the words as seeing Him who is at your right
he gave his only begotten Son, that he gives them. And if they are what hand, ready to give you his efficiency
whosoever believeth in him should not God desires them to be, if they are and omnipotent power in every emer-
perish, but have everlasting life." imbued with his Spirit, they co-operate gency. The Lord is your counselor,
There are grand themes on which the with heavenly agencies, and are indeed your guide, the captain of your salva-
gospel minister may dwell. Christ has laborers together with God." tion. He goes before your face, con-
said, " He that believeth on me, bath When such a worker offers prayer quering and to conquer.
everlasting life." to God in the family where he is visit-
If the minister's lips are touched with ing, the hearts of the members are
a coal from the altar, he will lift up touched as they would not be by prayer THE man who never makes any mis-
Jesus as the sinner's only hope. When offered in a public assembly. Angels takes never makes anything. Many
the heart of the speaker is sanctified of God enter the family circle with him; chips, broken instruments, cuts and
through the truth, his words will be and the minds of the hearers are pre- bruises, belong to the history of any
living realities to himself and others. pared to receive the word of God; for beautiful statue. Persist in spite of
Those who hear him will know that he if the messenger is humble and contrite, everything.— Maltbie D. Babcock, D. D.

The Sanctuary* tirely with the Lord, and the Lord be- to be a reviving in the service of God.
gins to take the matter up, he will come I can not tell you how happy we used
closer and closer until there will be a to be when we obtained a knowledge
THE lamb offered had two lives. It
was as innocent when it was before the crisis in that soul, and the sooner we of these things in the time that I re-
can learn to humble ourselves before ceived them. About fifty years ago, I
priest as when it was gamboling upon
God, the sooner we shall be brought into remember one time a little boy was in
the mountainside. But when the sinner
the place where God can magnify him- a meeting that we were holding in a
confessed his sin upon its head, it was
self through us. private house, and a report of the work
transferred in the type to the animal.
When the Saviour was reviled, he of Elder Andrews, in Maine, was being
The sinful life was imputed to the ani-
".reviled not again; when he suffered, read, and •when about half-way through,
mal. So he had two lives,— the life of
he threatened not; but committed him- the reader stopped. This little fellow
innocency, and the life of sin that had
self to him that judgeth righteously." was listening with intense interest.
been transferred to him by the confes-
Let God manage matters; and if there Finally he said, " How many Sabbath-
sion of the sinner.
is a wrong on either side, the Lord will keepers were there?" He was watching
So Christ had a divine life when he
bring it around all right, and there will to see what had become of the pennies
came to this earth. He was as sinless
be a confession. He will come closer he had given to support the ministers,
when he hung upon the cross as when
and closer until a man will find himself and he wanted to know the results.
he came to this world, and yet he bore
cast into prison, and he can not get out We want to know the results, and we
our sins in his own body on the tree.
until he confesses everything, and then want to realize the blessing of God.
From the cross he entered heaven with
God will forgive the sin, and bring him This deep searching of heart must
his own blood, there to appear in the
into favor with himself. come first right home to ourselves; and
presence of God for us. He died for
In the sixteenth of Leviticus we have when we get a fresh experience con-
us in our stead, that he might pay the
the typical work illustrating the final tinually, and learn the art of trusting in
penalty for all. By faith the sinner
disposition of sin. The sinner brought God and hiding in him, we shall have
sees him within the veil. The sins are
two goats. One of them was the Lord's something sweet in the third angel's
carried there. The life of faith trans-
goat, and was to be slain for the people; message. We shall find that our great
fers the sin. Christ is the Lamb of
the other was called the scapegoat. The High Priest, who is ministering in the
God that takes away the sin of the
scapegoat was to bear off the sins on court of heaven, will regard us; for I
world. Christ is our life. He is our
the day of atonement, which was a type read that he sees every soul on earth.
salvation. Ever since man fell, he has
of the day of judgment. An individual he numbers the hairs of our head, and
been bearing the sins of the people, but
might have served the Lord faithfully knows every sorrow, and every tear that
the time comes when, in the investiga-
the three hundred and sixty-four days in is shed. May God help us, brethren
tive judgment, he will bring out these
the year, but when the tenth day of the and sisters, that we may get a fresh
sins. When I think of it in this light,
seventh month came, he must afflict his hold upon heaven.
I feel like falling, trembling, before God
soul, with fasting and prayer, and must Now, I have made up my mind that
and lifting up a prayer that he would
examine his own heart. He must also if I fail of going through to the king-
discover to me everything that is unlike
refrain from doing any work on that dom, it will be because I lose my in-
my Saviour; because I see plainly that
day. His appetite must he brought un- terest, which I never mean to do. Well,
unless I have an interest in. this work
der complete control. It must be a day says one, what do you do when diffi,
and meditate upon it, I am likely to pass
of holy convocation. In the New Tes- culties come? — Hide under the shadow
over wrong traits of character that will
tament we have a warning given to us of the wings of the Lord; try to get
be seen by God, but not by me. I am
in the closing of this work when our a little closer to the Lord; commit all
anxious to have my sins forgiven, every
High Priest is in the heavenly sanc- troubles to him. Lay the cross and per-
one of them. Let me give you a text
tuary. He urges us not to forget the plexities at his feet, and leave them
in the New Testament on confession:
assembling of ourselves together, but there; and when I do that, I find that
" Ye have heard that it was said by
to exhort one another, and so much the God takes care of it all. Most wonder-
them of old time, Thou shalt not kill;
more as we see the day approaching. ful answers to prayer we have had when
and whosoever shall kill shall be in
How is it in our churches, when our difficulties came, and it seemed as if
danger of the judgment: but I say unto
prayer-meeting comes? Do we forget every way possible was hedged up. We
you, That whosoever is angry with his
the assembling of •ourselves •together ? would take the matter to the Lord, and
brother without a •cause shall he in
Has our love grown cold? I want to what appeared to us to be miraculous
danger of the judgment; and whosoever
tell you, my brethren, our love must be openings would come all at once. We
shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be
revived. We are to repent and do our have a God that is in heaven, and at
in danger of the council: but whoso-
first works, and be more earnest as we his right hand is our Saviour, who min-
ever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in
near the approaching day. isters in holy things. He has a tender
danger of hell fire. Therefore if thou
Well, says one, what about eating? care for his people. I wish I could
bring thy gift to the altar, and there
Does not the Saviour warn the people tell you how, at times, it seems that the
rememberest that thy brother hath aught
against eating and drinking as they did love of God has been manifested to us.
against thee; lave there thy gift before
the altar, and go thy way; first be rec- before the flood? In the twenty-first Of all the people on the faCe of the
onciled to thy brother, and then come chapter of Luke, when he speaks of the earth; we ought to be thankful. Thank
and offer thy gift. Agree with thine time of the day of atonement, he says, the Lord for trials. You would not know
adversary quickly, whiles thou art in " And take heed to yourselves, lest at whether you trusted in God or not if
the way with him; lest at any time the any time your hearts be overcharged you did not get into straightened places
adversary deliver thee to the judge, and with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and where it required an infinite arm to lift
the judge deliver thee to the officer, and cares of this life, and so that day come you out. I need strength every mo-
thou 'be cast into prison." Matt. 5: 21- upon you unawares." We are not to ment of my life. I need a blessing con-
25, If, when I pray, I remember that let the •cares of life take the time we tinually to keep me on the way to
my brother has aught against me, even should spend in serving God. The tes- heaven, 'but I know we have a High
timony of the spirit of prophecy says Priest in heaven.
if I have given him no occasion to have
anything against me, it is my duty to go that God can make twenty acres more Now let me suggest one more thought:
to him and make everything right. If productive than a hundred. Why not Some of the most remarkable instances
we do not do our part, the Lord will try it? Why not be in earnest in study- of answer to prayer that are to be found
straighten it out. When it is left en- ing the Bible and in having our case in the Bible, were when prayer was of-
presented to the Father, so that we shall fered toward the sanctuary, as mentioned
* A sermon preached by Elder S. N. take more time for the service of God in the twentieth chapter of Second
Haskell, at College View, Neb., Sept. 24, 1904. than we have in the past? There needs Chronicles. Why was Daniel cast into

the lions' den? — For praying with his with, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will History of the Early Advent
windows open toward the sanctuary in not open you the windows of heaven, Awakening in China — No. 2
Jerusalem. He turned his face to the and pour you out a blessing, that there
Saviour, who sits at the right hand of shall not be room enough to receive it." The Doctrines Advocated
the Father, by recognizing the sanctuary All can see there is a difference be- 5. 0. CORLISS
on earth. Do you have temptation that tween bringing a tenth part of the tithe THE followers of Hung-sew-tseuen
you are not strong enough to withstand? into the treasure-house, as advised by called themselves at first Shangte-hzvin,
Go with them to the Lord. Turn your Nehemiah, and bringing all the tithes, that is, the " Society of God." So long
face to the Saviour of the world, who or the whole tithe, into the storehouse, as they retained this name, their work
sits at the right hand of the God of the as required now by the Lord's prophet. was wholly religious; 'but through an,
universe. The missionary spirit under the unfortunate train of circumstances, they-
Aaronic priesthood was generally al- were led to seek the government of the
Tithes Under Two Priesthoods lowed to run very low. During that pe- empire, and for two reasons: First, they
WM. COVERT riod the priests and Levites gave much gathered from the study of the prophetic
WHEN Abraham met Melchisedec, attention to building up their " state and scriptures that a Tien-Kwor, or heav-
priest of the most high God, " he gave nation," but usually excluded the Gen- enly kingdom, was soon to come, which
him •tithes of all." Gen. 14: 20. The tiles from their religious services. About would transform the kingdoms of this
Aaronic priesthood, with its theocracy a tenth part of their tithe was expended world into the kingdom of Christ. So
and its Levitical services diverting a in their evangelistic work, but the other anxious were they to see this accom-
large share of the tithe from the direct part of mankind was for the most part plished, that they sought to assist in its
evangelistic work; had not then been in- excluded from a share in that. Follow- realization.
augurated; therefore Melchisedec, the ing what they evidently supposed was In order to !bring this about they be-
priest, received it all. proper, they appropriated almost the en- lieved that their first step should be to
Under the Aaronic priesthood the tire tithe of the nation upon themselves. secure the expulsion of the hated Man-
Levites received the tithe, and then car- Is there not danger of Seventh-day Ad- chu tyrants, who, for two centuries, had'
ried a tenth part of that which they ventists in some measure doing the same usurped the throne of their nation.
received up to .the storehouse. The fol- thing now? We must guard against This accomplished, they believed the
lowing scripture tells how this matter this by going right out among the people way would be open to subvert the idol-
was managed under the instruction of with the message for this time. We atrous system then in vogue, and to in-
Nehemiah: " And the priest the son of should seek God unceasingly until we corporate the whole nation into one em-
Aaron shall be with the Levites, when are unified with the love of Christ in pire of " universal peace." This led
the Levites take tithes : and the Levites hunting for the lost. The church of them to adopt the name, or style, of
shall bring up the tithe of the tithes Christ should bear within its bosom a Tae-ping-teen-kwoh, which means,
unto the house of our God, to the cham- mighty burden for the unsaved. Those " Celestial Kingdom of Universal'
bers, into the treasure-house." Nieh. whose minds enter within the veil to Peace."
1o:38. counsel with our High Priest will be- The second reason for their attempt
There was 'much work done by the come imbued with the spirit of holy zeal, to change the form of civil government,
Levites under the theocratic govern- and will proceed to do something def- was to secure the privilege of meeting
ment and in the temple service from inite and decisive in the way of saving for public worship, which had been de-
Moses to Christ, which did not have a souls. Our Priest and Captain com- nied them shortly after the opening of
parallel in the Lord's work in the days mands, saying, "'Go ye into all the their persecution, which was briefly re-
of Melchisedec, nor does it have a coun- world, and preach the gospel to every ferred to in the preceding article of this
terpart in the Christian age. The dis- creature." His priesthood, work, and series. To secure what they believed
tinction between the two priesthoods method is " after the order of Melchis- to 'be their rights, an extensive organiza-
relative to the gathering and handling edec, and not . . . after the order of tion was finally effected in 1850, and
of the tithe is noted in the Hebrew let- Aaron." Hung-sew-tseuen was named king, with
ter, especially in chapter seven. There The tithe which Abraham brought to the title of Tae-ping, or " Grand Paci-
attention is called to the fact that Melchisedec, besides that which was ficator."
" Abraham gave a tenth part of all " from his personal account, was practi- Their general organization was main-
to Melchisedec, who was the Lord's cally the tithe of property by right be- tained much the same as was that of
priest at that time. It is also shown longing to various Gentile tribes of the early apostles of Christ. They had
that the Levites, through the transaction Palestine. The recital of the account a common fund, a common table, and a
of an ancestor, paid tithes to Melchis- indicates that the king of Sodom joined common object. Their earlier move-
edec, and yet under the terms of the with Melchisedec and Abraham in a ments were directed to the gathering
Aaronic priesthood the Levites re- divine service wherein " bread and of their scattered adherents from the
ceived the tithe from their brethren. wine " brought by Melchisedec was mountain fastnesses of surrounding re-
These statements are made to show a used in the ceremonies of the occasion. gions, and to collecting funds for their
contrast between the two priesthoods re- Since it is clear that the whole tithe cherished object. Their moderation and
garding the payee of the tithe. " And of God's people should be brought into courage at first brought them consider-
as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth the Lord's storehouse, or treasury, it fol- able success. At least one viceroy of
tithes, paid tithes in Abraham." Heb. lows that no individual or church has great influence was induced to join
7:9. any right to appropriate the tithe for any them in their work.
The prophet Malachai, who wrote purpose. It must pass through the reg- Notwithstanding the mistake the Tae-
prophetically with reference to the finan- ular channels which the Lord has pre- pings made in attempting to overthrow
cial obligations which would rest upon scribed for it. If churches or individ- the civil government, they tenaciously
Christians at this time, gave definite uals are using their tithes in paying held the Bible to be supreme, and man-
advice relative to tithe gathering and church expenses or in paying the salary ifested a desire to follow its teachings.
storage. As it applies to conditions that of teachers, they are out of harmony Indeed, they attempted to follow the
prevail under the priesthood of Christ, with the Lord's plan, and should correct very letter of the Old Testament in
it eliminates a Levitical feature of ap- their course without delay. It is dan- dealing with those whom they believed
propriations which was advised both by gerous to be found robbing God. Who- to stand in the way of •their establish-
Moses and by Nehemiah. The advice ever is withholding his tithe from the ing a theocracy in the earth.
and promises now are, " Bring ye all treasury of the Lord is doing that which But for all this, those who have writ-
the tithes [the whole tithe, R. V.] into is displeasing to God, and that person ten concerning this people, agree that
the storehouse, that there may be meat will some time wish that he had been their morals were unimpeachable. Sir
in mine house, and prove me now here- a faithful steward of the Lord's means. George Bonham relates that in a con-

versation with one of their princes, he Many there are who are following, not April. The pain in my side was ex-
asked the Englishman if he knew the because they take delight in service, but cruciating. The part was so swollen
" Heavenly Rules." Sir George, not because of the loaves and fishes. Of the that I could not put on my clothing. I
being sure of his ground, asked if they redeemed it is said, " They serve him tried hot fomentations, but consulted no
were ten in number. An affirmative day and night in his temple." The ques- doctor, as I could not afford one.
answer was given. Sir George then be- tion with them is not, " What shall we The fifth of April I seemed to be
gan to repeat some of the command- have therefore? " Their delight is in dying, and my family was sent for. The
ments, when the prince laid his hand on service, and their reward is the blessing physician was .called. Prayer was of-
the Englishman's shoulder, exclaiming, found in service. They • ask for no fered incessantly for me by our beloved
" The same as ourselves ! the same as greater reward than the privilege to Elder Tanner and by the members of our
ourselves ! " serve. They seek the kingdom of God, church, and I was spared at that time.
After the capture of Nankin by the making it first; and what the world seeks For weeks I was confined to my bed.
Tae-pings, it was reported that the im- for and works for God adds. There were days when it seemed that
perial troops had recaptured the city. When labor is a delight, men and the agony was more than I could bear. I
Dr. Medhurst met a man of that region women will find it an act of self-denial could not sit up, nor hold up my head.
and asked him, " Is it true that the to take a day off occasionally, even when It seemed as if the spine were affected;
imperialists have retaken Nankin?" necessary; for it is their meat to do the and the severe swelling, almost dropsi-
With a derisive smile, he answered, will of him that sent them, and to finish cal in appearance, did not subside.
" No ! they will never take it! " his work. To this class will be afforded I called in the doctor one day, and
" Why ? " asked the missionary. " Be- the privilege of serving him day and pleaded with him to help me. He told
cause," was the reply, " those who have night in the temple. Only those who me that nothing could 'be done. When
taken Nankin are Sabbath men." would take delight in serving him day he left, I was depressed for a short time.
" But what has that to do with it? " and night here.will be given the privilege Then I remembered the words of the
" Why, they worship Yesu." " Where of serving him day and night there. blessed Bible, " Put not your trust in
did they learn this? " " Do you know When labor becomes a delight, there princes, nor in the son of man," and,
Luslaff ?" (the name by which Gutz- is re-creation in it; there is health in it. believing that the Great Physician could
laff, the great missionary, was known) Unwilling workers can never be in pos- heal, I cried to him.
asked the native. " Yes, I know him." session of the best of health. There is My friends were solicitous about my
" Well, you know we used to go to his weariness and death in drudgery. Only suffering so much, and called another
house and hear him talk; and there are those who do with their might what doctor. He came two days later, and
many people in Quangshi and Quang- their hands find to do, and do it heartily examined me, but did not say much.
tung, worshipers of Yesu, ready to join as unto the Lord, can experience the The next day he sent medicine; but it
them." blessing there exists in labor; for "he brought no relief, and I continued to
." But," said the missionary, " how is giveth power to the faint; and to them grow worse. For two days and nights
it that these men are so cruel as to that have no might he increaseth the pain was incessant, and hot fomenta-
destroy the priests at Nankin? That is strength." There exists no excuse for tions, poultices, and mustard plasters
not like worshipers of Yesu." " Why any Christian to be idle. There is work were of little avail.
should they not destroy them? " asked in abundance. Only hirelings experience On Thursday evening, the second of
the other. " You know there is not difficulty to 'get work, because it is not June, I thought of asking for a physician,
such a set of vile scoundrels in the world work they are after. but did not do it. It seemed impossible
as they are. They corrupt our women to stand the pain. My heart was
and children, and no good can come weak, and I could scarcely speak.
My Experience Elder Tanner had prayed for me in the
while they are allowed to live."
M. HARRISON morning. Elder Beckner came to see
As to the meaning of the expression
HAVING received much valuable as- me. He had just returned from his
" Sabbath men," Dr. Medhurst says
sistance from time to time by reading journeys around the island. After a
that they kept their Sabbath on Satur-
the reports of the dear REVIEW family, little conversation with me, he asked if
day. Mr. E. C. Bridgman, also, in I feel impressed to send a testimony of I did not believe in the healing power of
writing of these peculiar people in the the wonderful way in which the Lord the Lord. I answered, that I surely did.
North China Herald of July 22, 1854, healed me in a recent illness. I trust He spoke of Peter's wife's mother, and
says: " Our Saturday we found observed the recital of this experience may in- gave these texts: Matt. 7 :.7; 18 : 19; I
by them as a Sabbath day." He refers crease the faith of many in the never- John 3:22 ; 5:14, 15. There were four
also to their forms of worship, saying failing word of our tender, loving Lord. in the room —one of our sisters, my
that some, of the people were exceed- In the early part of March I was youngest daughter, Elder Beckner, and
ingly reverent in their devotions. traveling, when an accident occurred as his wife. They knelt around the bed-
The commandments of God and the the train passed through a long tunnel. side. I was weak and exhausted. The
faith of Jesus seem to have been firmly The vibration caused a large boulder to poultices and plasters were removed. I
fixed in their minds, even though they be dislodged from the mountain, and it heard Brother Beckner's pleading prayer
made the fatal mistake of attempting fell nearly at the mouth of the tunnel. for me, a mother in Israel, that if it was
to be National Reformers. But more of The engine and two carriages were God's will, I should be healed now. I
this in the next. thrown off the track. When the carriage took up the prayer in a distinct voice.
came to a standstill, we could see what After prayer Elder Beckner said,
a merciful interposition of Providence it " Sister Harrison, do you believe in the
Do I Find Delight in Work? was• that we had not all been hurled over healing power of the Lord? " I answered,
D. H. KRESS, M. D. a fearful precipice. I could only praise " Yes, I do." He then took my hand,
CHRIST said what every child of God God. Of course there was quite a shock and said, " In the name of the Father
will say, " I delight to do thy will." So when the train stopped; but it was in and the Son and the Holy Ghost, Sister
fully was his heart in his work, that on being transferred from the wrecked train Harrison, I desire you to show your
one occasion when his disciples prayed to another that I received the injury to faith by rising." It seems wonderful,
for him to take time to eat, he said, my left side. but I rose to a sitting posture, and all
" I have meat to eat that ye know not When I arrived at the house to which my weakness, all the soreness, and the
of." " My meat is to do the will of I was going, I was in much pain, and swelling were gone. It was indeed a
him that sent me, and to finish his was also suffering from the shock to my miracle that the Lord had wrought for
work." nervous system. I returned to my home his •unworthy servant, and I was 'healed.
The spirit of the world has in a great in Kingston, Jamaica, and although I I have not words to express my grati-
measure been brought into the Christian was up and about for a few days, I tude to him. 0, the wonderful power of
church and into Christian institutions. suffered all the time, till the fifth of the Lord! Shall we not trust in that

Almighty power? Shall we not walk so ciety, whose work covers the Pacific tains the Sabbath-school lessons, and a
closely to him that in the time of need Coast countries of South America, has great deal of other good literature in the
we may call upon him, and he will hear? long been intensely interested in the Hungarian language. As there are many
The first doctor Who had visited me Quechua Indians, and has longed to Hungarians in America, we feel that
called in the evening, and I was able to reach them with the gospel. At last, by this little quarterly would be of great
tell him of my deliverance. I wrote to the generous help of a gifted Peruvian interest to these people, and that it
the other physician, and he said he lady, Madame Turner, as translator, he would be possible to get quite a good list
joined with me in praising the Lord, for has published for these people the for this paper there. In the missionary
my case was hard to diagnose, and still Gospels of Mark and Luke and John and campaign that you are beginning, why
more difficult to treat. the Acts of the Apostles.— Exchange. not think once in a while of the Hun-
The day after I was healed, I read the garians you have in America? The
account of Sister Pilquist's healing, as price of the paper is only two kroner
given in the REVIEW, and I felt that the -THE- (Austrian kronen) per year, or about
Lord was mighty. The one hundred and forty-one cents. The money-order should
forty-fifth psalm conveys the sentiments
of my heart.
MISSIONillq COMM be made out for two Austrian kronen,
payable to Huenergardt, Janos F.,'
Hungary, Budapest, VII, ker., Rotten-
Spreading the Message From Our Circulation Depart- 'biller-utca 4. b, II. em., 14. ajto. The
name of the paper is Az Arato (The
S. H. LANE ment Reaper). I hope you will do what you
THE ordained method of carrying the FROM the many encouraging words can for it."
gospel to the world is by the living mes-
received in every mail in behalf of the
senger, whom our Saviour commissions If any find it more convenient to do
REVIEW we quote the following: — so, orders may be placed with the
to preach the good news of salvation to " We have a small church; but every
all nations. All should become mes- Treasurer of the General Conference, at
member has access to the REVIEW." forty-five cents per year. The ac-
sengers, and in our work we should " We are work-
employ every lawful means to aid us in ing to place the
the dissemination of the truth. REVIEW in every
All can not stand in the pulpit and Sabbath - keeping
proclaim the truth publicly, but nearly home."
all can dispose of our reading-matter. " To us the RE-
We have reached the period of the VIEW is the very
year when the evenings are long, and heart of all means
people have leisure time in which to of communication
read; and as we are living in a read- open to the chil- Kradjekkfilall szemetlekeLerlissatak meg a tarlomaryotab
ing age, people will read, and we should
dren of God in
improve every opportunity to spread ourour onward
good literature. march 'to the
We should not depend on any one Val litsos folytoirat.
everlasting king- ntegielenik minden negyedevben.
season of the year to sell our books, but
dom. Each week
should press their sale at all times ; yet,
it brings personal I. evfolyarn. Budapest, 1904. oktober Hen. I. szam.
should any one period be more favorableletters to us from
than another, we should be on the alert
those we know and love. We read with companying cut is a reduction of the
to take advantage • of the circumstance.
much interest all the plans for work, and title-head of this new paper. There is
and press the sale of our books with aco-operate as fully as we can, and adapt an encouraging work going on in Hun-
commendable zeal. Our books are not` subscriptions to our resources and field gary, scores accepting the truth; and
especially designed as holiday books, but
of operation." no doubt many of this nationality who
they sell just as well for that purpose " I 'don't recall that the REVIEW has have come to America would be thank-
as other attractive books. The books, ever missed its weekly visit to our home ful indeed for religious literature from
" Steps to Christ," " Christ our Saviour,"
for over forty years. Our prayers are their home land. W. A. S.
" Mount of Blessing," " Paradise Home,"
that it may visit every Seventh-day Ad-
" Glorious Appearing," " Best Stories."
ventist home in the land, as no child of
and " Little Folk's Bible Nature " areGod can do without it." Is. It a New Thing?
excellent ones, and should 'be in the To illustrate the readiness with which
hands of the people. They sell readily.
Life and Health sells, we quote the IN a letter just received from one of
If these books have not been sold in your
following from a Colorado worker:— our brethren who has been helping the
neighborhood, take one or more of them, " I received the sixty copies day be- young people in their missionary effort,
and begin to sell them. The presenta- fore yesterday, and have sold them all he says: " Many people wonder what
tion editions of " Steps to Christ," except two,— sold most of them the new thing it is that makes young people
" Paradise Home," and " Best Stories,"first day. I could easily have sold the so enthusiastic."
are attractive books, and sell almost at
other two, and many more yesterday, These questioners probably forgot the
sight. but in the afternoon I could not work, young man Jonathan, who, with one
Write to your State agent or tract as my health is poor. It is a splendid helper, attacked the Philistine hordes
society about the matter, and obtain some
little journal, and is much appreciated. and put them to rout; the young man
suggestions as to how to begin the work, " AMY RAWLINSON." David, who slew a lion and a bear when
if you do not already know. Select your they threatened his father's flock, and
own•book, and became fully familiar with Goliath when he threatened the armies
the subject of which it treats, so you A New Paper of Israel. They forgot the spirit mani-
may explain the.tpature of the book in- THROUGH Brother G. Dail, secretary fested by the young man Joseph in a
telligently and eloquently. We are in of the General European Conference, corrupt king's court, and the enthusiasm
hopes that before the close of the winter
our Hungarian brethren ask our people for God's cause and house shown by the•
thousands upon thousands of our books hi America to make their new paper sixteen-year-old King Josiah.
may be placed in the hands of the peo-known among the many Hungarians in No, the spirit of enthusiasm shown by
ple. Who will aid in this good work? our young people and others in this
this, country. Brother Dail writes : —
" I ask you to call attention to the missionary campaign is not a new thing.
THE REV. ANDREW M. MILNE, the La small thirty-two-page Hungarian paper, It is as old as the gospel. Has it taken
Plata agent of the American Bible So- which we issue quarterly, and which con- possession of you? H. H. HALL.

dry, but soon found the water filling my

boots. I met a poor tramp on the road.
He was carrying his bed on his back, and
a billy in his hand — the way tramps
travel in this country. I tried to cheer
him with a kind word, but could get no
response. His highest motive seemed to
be to seek a little comfort and shelter
A Canvasser's Experiences in Record, and read: " Satan uses every from the storm; while joy was filling
New Zealand means in his power to lead the can- my heart as I thought of the glorious
D. A. OWEN vasser to take up some other line of future when the faithful ones will be
SOON after going to New Zealand, work. But this order of things must be gathered home. I made three calls on
where the sanitarium was being started, changed. God calls the canvasser back my way to the train, receiving four
I engaged in selling Herald of Health, to his work. He calls for volunteers orders. Although wet and shivering
and was enabled, with God's help, to who will put all their energy and en- during the ride of fifty miles, I had a
obtain over two thousand yearly sub- lightenment into the work, who will go warm heart. A hot bath at the sani-
scriptions, besides selling several thou- forth with love of Christ for those far tarium set me all right.
sand single copies, and over one hun- and near, who will sacrifice ease and I know our little trials by the way are
dred copies of " Christ's Object Lessons." pleasure. The promise is, The Lord scarcely worth mentioning: the Lord is
Some will remember me as one of the imparts a fitness for the work to every so gracious and kind, far better than we
pioneer canvassers in Canada. I am man and woman who will co-operate deserve. Those who engage in can-
now past sixty years of age, and am with divine power." vassing for our health literature may
glad to say that I have never lost in- As for difficulties by the way, when not see immediate results, yet they are
terest in the work, nor regretted that I overcome they are like green oases doing the work of John the Baptist in
sold my farm when I did, leaving all for strewn with roses. I will relate an inci- getting this reading-matter before the
Christ's sake. dent. One day, cold and muddy, dark- people, preparing the way for the gospel
On one occasion after completing a ness coming on, I wished to find lodging, message, and eternity will reveal the re-

The Situation In Korea

My previous report from Korea was
written the day after I arrived at
Chinampo. The next day we started to
make the tour of the places where the
truth had been presented. Brethren Lim
Ki Pan and Kang Chang 0 accompanied
us, as they had been with Brother
Kuniya from the first. We remained
over Sabbath at the village of Sondol,
and organized a church of thirty-two
members. Of these, eighteen had al-
ready received baptism, seven were
baptized at the time, and the remaining
seven were received subject to baptism.
The organization was completed by the
A NEW ZEALAND FARM selection of a full complement of of-
ficers. Brother Lim Ki Pan was chosen
canvassing tour along the foot of the and was told that the only place in the as one of the elders.
southern Alps, I took the homeward- neighborhood was the public house. I The believers at Sondol were formerly
bound train. A freight-train, loaded looked in. The strong odor of beer and members of the M. E. Church; but
with sheep, stood on the side-track, tobacco seemed too revolting. So when present truth was brought to their
bound for the freezing works, where as plodding on, I was made welcome with a village, nearly the whole church ac-
many as five thousand are killed and kind Christian• family. A rainy day fol- cepted the light, and began the ob-
frozen in a day. As the train moved lowed, and I remained the third night, servance of the true Sabbath. A few
along the Snow Cap mountain range, at being treated as an honored guest. But, rejected the light; and the American
my right as far as the eye could reach, strange as it may seem, the third night missionary in charge declined to allow
were stretched out the Canterbury the old gambling hotel was burned to the Sabbath-keepers to use the little
plains. Sparkling streams of cool water the ground. chapel for their meetings, although they
from the hills were conducted through At another time I was working on an had furnished about nine tenths of the
the paddock, where thousands of sheep elevated section between the hills, near means with which to build it. So our
were grazing; the line fences of hedge the village of Waikari. The houses members peaceably relinquished all claim
full of yellow bloom appeared, like being some distance apart, I crossed upon the church building. Then they
threads of gold. Separated by a mile paddocks, lifting my wheel over the selected a building committee, and
or two were clumps of eucalyptus, and wire and hedge fences. One morning at started a building fund. We regarded
pine-trees, showing where farmhouses a farmhouse, sausage, bread, and tea • it as a privilege to aid them in this
were located. I was reminded of the time seemed about all they had to offer me; effort; for, although the estimated cost
when Lot, lifting up his eyes, beheld all and at noon the kind-hearted woman had was only seventy-five dollars gold, or
the plains of Jordan so well watered. nothing more to offer than a plate of one hundred and fifty Japanese yen,
But what gladdened my heart the most rabbit and potatoes, and tea. Eating a equal to three hundred Korean on; yet
as I rode along was the thought that few potatoes, I found it was time to this amount in the depreciated currency
from farm to farm and from village to start for the train. This meant ten of Korea would doubtless mean as much
village, for fifty miles homeward, I had miles' ride on the bicycle, facing the to these people in their poverty as three
faithfully canvassed nearly every house. rain, and wading one stream, carrying hundred dollars would to people in
I had a copy of the Conference my wheel. I had hoped to keep my feet America. The little native chapels are

built much like their houses, with plement of officers was chosen, a church village or vicinity; numbering over thirty
earth floor, mud walls, and thatch building committee selected, and a fund persons, had learned about the true Sab-
roof. In the little church at Sondol, a started. Rondon is considerably larger bath and kindred truths; and then they
white curtain divides the room into two than the other villages mentioned, and is put in an urgent request that we visit
unequal parts; the larger, for the men, a promising field of labor. their village, instruct the people, and
contains the pulpit, and the smaller is From Rondon we returned to Chin- organize 'a church. We learned that
occupied by the women. ampo, where we had appointed a general these people had received their first
From Sondol we went to Kangdemuro, meeting for Tuesday, September 27. We knowledge of the truth from the believers
a small village on the Tadong River, planned to celebrate the ordinances, to at Kangdemuro, and from a young man
about fifteen miles from Chinampo. give further instruction, and to lay plans living near, who had heard the truth near
Here we met with the believers, and the for the future of the work. Representa- Chinampo. Thus the truth spreads.
next day went up the river to Pyeng tives were present from each of the Our boat was to leave Friday, and it
Yang, the former capital. We saw three churches, also a number who had was now Wednesday; but we decided to
many interesting sights in this ancient not yet been included in any organiza- go. We started about noon, and it was
city; also observed the dwellings, tion. At 4 P. M. we held an ordinance after dark when we reached the village
churches, schools, and hospitals be- meeting, at which over twenty were after a tramp of about fifteen miles. We
longing to the missions that have work present. Our communion table was a held an inquiry meeting that evening in
centered there. We were informed that foot square and five inches high. We the little church, and it was midnight
the native believers in Pyeng Yang made the wine from grapes brought all when the last had departed, and we lay
number over four thousand. Our the way from Pyeng Yang. At the eve- down to rest. Very early next morning
brethren met with a number of their ning meeting over thirty were present. the people came again. As the truths of
the message were presented, some were
not so anxious to identify themselves
with us as at first, though no opposition
was shown. Eleven were accepted and
baptized. The young brother who had
brought the truth to them united with
them to form a little church. The usual
officers were elected. Then the names
of twenty-five other persons were
presented. These persons were mem-
bers of the same church, and had all
learned somewhat of present truth, were
all favorable, and wished to learn more.
But as they lived in neighboring
villages, we had not time to see them;
so the work had to be left to •be
finished up later by the native workers.
We returned to Chinampo that after-
noon; and the next day we bade fare-
well to the believers there, and took the
boat for Kobe.
The preceding is a recital of the
barest facts, many interesting experi-
ences being left out for the sake of
A GROUP OF KOREAN BELIEVERS brevity. A summary of the apparent
THE brother standing at the extreme right in the back row is Brother Kuniya. Elder results may be of interest here. The
F. W. Field stands directly in front of him. At the extreme left in the back row is whole number baptized from the time
Brother Lim Ki Pan. Next to him stands Brother Kang Chang 0. The next three in Brother Kuniya •began the work was
the same row are the elders of the Kangdemuro, Rondon, and Sondol churches, in the
order named. Directly in front of the Kangdemuro elder, but in the second row from
seventy-one; of these, sixty-three are
the front, is the elder of the Pamegi church. This brother wears a mourning cap. included in the churches here mentioned;
the remaining eight will probably unite
friends, and presented the truth to them. We laid before them our plans for the at Chinampo when a church is formed
Some opposed, but several became work, all of which received their hearty there. Nine were received by the
deeply interested. approval. Brother Lim Ki Pan was left churches subject to baptism. And the
We remained at Pyeng Yang but one in charge of the work, the Japan Mission names of fifty-five others were reported
full day, and then returned to Kangde- being responsible for his support until as having begun the observance of the
muro. While here, we organized the some other provision can be made. Sabbath. Of these, at least five made
little company of believers at this place. Brother Kang Chang 0 was chosen to their decision at Chinampo about the
Two were baptized, and one other was act as a general treasurer, that the tithe time of our general meeting. And since
received subject to baptism. This little from the churches may be brought to- we left, the brethren have written that
church of twelve members chose an elder, gether. He will also act as general two more have decided to obey. From
a clerk, and a treasurer. The names of secretary or clerk, and keep us informed all this at appears that nearly one hun-
twelve others who have begun to observe concerning the progress of the work. dred and forty souls have accepted the
the Sabbath were considered; but as all Next morning we held another ordi- light in Korea, as far as they under-
these live at some distance, no action nance meeting for the sake of the Sondol stand it.
was taken till their standing can be brethren who had been detained the day " The most needy fields " is a common
better known. before. Then all assembled in front of phrase among our people. What do we
From Kangdemuro we returned to- the house where we were staying, and really mean by it? I submit the following
ward Chinampo, and stayed over Sab- the picture accompanying this report was definition: The most needy field imagi-
bath, at Rondon, which is not far from taken. nable is one in which the opening provi-
Sondol. At Rondon we organized a Among those who attended this gen- dence of God has introduced present
church of fourteen members, with one eral meeting were two men from the truth, leading people freely to accept it,
subject to baptism. Three others have village of Pamegi, near Kangdemuro, but for which no provision of workers
begun to observe the Sabbath, and may but on the opposite side of the Tadong or of means has been made; and by way
be received later, when they have learned River. They brought word that the en- of illustration I may add,— Korea. The
the truth more perfectly. A full corn- tire company of Christians in their facts here given are more eloquent than

any rhetorical appeal I might write, and

'• A. : P • : Iir,444.4;?•7e • ,...,...
• ....
we have full confidence that Korea's

....• 1 ' . ' •''.....

need will not long be left unsupplied.

We have communicated full particulars
to the Mission Board, and any desiring
further information may address the
secretary at Washington. We are
hoping that laborers may be sent by in the Lord's hand in gathering in the
the close of this coming winter, so as to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan sheaves. " If the iron be blunt, and he
reach their field by the opening of A NEAT and substantial church build- do not whet the edge, then must he put
spring. ing has been erected in Alpena, with a to more strength: but wisdom is profit-
wing attached, designed for church- able to direct." Eccl. to: to.
school purposes. The dedication took Mrs. Knight accompanied them to the
Mission Notes place November 12, 13. The meetings States, and I have planned to follow
THE work is one — to show Jesus were well attended, and the Spirit of them next week. On account of our
Christ to men. The field is one — the the Lord was present. The church com- somewhat failing health, we thought the,
pany there is of good courage. best medicine for us would be a rest
world for which Jesus Christ died. The My family and I are now located at for about two months. Remember us at
glory is one — His who teaches our Sault Ste. Marie. But few of our peo- the throne of grace.
hands to work for him. ple are left here, as a number have re- I. G. KNIGHT.
cently moved away. The famous locks
A LADY writing from Uganda says: of the Soo canal are located here, and
" One can tell the Christian women al- during the season of lake navigation, Iceland
most at once in visiting a place, by their large vessels are constantly passing to REYKJAVIK.— Since I returned home
looks. They are much quieter in their and fro. The largest tonnage of any to Reykjavik from the tour to the Scan-
manners, less quarrelsome, and have a canal in the world is carried through dinavian and German yearly meetings
annually, thirty-one million tons having last summer, I have worked mostly in
superior look about them." passed through this year. Thus there Reykjavik. The people here are willing
is a good opportunity to do missionary to listen to 'the proclamation of the
IN a village near Hotsin, Shan-si, work both in the city and on passing truth. If we had a suitable hall, we
China, the village " elder " is a Chris- vessels. could have a good attendance at our
tian. He has got the people unanimously The week of prayer has been a blessed meetings. We hired two dwelling-rooms
to consent to his tearing down two season to the church here. We have for our meetings, but of course that is
heathen temples in order to build a faith to believe that other precious souls not what is needed, but no hall can be
Christian church out of the materials. will accept this glorious message in this had.
place. Our courage is good. Pray for Our paper is still 'being. published.
IN the Hankow district (China) the the work here. Its edition is now three thousand copies.
Next year we shall have to print three
American Episcopal Mission has thousand five hundred, or perhaps more.
lately opened a training class for Bible Panama The Lutheran theologians and priests
women. One gets a sidelight on antip- BocAs DEL TORO.— We are glad to here seem to be awake to what the dis-
odal customs from one of the regula- know that laborers have come to this tribution of our paper means. They
tions: " Women who join this class field, and that others are on the way. have begun to talk and write against
must not expect to make their own shoes ; Brother and Sister Peckover, from Kan- the truth that the paper sets forth, and
they will not have time." sas, are expected daily. I accompanied warn the people against buying the pa-
Brother Stuyvesant and family to St. per. But I am sure they will not pros-
THE warden of the prison at Siaoshi Andrews Island. I remained only a per in that work. The people here are
in Szechwan, China, is a Christian. So short time on the island, but held some not fanatical. It seems very hard to
he holds morning and evening worship meetings with a growing interest. The create an opposition against the truth.
for such of the prisoners as wish to at- second night the building was full. Many priests buy our paper.
A few days ago I made a trip to two
tend. Eighteen of the prisoners, some of There are a few faithful ones longing villages, where I had the privilege of
them under sentence of death, attend to see us, as Brother S. P. Smith had preaching in the Lutheran state
these services regularly, and have and been away some time, and they had been churches. The attendance was good in
use Bibles and hymn-books; Whenever a without. help. They were glad to know both places. As a rule, I can speak
that the school work is to be revived.
native convert begins aggressive evan- Brother Stuyvesant was nicely located, in the churches on my journeys in Ice-
gelistic work in this fashion, the deep and expected to open school the next land wherever I wish, except in Reyk-
and permanent quality of the change week after my departure. We are plan- javik; here the priests and the bishop
produced by the gospel is thrown into ning to visit this place again, after will' not allow it.
relief. Brother Stuyvesant has had a chance One by one we see some begin to
to labor there a while. We intend to obey the Lord. We are very glad that
FRANCOIS WILLARD, the heroic mission spend two or three months there and at his Spirit is working with us, in spite
ary to whom the work of the mission Old Providence Island, which is not a of all our unworthiness.
on the Zambesi had, been the one great way from St. Andrews. The
absorbing interest, naturally inserted a brethren think the prospects there are
clause in his last testament to the follow- good. There are also a few believers India
at Corn Island.
ing effect: " On the threshold of eternity I returned to Bocas, as there were SIMLA.— The Lord is blessing the
and in the presence of my God, I five young people preparing to leave for work here in Simla. Day by day we can
solemnly bequeath to the Evangelical the States, to enter our schools,— three see his guiding hand in all that con-,
Church of France, my native land, the young men going to the Huntsville cerns us. We can also see that a power
care of the work of the Lord in Barotse- (Ala.) Training School, and two young goes with his word which carries con-
land ; and in his holy name I adjure them ladies to the Medical Missionary Train- viction to the honest in heart, and causes
never to abandon it — and thus to despise ing School at Nashville, Tenn. A very them to see their need of a closer walk
and renounce the rich harvest that is to pleasant parting meeting was held. Not, with God.
be expected as the fruition of, seed sown however, without the shedding of some Since our last report, three have num-
in suffering and tears." These words tears did parents dedicate sons and bered themselves with those who are
from the heart of a great missionary, daughters to the Master's cause. The keeping the commandments of God.
Methodist church-school teacher was One of those mentioned in my last re-
will not be unheeded, for the Paris Mis- present, and took part in the meeting, port has been working for the Lord,
sionary Society has already announced offering some very good advice on Chris- and telling this precious truth: to her
its intention of vigorously continuing the tian education. We trust that these friends; and as a result, another honest
work.— Selected. young people may become sharp tools heart has begun keeping the Sabbath,.

and is rejoicing in the truth. Each population of the State are members of The Work of the Nyassa Mission
week she attends the Bible study, and any Christian church. Allowing nearly
her countenance reveals how precious one . fourth more for children under for the First Six Months
this message is to her. church age, we have left more than one of 1904
Another, after receiving the light on half our entire population outside the Evangelical
the Sabbath question, says, " I thank God pale of the Christian church. This is
for the light; let us kneel and thank appalling to think of. And this number WE have no organized church, but at
him together." is on the increase; for while we are ma- present we have nine baptized native
Mr. James has been having a good king progress in Christian work, we are believers at the station. Six of these
experience in his work, and we hope to not keeping pace with the increase of were baptized during the time covered
see many brought to a knowledge of population. One well posted recently by this report. They receive instruction
the truth through the printed page. said, ' There is four times more need daily in the Bible, and from what we are
Altogether, two hundred and seventy- for mission work in West Virginia than able to judge, seem to be faithful, ear-
six subscriptions have been taken here when our Board was organized thirty- nest believers, and manifest a desire for
• for the paper, and we know the Lord nine years ago.' Another one, equally a more thorough knowledge of the truth
can cause these silent messengers to do well posted, added, ' Yes, ten times more of God. They take an •active part in all
a great work for him, even though we need.' . . . We think there are at least the services, and we are hoping soon to
may never see any results. forty towns in the State with over two be able to use them as teachers. Reg-
Recently while canvassing, Mr. James hundred and fifty people in each without ular services are held each week at the
met another Sabbath-keeper who really any kind of religious service by any one. church, also prayer and social meetings
thought that she was the only one in Many of these places would welcome a at the beginning and close of the Sab-
missionary sent by any denomination. bath.
Simla. She seems very zealous in the
truth, and was delighted to find others There are also large sections of thickly Every Sabbath afternoon the boys and
settled country districts without any I visit the different villages to hold serv-
in the same faith.
religious privileges worthy of the name.3.' ices with the people. In this way quite
MRS. W. 0. JAMES. a large number are reached; and we are
West Virginia has an area of 24,780
square miles, with a population of over praying that the Spirit of God will con-
SIMULTALA.— Since our last report
God has been helping and blessing us i,000,000 people. According to the pre- vict many of these souls of their need
in the work at Simultala and the dis- ceding report only 250,000 of these are of a Saviour. Our Sabbath-school is
trict, and we are full of faith and cour- members of any church, thus leaving one of our most interesting meetings.
age to go forward in his name. During 500,000, not counting the 258,000 children Our average attendance is about sixty.
Elder Shaw's last visit, he had the that make no profession of any religion Mrs. Branch, with the help of four na-
Pleasure of baptizing three Santals, the whatever, while only a very few of all tive teachers, has charge of this depart-
first-fruits among the Santals, as far as ment.
combined know anything about the third
we know, as Sabbath-keepers. Two angel's message. School
were school students, and one a young Manifestly this is a needy field in In our school we have an enrolment
woman, the wife of our school assistant, every sense of the word. At present of forty-five. Of this number, fifteen
and, thank God, they are doing well there are but a small handful of Seventh- live at the mission home, and the re-
and studying the message. The young day Adventists in the State. These are mainder come in from the native vil-
woman will soon be able to read her doing all they can to spread the truth, lages about us. In the forenoon, from
Bible, althotigh she could not read until but much remains to be done. Mission- ten to twelve o'clock, we hold the school
lately. aries in deed and in truth — men and for the beginners, and in the afternoon,
The two newly baptized students lead women who are not looking for salaries, from two to half-past four, the school
the other students on Sabbath days into but souls — can find opportunity to work for the more advanced. We are teach-
the villages to sing and preach the gos- there. The canvasser in this State finds ing Bible, arithmetic, English, and Man-
pel and circulate tracts and papers. We all the new territory he wants. Books ganji. We are teaching English with
also have the Sabbath-school lessons sell readily in these new fields. Begin- the hope that our boys will soon be able
translated into Santali, and by the aid ners 'do well, while some of our old to read our good books, which 'can not
of our prophetic chart we spend a very canvassers take orders to the amount of be translated into their language for a
profitable hour together. fifty or seventy-five dollars a week. long time. We expect to do some trans-
We hope soon to have a visit from These workers have given themselves lating next year, as we are greatly in
Brother Shaw, when he will, God will- over fully to this line of work; hence are need of literature.
ing, dedicate our New Village church greatly blessed of the Lord. It is the Industrial Work
and schoolhouse, which has been built consecrated worker that succeeds. The Under my supervision, the boys have
by God's help during the past few people are kind and hospitable, and their hours of labor on the farm, outside
months, and which is situated about when the truth is presented to them hi of their school work. At present there
nine miles from the Simultala Mission the proper way, they are susceptible to are only three girls living at the mission.
on the northeast side and right among it. Seemingly this is one, at least, of
the Santals. The, fifteen Santal stu- They are under the care of Mrs. Branch,
dents from the training-school will go those fields where we ought to have " one who is teaching them to sew and to do
with us to open up the village school hundred workers where 'we now have house work. This year we have culti-
work, and we hope to locate a newly but one." There is 'not an Adventist vated, in all, about ninety acres. Eighty
baptized Sabbath-keeper there after we physician or graduated 'nurse in the acres of this was in corn and garden,
have started the school. There have State and yet it affords the grandest and ten acres in cotton. This is not a
been two inquirers, both Bengalis, re- opportunity for both. large amount; but when we consider that
questing baptism during the month, and Our Baptist friends assert that there all our work 'has to he done by the na-
we hope to see them coming out on the is from four " to " ten " times more tive with his hoe, we see that ninety
Lord's side. need of mission work in West Virginia acres is a large piece of ground to dig
We have had nearly one hundred sick than there was "thirty-nine years ago." and cultivate. During the early part of
cases during the past three months, and A most wonderful confession for a peo- the year we employed from twenty-five
a few cholera cases, of which four have ple who believe and teach that the world to thirty •men. These, with the aid of
already' recovered, for which we thank is getting better, indeed! Nevertheless, the schoolboys, did the work. At present
God. May God bless all our fellow as every Seventh-day Adventist knows, we employ very few except carriers, who
workers.— W. A. Barlow, in Eastern it is the truth just as the Scriptures are delivering the maize we have sold.
Tidings. teach. But what do all these things In our garden we have grown some
mean ? What do they suggest to us? — peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn,
That probation is fast drawing to a pumpkins, beans, and other vegetables.
West Virginia close, and that there 'is a great work These do very well at the mission, and
FROM the "Thirty-ninth Annual Re- yet to be done by the people of God, and we have an abundance of them. We are
port of the Executive Board of the Bap- only a short time in which to do it, 'elling a few vegetables, but our market
tist General Association of West Vir- in giving the last message of mercy is fifty miles away, and our only means
ginia," we glean the following facts to the world before the Lord comes. of conveyance is a basket on the head
concerning the attitude of the people of We are, indeed, in solemn times. May of a native. In this way we are able
West Virginia toward religion:— the Lord keep us faithful. to receive a few shillings. Our maize
" Only a little, over one fourth the S. G. HUNTINGTON. crop did not turn out well, on account

of an overabundance of rain, yet we his mother decided to give up the filthy Titu• " (" Seventh Day," as we are
gathered about thirty-five tons. Owing body-and-soul-destroying habit, and suc- called) is " lottt tabutabu" (a holy re-
to the high altitude, and frosts, our cot- ceeded after a long hard struggle. But, ligion), but he thought that the natives
ton crop is a failure. Yet we praise the alas ! a few weeks later he was seen with never could live up to it, as it is too holy
Lord that we, have been able to raise a piece of tobacco behind his ear, where for them.
enough food, to supply our boys and have the natives regularly carry a piece, as a Since returning home, I have been very
several tons to sell. scribe does his pen. On being asked busy building a small schoolhouse, paint-
Finances about it, he replied, "Mooni" (quite ing and repairing the house, and staining
true) ; " but I had to prepare cigarettes and varnishing the chapel seats and pul-
We have been able to• make the pro- pit. We hope to have a teacher from
ceeds of the farm support the school for visitors at the kava party, and could
not refuse, smoking." Three months ago Sydney before many months. We had
thus far, and believe they will continue no money to hire the work done, so the
to do so, with economy. The profits on I had the privilege of 'baptizing the first
native man, who had struggled over a children — Alma, our little daughter, and
our maize this year are about half those three half-caste children we have living
of last year. If we had a good market year to, overcome the tobacco habit. A
great change is to be seen in the man with us — and Mrs. Butz helped me
near the farm, it would also support the build the schoolhouse, all, but putting up
workers in part. We greatly need more since he left, off the use of tobacco, kava,
and pork — trinity of filth. the rafters. Mrs. Butz also helped to
stock, as we have a good place for them, paint the mission house outside and in;
and they would bring good returns. The latter part of last year I visited
some outlying islands of this, kingdom, in fact, she did most of the painting
Health and distributed literature in all the while hearing the children's lessons.
The health of all at the mission has villages. In one village I handed a Prejudice is gradually wearing away,
been very good. While we have had quantity of tracts to a native minister, as is illustrated by the following fact':
many attacks of fever, and some of us asking hini to distribute them there. A When we came to Tonga, the Wesleyan
have been prostrated, yet we: have had no week later he told Brother Tindall and minister would not recognize us in any
fatal results. I have had the most seri- me that half a dozen of the people there way, but wrote a bitter article against
ous attacks, being unconscious for days; had come to him for more tracts, saying us in the native paper. The last two
but by the• mercy of God, and his loving• that they had formed a " union " to stop weeks Mrs. Butz• nursed the wife of one
care •for his creatures, and good treat- the use of tobacco. He answered them, of the Wesleyan European missionaries
ment, I have been able to rise above• it " I brought this good thing to you, and through a serious illness in the mission
each time. My wife and children have you get the benefit of it, for it has led house, at their earnest solicitation. At
had many attacks, but are able, after you to stop smoking; but I get no good the close they thanked her most heartily,
short intervals, to attend to their duties. from it, for I continue to smoke." In and said they did not know how they
For all these things we are indeed grate- talking with him, he did not seem to could have gotten on without her.
ful to our kind Heavenly Father, who think that he needed to give it up. Many of the natives recognize that
has spared to us the lives of all who I talked with an apparently nice old we have "the truth," are the "true
are at the mission. Our courage is good, man, one of the oldest native ministers church," etc., but they are bound by cus-
and we are determined to do all we can to here; in fact, I took passage in his boat tom, habits, and the church. Their so-
help fallen humanity to see Jesus the for ninety miles. He said, " True, it is cial life makes it almost impossible for
Saviour of the world. bad to smoke," and " the tract is very, them to take their stand — impossible,
We hope that our brethren will re- very good," but kept on smoking all the but :for the grace of God. They lack a
member the work in Nyassaland, and time. We stopped for the night at a sense of right, and have not the courage
with us seek our Heavenly Father's little island. They wanted to prepare a of what little conviction they have. I
blessing upon the work here. We need pig and fowl for me, but I told them I think one of the worst effects of tobacco
wisdom from him to know how to do the wanted only a kumala (sweet potato), and kava is to deaden moral sense, and
work in that way that it may accom- with which I satisfied my hunger. cause them to be satisfied with them-
plish the most in the shortest time, and As I had been seasick, I lay down on selves. The enervating climate also
the " everlasting gospel of the kingdom" a mat in one corner of the native house, tends to make people indifferent.
be preached in all the world, and Jesus and tried to sleep; hut the islanders came Pray that God will give us wisdom, and
come to take his faithful workers home. in with kava and tobacco to honor the that his Holy Spirit will arouse the
Our confidence is that " this generation " old minister. Soon the air was thick and people from this state of lethargy. They
will not pass till all be accomplished. foul with tobacco fumes. The kava ring are all members of the churches, and
T. H. BRANCH. was formed 'by the natives, sitting in a seem to think that is all that is necessary,
circle, cross-legged, on the floor mat. In a most literal sense they " take no
The program consisted of a speech from thought for the morrow."
Word From Tonga the presiding orator, responded to by the E. S. Buzz.
NUKUALOFA.— We have published two speaker of our party, and then a bowl
tracts which we are scattering broadcast (the half shell of a large cocoanut) of
here, and which have created quite an kava each, and cigarette smoking, some- Sunday Bills Now Before
interest. One on the use of tobacco has times passing a cigarette around, each Congress
opened up new thoughts to the natives, man taking a puff from the same one. Proposed Religious Legislation for the
and the testimony everywhere among This program was faithfully carried out District of Columbia
them is, "Maltuega aubito" (very until a late hour, while I lay in the Two Sunday, bills, H. R. 11819 and
precious indeed). Many said they were corner, my head almost bursting from H. R. 4859, prohibiting certain trade and
going to give up the use of tobacco, but the poison in the air. (It was raining labor in the District of Columbia on
they did not know what a hold it had outside, so I had to stay there.) Sunday, are now before Congress. The
upon them. We told them that they must The next morning our minister held a first passed the House, April 6, 1904, was
seek the 'help of the Lord, or they would religious service with the flock who had introduced in the Senate the following
not succeed. Some gave it up for one regaled him the night before, and we day, and is now in the hands of the
• day; others for a week or two, and then came to Tonga over a high, stormy sea, Senate Committee on the District of
gave up the struggle; while a few have glad to get home. I had planned on a Columbia. The text of this bill is as
apparently overcome the habit. four or five weeks' trip, but was away follows; —
The use of tobacco is begun in in- ten before I could get a passage home. H. R. 11819.
fancy by both sexes, and with kava This minister told me that he remem- AN ACT
drinking is a part of their social fabric. bers when the ministers did not use to- requiring certain places of business in the
On entering a house, if they have no bacco. He was at the meeting when a District of Columbia to be closed
kava or do not care to go to the trouble vote was taken as to whether or not they on Sunday.
of making it, the'first word• following• would use it, and he voted against its Be it enacted by the Senate and House
the greeting is to apologize for not use. But the flesh prevailed over the of Representatives of the, United States of
America in Congress assembled, That it shall
having any kava, and the next thing is spirit, and all use it now. he unlawful for any person in the District of .
for the girls or women to prepare Not long ago I was told by our native Columbia to sell or to offer for sale, or to
cigarettes by rolling up the tobacco in brother that the leading white mission- keep open any place of business for the sale
a dry banana To neglect this is an ary asked his wife where her husband of delivery of, any groceries or meats or
insult. I will mention a case in point. attended church. On being told that he vegetables or other provisions on Sunday, ex-
A man took the tract home, and he and worshiped with us, he replied, " Alto cept that from the first day of June until,. the

first day of October meats sold prior to Sun- hibiting the carrying and handling of ism which condemned Christ for per-
day may be delivered at any time before ten mails on Sunday. In 1888 Senator Blair mitting his disciples to pluck corn on the
o'clock on the morning of that day. Any introduced a hill for a very stringent
person who shall violate the provisions of
Sabbath day. It penalizes the sale of
this Act shall, on conviction thereof, be pun-
Sunday law, openly based on grounds bread on Sunday, while the second bill
ished by a fine of not less than twenty-five directly religious. This applied to the expressly permits the sale of tobacco on
dollars nor more than fifty dollars for the whole nation, and provided a fine of one that day. A strange inconsistency!
first offense, and for each subsequent offense thousand dollars for its violation. It Must the right of men to choose their
by a. fine of not less than fifty dollars nor was rejected in committee largely be- own religion and their own time to rest
more than one hundred dollars, or by impris- cause of its religious character. Since and labor, be treated as a crime, in order
onment in the jail of the District of Columbia that time certain religious' organizations that those who observe Sunday shall
for a period of not less than one month nor have been urging Congress to pass a
more than three months, or by both fine and
have no Sunday competition? A re-
imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
District Sunday law, it being evident ligious monopoly is the most dangerous,
Sac. 2.— That all prosecutions for viola- that the people were not yet ready for a the most unreasonable, and the most op-
tions of this Act shall be in the police court national Sunday law. In response to pressive of all monopolies.
of the District of Columbia and in the name , this demand, various District Sunday The religious character of the second
of the District of Columbia. bills have been placed before Congress bill is still more marked than that of the
The second bill has passed neither from time to time. The idea has been first. Its declared object is to " protect
body, and is in the House Committee on that if a precedent could be established, the first day of the week as a day of
the District. It reads as follows: — if Congress could be led to commit itself rest," or Sabbath; to protect the day, not
to the principle of religious legislation the people; to protect a religious insti-
It R. 4859. through a law requiring Sunday ob- tution, not the rights of citizens. It em-
A BILL servance in the District of Columbia, it braces all that is covered in the first bill,
to further protect the first day of the week
as a day of rest in the District would be comparatively easy to secure a and more. Hence the first is unnecessary
of Columbia. national Sunday law. A District Sun- if the second is passed.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House day law is desired as an entering wedge This bill exempts those who religiously
of Representatives of the United States of for a national Sunday law. observe another day. Why should not
America in Congress assembled, That it shall But all these proposed measures have the first bill do the same? And if it is
not be lawful for any person to keep open failed because of their religious char- right to exempt one class who do not
any place of business or maintain any stand acter. All have been met on the ground believe in keeping Sunday, why not
for the sale of any article or articles for that, in this government, church and state exempt all classes who do not respect
profit during Sunday, excepting vendors of are separate, the First Amendment to the
books or newsdealers, and apothecaries for
the day? This, of course, would nullify
the dispensing of medicines, and undertakers Constitution declaring that " Congress the law.
for the purpose of providing for the dead, shall make no law respecting an estab- It is evident, therefore, that the
or others for the purpose of charity or neces- lishment of religion, or prohibiting the passage of these measures would be —
sity; nor shall any public playing of football, free exercise thereof."
or baseball, or any other kind of playing, Needless and Unjust Legislation
sports, pastimes, or diversions, disturbing the The Bills Examined Now all are free; hence this legislation
peace and quiet of the day, be practised by The first bill is urged because certain is unnecessary. And if it should bring
any person or persons within the District of dealers, it 'is said, are " compelled to suffering or religious oppression to a
Columbia on Sunday ; nor shall any building
operations or work upon railroad construction
keep open their places of business on single individual, even though demanded
be lawful upon said day. And for any vio- Sunday to compete with those dealers by every other •person in the District, it
lation of this Act the perSon offending shall who do not respect that holy day." (Eve- would be unjust.
for each offense he liable to a fine of not ning Star, April 18, 1904.) This at once Shall the people of the District of
less than five dollars nor more than fifty shows the character and object of the Columbia be allowed to remain free, or
dollars, and in the case of corporations there bill. It is religious, and aims to stop all must they be compelled to accept this
shall be a like fine for every person employed Sunday competition by compelling non- yoke? No citizen of the District of Co-
in violation of this Act laid upon the corpora- Sunday-observing dealers to respect the lumbia has any vote or voice in making
tion offending. " holy day." the laws by which the District is gov-
SEC. 2.— That it shall be sufficient defense
to a prosecution for labor on the first day We submit that no one in the District erned. This, then, is a field most favor-
of the week that the defendant uniformly of Columbia is compelled now to labor able for the beginning of a religious
keeps another day of the week as, a day of or keep open any •place of business on despotism. And right here the Interna-
rest, and that the labor complained of was Sunday. All are free to rest and observe tional Reform Bureau 'has been working
done in such a manner as not to interrupt or Sunday as a " holy day " if they desire for years, seeking to persuade Congress
disturb other persons in observing the first to do so. But if this bill becomes a law, to commit •itself in some way to the prin-
day of the week as a day of rest. This Act freedom is gone. Then all embraced in ciple of religious legislation. After these
shall not be construed to prevent the sale of its provisions will be compelled to cease local and apparently insignificant bills are
refreshments, other than malt and spirituous
liquors, or to prevent the sale of malt and from honest business and trade on Sun- passed, a multitude of others increasingly
spirituous liquors as now provided for by law, day, and to observe the day, whether they oppressive, not only for the District, but
or tobacco, cigars, railroad and steamboat desire to do so or not, or he subjected to for the whole nation, will inevitably
titkets, or the collection and delivery of bag- heavy fines and imprisonment. follow.
gage. If a man is religious from principle, These bills apply to a certain class
Sunday observance originated in re- he will do that which he regards as right, only. The first Sunday law, that pro-
ligion;, hence all Sunday laws are, in even if he loses financially by so doing. mulgated by Constantine, March 7, 321
their original intent and purpose, re- The religion which is a matter of so A. D., was only for a certain class. But
ligious. The proposed measures now be- little conscience that it needs a govern- after the union of church and state thus
fore Congress, like all Sunday laws from mental prop to support it can not benefit formed, religious tests and religious per-
the days of Constantine down, are there- its possessor, and would certainly be a secution followed. Liberty was in chains.
fore religious. .dangerous thing to embody in con- Then came the world's midnight — the
Through Sunday legislation church gressional law. Dark Ages — a time of physical, in-
and state were united in the fourth If those who observe Sunday need a tellectual, and spiritual bondage, and
century. Sunday legislation will result law compelling all others to observe the finally the Inquisition.
in the same evil now. day,' then, by parity of reasoning, those Religious Liberty Has Made This Nation
who observe any other day need a law
A District Law an Entering Wedge Great
requiring all others to observe that day.
From almost the earliest history of And the state can not grant such a law This nation is great for one reason
this nation, contrary to one of its funda- to one class and deny it to another, more than for any other, and that is, its
mental principles, misguided men have without enacting class legislation, and founders stood for religious liberty.
sought to fasten religious legislation onto making an unjust distinction between its Note the following:—
the government of the United States. citizens. But the truth is, no class needs George Washington: "Every man
The chief means by which they have such a law. Every such law is a selfish, who conducts himself as a good citizen
sought to do this has been through Sun- unjust, un-Christian thing. is accountable alone to God for his re-
day legislation. As early as 1829 and To supply a loaf of bread to satisfy ligious faith, and should be protected in
1830 petitions and memorials were sent hunger on Sunday this bill would make a worshiping •God according to the dic-
to Congress praying for legislation pro- crime. In this is revealed that pharisee- tates of his own conscience."

Thomas Jefferson: " Almighty God measure tending directly or indirectly to well in most places. Nearly all our forces
hath created the mind free. All attempts enforce religion will work injury not are this week with the churches, and
to influence it by temporal punishments only to the state, but, most of all, to re- some real revivals are being experienced.
or burdens, or by civil incapacitations, ligion itself. Liberty, absolute and I look for a greater offering than ever
tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy eternal, is the gift of God. In the name before. Surely it must be so.
`and meanness, and are a departure from of those noble men who sought to build C. MCREYNOLDS.
the plan of the holy Author of our re- this nation free, who risked their lives,
ligion, who, being Lord both of body their fortunes, and their sacred honor to
give liberty to the people of this coun- I eAsTEN to send words of joy and
and mind, yet ohose not to propagate it encouragement regarding the week of
by coercion on either, as was in his try; in the name of Christianity itself;
in the name of Jesus Christ, who died to prayer. God has greatly blessed in the
almighty power to do." meetings where I have been. The read-
James Madison: " Religion is not in set us free now and eternally, we protest
against this and all other religious legis- ings have brought a new confidence in
the purview of human government. Re- the speedy triumph of the message.
ligion is essentially distinct from gov- lation by Congress. And we invite all
Christians and all liberty-loving people New vows of consecration have been
ernment and exempt from its cogni- taken, confessions of sin made, and a
zance. A connection between them is everywhere to join us in this protest.
K. C. RUSSELL, general resolve to honor God in tithes
injurious to both." and offerings has been formed.
Chairman Religious Liberty Bureau;
U. S. Grant: " Leave the matter of W. A. ,COLCoRD, Personally, the week has been one of
religion to the family altar, the church, Secretary Religious Liberty Bureau. refreshing to me.
and the private school supported entirely Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., 0. 0. FARNSWORTH.
by private contribution.
"Keep the State and the Church Forever
Alabama THE week of prayer has been a blessed
Separate" season to the St. Joseph [Mo.] church.
The historian, John Clark Ridpath, HUNTSVILLE.— To-day [December 13] On account of our scattered condition,
has well said: " Proscription has no has been a blessed day for us at not all were able to attend all the meet-
part or lot in the modern government of Oakwood; not that we have not had ings, but nearly all have the REVIEW,
the world. The stake, the gibbet, and other good days when the Lord has vis- and we believe the Holy Spirit visited
the rack, thumbscrews, swords, and ited us, but to-day he visited us in a the homes, as well as the public meet-
pillory have no place among the ma- special manner. ings, when the good readings were read.
chinery of civilization. Nature is The teachers and several students have Yesterday was an especially good day.
diversified. So are human faculties, be- been seeking the Lord for a blessing The people caught the spirit of the mes-
liefs, and practises. Essential freedom ever since the week of prayer began, sage, and " rejoiced, for that they of-
is the right to differ, and that right must but this morning at our early class pe- fered willingly."
be sacredly respected." riod hearts were touched, and there The collection, which was counted and
The following quotation from a Sen- seemed to be a drawing near to the Lord. reported before adjournment, amounted
ate report on a proposed Sunday law in When the fifteen-minute period for to $71.36. When the report was given,
1829 is eminently pertinent just now: song and prayer at nine o'clock came, tears of joy were shed, and all united
" The proper object of government is to hearts were so filled with the Spirit of in prayer that God's blessing might at-
protect all persons in the enjoyment of the Lord that one after another con- tend the offering, and be with those to
their civil as well as their religious tinued to praise God, both by prayer and whom it will come. Next Sabbath the
rights, and not to determine for any by testimony, until every soul in the children will follow the program in the
whether they shall esteem one day above house confessed Christ and determined REVIEW of December T, when we expect
another, or esteem all days alike holy. to follow him. Two class periods were the collection for the same purpose to
What other nations call .religious toler- taken up in this way. All were moved swell our collection to twice what it was
ance we call religious rights. They are to tears,— tears of joy for the presence last year.
not exercised in virtue of governmental of Jesus, whose Spirit was there. Many Our people are generally poor, as to
indulgence, but as rights, of which gov- who before were indifferent yielded to worldly goods, and we still have a debt
ernment can not deprive any portion of the Spirit, claimed the promise by faith, on our schoolroom, but we expect this
citizens, however small. Despotic power and were free. When all had so sur- donation not to hinder, but to help in
may invade those rights, but justice still rendered to God, we pressed together paying this debt.
confirms them." at the front, and earnestly asked God A. P. HEACOCK.
Furthermore, Sunday legislation is not to keep us firm and steadfast till Jesus
only contrary to the Constitution and should come. Truly we felt that we had
principles of this government, but both a shower of the " latter rain." THE meetings in South Lancaster dur-
the legislation and the keeping of the The same good spirit prevailed ing the week of prayer 'have been excel-
day itself as the Sabbath are in direct throughout the day, and at the evening lent and well attended. The readings
conflict with that law which is above service when we had the regular week- were given each week-day evening at
all law, the law of God, which plainly of-prayer reading, all were more eager the church, and to the students each
declares that " the seventh day [not the to grasp the good things than ever be- morning at the chapel hour. The deep-
first] is the Sabbath of the Lord thy fore. In the social meeting that fol- est interest has been manifested in the
God." Ex. 20: 8-II. From every stand- lowed, testimonies having the true ring readings. A number who had been much
point, therefore, from which the ques- were borne, and many who were not in discouraged were reclaimed. There was
tion •may be viewed, Sunday legislation school in the morning service (work no excitement, but the Spirit of the
is wrong. students) caught the spirit, and some Lord moved upon every heart. The do-
Jesus, the author of Christianity, were added to the list of those who had nations were more than twice as large
taught the separation of church and decided to follow Jesus. as the annual offering of last year.
state. He said: " Render therefore unto We want this work to continue; we Our meeting the last Sabbath was an
Caesar the things which are Caesar's ; and want more of Jesus. Pray for us that especially good one. The students met
unto God the thirigs that are God's." we may continue faithful, and be saved with the church, and nearly the entire
The Sabbath belongs to God, and there- when Jesus comes. congregation publicly signified their in-
fore is not to be rendered to Caesar. F. R. ROGERS. tention to surrender all to God, and con-
When on trial before Pontius Pilate, secrate anew their lives to active serv-
Jesus declared: — ice for him. In reply to the question
how many there were in the vigor of
"My Kingdom Is Not of This World" The Week of Prayer youth or middle life who were prepared
Christ taught liberty. " Whosoever Reports From the Field to consecrate themselves to the Lord to
will, let him come." " If any man hear THE week of prayer season was a go anywhere in the wide world that he
my words, and believe not, I judge him precious one, as far as I have learned, might call them in his service, not less
not: for I came not to judge the world, in the New York Conference, and gener- than one hundred arose.
but to save the world." ally observed. S. H. LANE. I am free to say that I have enjoyed
We therefore hold that no religious the meetings more than any week4d-
day should he enforced by law, whether prayer meetings I ever attended.
the first or the seventh; that any OUR week-of-prayer work is moving H. W. Corraiiiid

A. E. Devereaux
The Work With "Christ's Object, K. IC 00 FORTY-NINE CENTS EACH
V. Bjork 6 00 Alice Scheffler (Australia), Ernest
Lessons" FIVE DOLLARS EACH W. Ward (Australia), E. J. Giblett
THERE is one of our denominational An Oregon sister, Stephen Haylock (Australia), H. Butler (Australia).
schools which has never gone into debt. (Bay Islands), David Haylock, (Bay FORTY' CENTS EACH
The Washington Training College was Islands), Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Frink, A friend,• William Powery (Bay Is-'
opened November 3o without the burden W. S. Butterbaugh, B. A. Maker, J.. E. lands), Matilda Haylock (Bay Islands).
of one cent of indebtedness. Surely this Dunlap and family, M. P. Cady, Myrtie TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH
is encouraging, and we believe that all G. Cady. Mrs. L. J. Ginther, Mrs. C. M.
our people would be glad to see every Elizabeth Codling (New Zealand), Cowdry, Nellie Tribbey, R. D. C.
educational institution in our denomina- $4.96; G. Wordsworth (Australia), cressey.
tion enjoying the same liberty. $4.87; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. •Chaney
The spirit of prophecy, which led in (Australia), $4.87; Sister Obrist (Swit- TWENTY-FOUR CENTS EACH
the establishing of our headquarters in zerland), $4.65; a friend, $4.50; Mrs. J. R. Howard (Australia), I. C. and
this city, and has finis far moved upon Ester Johnson, $4; W. A. Gibson and M. G. Stewart (Australia), K. E. Gib-
the hearts of our people to provide family, $4. lett (Australia), Eva A. Clarke (Aus-
funds to build up the work here free of THREE DOLLARS EACH tralia), Winifred Reeves (Australia),
debt, has ordained the means by which Charles L. Briggs, Mrs. A. Glockner, L. Bailey, (Australia), A. Stewart
all our educational institutions' may be Mrs. J. E. Morgan, C. B. Smith, Miss (Australia), Charles 0. Berg, (Aus-
M. L. Howlett. tralia).
set free. Those who obeyed God in the
removal of our headquarters from Bat- TWELVE CENTS EACH
Mrs. Eva Bodden (Bay Islands), R. Claydon (Australia), M. T.
tle Creek, Mich., to Washington, D. C., $2.90; Mansfield (Ohio) church, $2.70; Stephen (Australia), L. and A. Clarke
have proved that he is able, ready, and D. C. Burch, $2.50; E. J. Burch, $2.50; (Australia), M. Rigley (Australia),
willing to provide funds to do his work. Johanna Grubb, (New Zealand), $2.48; A. A. Parkin, (Australia), F. Parkin,
Many times we have been told by the. M. S. Goodhart (Australia), $2.44; (Australia), Violet T. Branford (Aus-
Spirit of prophecy that our people should Mary Jacques (England), $2.44; Mrs. tralia), J. and G. Stephen (Australia).
continue the work of selling " Christ's A. D. King, $2.15; R. A. Caldwell
Object Lessons," not only to pay the (Singapore), $1.83; donors '(England), SIX CENTS EACH
debts of all our schools, but to provide $1.70; Lucy Bush, librarian, $1.45; Inez M. F. Johnson (Australia), C. E.
means for aggressive educational work. (Pennsylvania) Sabbath-school, $1.05. Rogers (Australia), B. Voss (Aus-
Wonderful has been the blessing re- tralia), M. Pontey, (Australia), It.
TWO DOLLARS EACH Deering (Australia).
ceived by those who have taken part Leona M. King, Mrs. Jane E. Kirk- Hattie Andre (Australia)
in this work. Now; at the beginning of connell (Bay. Islands), R. Wood (Bay W. A. McCutchen, wife, and 9 74
the new year, will not all our confer- Islands), Cullie Taylor, Mrs. L. M.
ence presidents, our laborers and church daughter 25 00
Payne, Mrs. Mariam Pinnace, Mr. and Leila and W. W. Roper ioo 00
elders, and especially the officers and Mrs. E. P. Adams, Mrs. William Dail,
teachers in our schools, unite to revive Mrs. E. M. Wintemute.
and pusb forward this blessed work? Total reported $50,578 75
$1.50 EACH A further list will follow.
We shall be glad to hear from every
one who is interested in the sale of A. D. Aycock, Mrs. H. L. Harkins, Send all donations to W. T. Bland,
"Christ's Object Lessons." In order to C. J. Smith and family. 222 North Capitol St., Washington, D. C.
facilitate this work, the General Con- $1.22 EACH
ference Committee has requested Prof. Charlotte Creeper, (England), Miss
M. E. Cady, of Healdsburg, Cal., to act Hughes (Australia), H. R. and P. E. Field Notes
as assistant secretary of the Relief of Martin (Australia), T. Escreet (Aus-
tralia). FOUR residents of Culleoka, Tex., have
the Schools Committee. He will be in recently accepted the truth, and it is
close touch with Elder W. C. White, the $1.20 EACH
Chairman of this committee. We believe Mrs. Estella Haylock (Bay Islands), hoped a church may soon •be organized
that all our people will unite most ear- Walter Codling (New Zealand), A. there.
nestly with Brother Cady as he takes up Rouse (New Zealand).
NINE persons have recently received
this work; and we, in Washington, will ONE DOLLAR EACH baptism at Myrtle Point, western Oregon,
co-operate in every way possible in the E. E. Adams, Herman E. Briggs, Mrs. where a local camp-meeting was held
revival and in the continuation of this Herman E. Briggs, Mi-s. Eliza M. Ervay, last fall.
work so well begun. Mrs. S. E. Harrison Mrs. R. F. Gregory,
We earnestly call upon all who have F. V. Glockner, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. As a result of tent-meetings and other
had any experience in selling " Christ's Johnson, Edwin Kirkconnell (Bay Is- labor at Morrow, Ohio, and vicinity,
Object Lessons " to take up the work lands), Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Webb, eight persons are now keeping the Sab-
'again with renewed hope and faith; and Marion (Ohio) church, Anna C. Rice, bath there.
are there not many others who will find J. C. Rouse (New Zealand), Lizzie G.
a new and a blessed experience this Redding, Urania Johnson, H. Munn, BROTHER H. J. DIRKSEN, who has been
winter in this missionary campaign? Mrs. C. E. Smith, A. C. Morton. laboring at Ashland, Ore., and vicinity,
Read the book yourselves once more, Agnes Daniel (Australia), $.97; Mrs. reports the baptism of eight persons,
and you will decide that there is no more Lizzie James, $.85; L. Pickett (Aus- November 19.
important department of our present tralia), $.85; Hazel Jordan, $.8o; Mrs.
missionary campaign than the selling of Jane Bridges, $.75; D. Brooking (Eng-
" Christ's Object Lessons." Order at land), $.48; La Grange (Ohio) church, A COURSE of meetings at Locust Point,
once through your tract society. $.45; A. H. K. Smith (Australia), $.37; Ohio, was closed December 3, three per-
J. S. WASHBURN. John P. Clarke (Australia), $.37; sons having accepted the truths pre-
Herschel Bridges, $.2o; Edna Watson, sented, and others being reported as on
$.20; Frank Townsend, $.io; Francis the point of obeying.
The One Hundred Thousand Kirkconnell (Bay Islands), $.io.
SIXTY-ONE CENTS EACH THE Southern Illinois Herald reports:
Dollar Fund A. A. E. Goodhart (Australia), L. " Elder Taggart is •holding a series of
AMOUNT previously reported $50,011 81 Brown (Australia), Irissie Hare (Aus- meetings in the country near Marion.
S. H. Amyes (New Zealand) ioo 00 tralia), T. Hollingsworth (Australia), He reports a good interest. Four have
Mrs. Delia Briggs 35 00 T. N. G. Lister (Australia), W. E. already begun to observe the Sabbath."
R. W. Good 25 00 Prees (Australia).
Hawkeye (Iowa) friends 20 00 FIFTY CENTS EACH A MEETING of missionary secretaries
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Irwin Mrs. L. A. Wade, Clara T. Proctor, and general agents in the Pacific Union
(Australia) 14 61 Alva S. True, Jennie B. Johnston, Rosa- Conference has been called to convene
E. Bowhey, collector (Aus- mond Schwartz, Mrs. Christ Olson, Dr. at Mountain View, Cal., about the mid-
tralia) IO 63 J. R. Lockhart, Mrs. M. E. Burch, Mrs. dle of January, for the study of such
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergquest I0 00 A. E. L., D. M. L., Mabel Skelton, Katie methods of labor as will best advance
A. W. Herr, M. D. • to oo Cashin, C. Manske. the message.

AN important council to consider eight of the twelve went forward in a both in managers and in plans, but
some questions concerning the educa- baptismal service, and eleven were united never should the work be deserted.
tional work in California, was held in in the sacred bonds of church fellow- These general principles apply to no
Oakland, December 20, 21. ship, one of the original number having feature of the Lord's work more strongly
moved away." than they do to our school work at this
AT Gilford, Mich., where there were time, when from weakness it is endeav-
four persons keeping the Sabbath, six A RECENT course of tent-meetings in orin to rise to strength. It will pass
others have lately taken a stand for the Ukiah, Cal., resulted in the addition of wit ut saying that many of our teach-
truth, making a company of ten. A five to the number of Sabbath-keepers ers re not so strong as they should be,
Sabbath-school has been organized, and there, and a movement to erect a house but criticizing their mistakes will never
regular Sabbath services will be held. of worship, which is now nearly com- make them stronger. These weaknesses,
pleted. Brother A. L. Lingle, reporting most certainly, should be pointed out, but
from Ukiah, says: "The building is now in the tenderest and most careful man-
THE East Michigan' Banner reports: up and enclosed, and almost ready for ner, and personally to the teacher.
" Brother E. R. Lauda has organized a They never should be mentioned to fel-
use. A nice bell was donated by inter-
Sabbath-school where he has been hold- ested persons. The church is twenty-four low patrons of the school or members
ing meetings at Sanilac Center. 'The of the church who can not help the situ-
work continues to go forward there." feet wide, thirty-four feet long, sixteen
feet to ceiling. A belfry six feet square ation.
finishes the building. The building is lo- A teacher has intrusted to him a most
As a result of meetings which have cated right in the center of the resident delicate and precious work. God has
been continued through the fall at Red- portion of the city, which contains three placed his work in the church: "And
ding, Cal., eleven persons have been won thousand inhabitants. This is the first God hath set some in the church, first
to the truth there, though it is stated Seventh-day Adventist church building apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly
that "for years the churches and mis- in Mendocino and Lake Counties, and teachers, after that miracles, then gifts
sions have not been able to accomplish will stand as a monument, and a center of healings, helps, governments, diver-
anything in Redding." from which the truth will radiate. The sities of tongues." Thus, it will be seen,
company of Sabbath-keepers numbers that the teacher should be respected for
ELDER F. D. STARR says, in a recent re- about twenty-five." his very work's sake. The manner in
port from Colville, Wash.: " A neat which a teacher's work is sometimes
house of worship is being erected here, esteemed is illustrated by an incident
and will soon be ready for dedication. Correction which occurred in New York City re-
October 22 we organized a church of IN the report of receipts and disburse- cently. A wealthy man gave a very
seventeen members. Brother L. R. Foos ments of the New Jersey Tract Society, elaborate dinner in honor of the designer
was chosen elder." printed December 15, an error in copy- of a new yacht which he had built.
ing represented profit on merchandise Many chosen guests were at his table,
but the teacher of his children was at
REPORTING a recent visit to his home sales as $61.36. It should have been a table with the servants in the kitchen,
town, Esc ndido, Cal., Brother A. J. $61.39.' In disbursements, for the same — the designer of his yacht — a lifeless
Howard says: " Thus far since my home cause, there was omitted the item of loss plaything — sumptuously dined and hon-
stay, nine persons are rejoicing in new- on periodicals, $19.93. The corrected to- ored; the designer of the character of
found light and obeying God's require- tal is $703.21. his children ignored, and perhaps for-
ments as to the Sabbath. Fourteen have ANNA E. RAMBO, Treasurer.
been added to our Sabbath-school." By what I am saying I would not wish
to attach an undue importance to the
BROTHER C. E. KNIGHT says, in a re- TIFistiatt Duration work of the teacher; but unless the
port from Arizona: "The number of sacredness and far-reaching conse-
Sabbath-keepers in the companies at Conducted by the Department of Education of the quences of his work are properly appre-
Prescott and Buckeye was rather a sur- General Conference. L. A. HOOPES, Chairman;
ciated, and he justly esteemed for them,
prise to me, and I expect these will soon FREDERICK CiRIGGS, Secretary. it is impossible to extend the hearty
be strengthened in membership and con- sympathy and support due him in his
firmed in the faith, and organized into work, which is often exceedingly ardu-
churches. I have just come to the last- Strength in Unity ous. Let us, then, unite to male the
named place with my family, to hold a THE high standard necessary in our education of our children a perfect suc-
series of meetings." school work can be reached only by a cess. Our advance lies along no other
united effort on the part of all. We may line than one of unity. F. G.
EIGHT new converts to the cause of have a perfect organization, well-edu-
Sabbath reform were recently gained at cated and competent teachers, perfect
Burt, Iowa, and a Sabbath-school of appointments for our schoolrooms, and The Fall Term at Union College
about twenty members was also or- yet be weak and ineffective in our work THE fall term at Union College was a
ganized. Brother Archer Cotton, who is as a whole. This weakness may be successful one, marked by quiet, earnest
working in that vicinity, reports that caused by lack of the hearty support work on the part of the students. The
" men who have never been known to which is demanded from all our people. enrolment was two hundred and seventy-
attend church are manifesting a deep God's work ever demands from each be- nine. The health of students and teach-
interest, and the prospects for further liever the same spirit which Moses had ers has been generally good. There have
additions are very favorable." at the time when the Lord, in his right- been a few cases among the students
eous wrath, threatened to destroy Israel of a mild fever, but all have returned
and make of Moses a great nation. But to their work, except one, who is now
A CANVASSERS' institute is to be •held in Moses so loved the people and the work
Nebraska City, Neb., January 6-29. It is of God that he exclaimed: " 0, this peo- recovering. The sickness has been mild
the plan to make this an occasion of ple have sinned a great sin, and have and short, and there are no new cases.
thoroughly working the city. The pro- made them gods of gold. Yet now, if The faculty have bestowed a great deal
gram is being so arranged that two hours thou wilt forgive their sin — and if not, of thought upon the religious work of
each afternoon will be spent by all who blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book the school. An effort has been made t<
attend the institute, in working among which thou hast written." When we organize ' the Christian workers int<
the people with our books and papers. have this spirit, we shall not withdraw small bands for service, in harmony wits
A course of public lectures will be given from any feature of the work which the the recommendation of the Young Peo
evenings during the time. pie's convention held last spring. Band
Lord would perform in the earth because have been formed among the •Germal
of any failures in that work, even though and the Scandinavian students, thre
IN a recent report of work at Dowling, the failures, as is generally the case, bands for periodical work, one each fo
Ohio, Brother J. 0. Young says: " After are due directly to those in charge of Dorcas work, branch Sabbath-schools
continuing our efforts for seven weeks, the work; but, on the other hand, we Young People's work, ministerial wort'
twelve persons took their stand to keep shall prove true,— the truer as the Bible and tract work, and work for othe
the commandments of God and the faith Lord's work is in the greater danger. schools. A lively interest has been man
of Jesus. On Sabbath, September 24, It may be necessary to make changes ifested in the periodical campaign, 35

sets of the Signs being taken, 355 copies

of the Infidel number of the Life Boat,
(gurant Tarntion States have contributed their first annual
quotas to this end. Costa Rica and
and 16o sets of the Southern Watchman. Nicaragua have signified their intention
November 14 several companies of stu- — A serious uprising in the island of to participate. Hayti and the Argentine
dents went to the city and into the sur- Samar, one of the Philippine Group, is Republic will not become parties to it.
rounding country, and sold many copies reported by General Corbin.
of the papers. The Sabbath-school band — Another uprising is threatened in
has organized four family schc.11s in — Seven men were suffocated in a Santo Domingo, and there is friction
neglected portions of the city, antVtney soft clay mine near Bolivar, Pa., De- between that country and Hayti, owing
cember 22. The victims were Austrians. to the failure of the former to expel
report a remarkable interest.
The meetings are so arranged as to — Ten men of the crews of some push some Haytian revolutionists who had
accomplish the most good, and yet not boats on Beaver River, Kentucky, lost taken refuge in Santo Domingo. Dip-
interfere with the studies. Sabbath fore- their lives by drinking wood-alcohol, a lomatic relations between the two coun-
noon we have Sabbath-school and public jug of which was among some freight tries have been suspended.
service. In the afternoon the missionary that was being taken down the river.
bands meet. Wednesday, just after — Evidence compiled by the New
chapel, about ten prayer-meetings are — Nine persons were killed in a hotel Yak Child Labor Committee, and re-
held for a half-hour. These are attended in Minneapolis, Minn., by the falling of cently laid before Governor-Elect Hig-
by a majority of the students and teach- a wall of an adjoining building which gins, shows that the evil of child labor
ers. Friday evenings, meetings are held had been partially destroyed by fire a is astonishingly prevalent in that State.
in the college for the German: the Scan- few days before. The falling brick In Syracuse, for example, children of
dinavian, and the outside students. In crashed through the roof of the hotel. only four years were found working in
the homes, services, including frequent factories beside their mothers, from
— Dispatches from Panama report a 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. In one factory three
social meetings, are held at the going severe earthquake, December 20, at hundred children under fourteen years
down of the sun, and later the Sabbath- David, a town 180 miles from Panama. of age were found at work.
school lesson is studied in small com- Houses were demolished, and the peo-
panies. The organization seems to be — A revolutionary outbreak of serious
ple were panic stricken. The first shock
good. We are praying, and we invite
was followed by nine others. The in- dimensions took place at Moscow, Rus-
all to join us in praying, that the Spirit
habitants whose homes were destroyed sia, lasting several hours. About 5,000
of the Lord may breathe upon it, and are living in the streets. No lives were persons participated in the rioting, and
make it a living and powerful means for many persons were injured in the fight-
the salvation of souls and the training lost.
ing which resulted from the efforts of
of workers for the harvest-field. — News received from Port Arthur,
the police to disperse the mob. A prom-
C. C. LEWIS. December 25, reported the capture of
inent feature of the demonstration was
Kekwan fort by the Japanese forces,
the distribution of a violent proclama-
after stubborn fighting, the defenders
tion of the Social Democratic Labor
A School in the Country mostly dying at their posts. Two Rus-
Party, describing the whole country as
THE school was in the country. The sian generals in Port Arthur are re-
being in a state of mourning and tears
house was small, but grand old trees ported to have been killed and one
for the sacrifice of life in the far East
grew on all sides of it, and the ground wounded in the fighting for the posses-
for the aggrandizement of the Roman-
was covered with soft green grass. sion of 203 meter hill. offs, picturing the government as driving
Not far away was a beautiful stream — A dispatch from St. Johns, New- the people to starvation, and calling
of water, where the teacher and the foundland, says, under date of Decem- upon workingmen to enter ceaselessly
children would go to study nature. ber 19: " Several schooners belonging upon a war for overthrowing the ty-
There they studied water in its liquid on this island, and which were driven rants.
and solid conditions. Springs were off by the gale of December II, are still
found along its banks, and these were unreported. Their crews total sixty — The effort to modify the autocratic
studied in connection with Ps. 104:10. men. It is feared they have been lost." government of Russia, represented in
In the dark, cool, shady places of the Disasters are reported all along the New the recent memorial of the zemstvos to
stream, little minnows were watched, England coast. the czar, seems• likely to be unproduc-
and an old frog was occasionally seen to tive of any immediate gain in the direc-
go " plunk " into the water. Another — The worst period of fogs known in tion of liberal goverment, though the re-
time some crawfish were caught and many years is reported from England. ports on this point are conflicting. A St.
brought to the house, where they were A dispatch from London says, under Petersburg dispatch states that the czar
carefully observed for a few days, and date of December 22 : " A dismal pall has prepared a reply antagonistic to the
then taken back to their home in the is spread over the greater part of the memorial on every essential point. " It
stream. kingdom, causing enormous business begins with the declaration that the czar
After this, in their Bible study, the losses, and threatening to deprive thou- is immovably resolved to hand his full
children came to the story of the flood sands of their Christmas parcels. Stat- powers over to his son, unimpaired.
and the building of the ark. That they isticians estimate that the losses in a The source of all laws, he says, must
might get some idea of the size of the single day of such a fog in London alone remain with him. The war has disclosed
ark, they first found its dimensions in amount to fully $3,000,000." defects in the administration which he
feet, then trees were climbed until they — The Atlantic liner " Kroonland," will seek to rectify. Subsequent decla-
reached the height of the ark. The next which arrived at New York from Ant- rations in the manifesto bear upon the
thing they did was to measure and lay werp, December 21, reports being struck internal government of the empire, upon
out a rectangle just the size of the ark. by a tidal wave December 12, which which subject the czar says his only aim
This took them outside the school brought her to a standstill, and deluged is the happiness of his people. He ex-
ground into the woods, where at an- her decks with water. Officers of the presses the hope that exceptional admin-
other time the had wandered along a " Kroonland " say that when the wave istrative measures will be unnecessary.
little ravine, studying the roots and struck the vessel, the water dashed It is anticipated that the discontent that
vines they found there. higher than her funnels, and swept the will arise upon the issue of the mani-
In the latter part of the spring some hurricane-deck. Several persons were festo will end in the withdrawal of
low swampy land had been cleared, and injured. The voyage is described as the Prince Mirsky from the ministry of the
planted to cucumbers. When these were worst the vessel ever experienced. interior, and the return of M. de Witte
being gathered, one day the teacher to the place he held before he was ousted
brought a leaf to the drawing class, and — A " Bureau of American Repub- by the •machinations of his enemies." It
before it was drawn, guesses were made lics " has been established at Washing- is announced from St. Petersburg by the
as to what kind of leaf it was. Finally ton, and a report of work for the year Associated Press that Russia is on the
some one announced that it was a cu- ending June 30, 1904, has just been eve of abolishing the passport system,
cumber leaf. However, such a close made by Secretary Hay. Among other though the abolition will apply at first
study was made of the leaf, while draw- things the Bureau has made an effort only to the Russian people, and not to
ing it, that they,were sure of that leaf to establish an international sanitary bu- foreigners. Under the present system
.ever after. reau, and Chile, Cuba. Honduras, Mex- no peasant can leave a commune with-
MRS. EUNICE BRIGGS. ico, Salvador, Venezuela, and the United out an indorsed passport.
somber with me the list Ave mamba of her slated is the *orgies* M the amidst*
life. The blessed hope was her support in pastor, and also by the pester of the
bar last skinless. M. J. Csawroas. dish Duptist Aura. which is nor Wool'
brook. We laid Brother Nelsen to rest with
Matteotti).— Died at her home in Port confidence in his kindest a part is the first
°ramie. Pie., Nov, 1$, too4, after a sleet resumed**. M. B. YANKING.
Ilhelee. Jane Modern, wife of Joseph Morford.
seed at years, 4 months. and se days. Sister limas.— Died at his home in Rush Town-
Nance 1 Morhol accepted present truth about seven- ship '^Devieas Co.. Ill., jlov se. tom. of
rice harry given that the fourth an- inn yearn ago. She was quiet and unassu- pot ros. John Holbreel Bites. and To
n meet,ing of the stockholders of the mine. bind, devoted wife and mother. e geed reach v months, and days. 'He wie ten
Southern Publishing Asernistioo will be held neighber, and was ever ready to lend a kelp roan old at the time of the '44 movement.
at the offices of the merniatiosi, Nashville. ing Wool. A husband, two sons, and two 1.1. father, beam is the mama' at that time,
Tenn., on Tuesday, Jan. to, sees, at to A. w., IlltelM0/1 Opel* 11101, • • • helloed to proclaim It. At thirteen years of
to elect a hosed et thresrnes for the stesolog Wtieuae.- Died at the home et ids parents, age he. with his parents. awed to this State.
year, and fee the lraassstlsa of sash ease William S. sad CodOs IL Willow. at Maw where he has Mose lived. A little later they
bovine*, as is esouseted with the aseetiatime. dale, Moho Olt. tli, teas. et received the third mesh message. For
Casa. S. Pmts. Soevenwt. anise teem so Wash of same moolositis, mad. thirtpaaht moire his home his he.. a home
her ealitietere. and fur *sod sad hobs pea,
Vent W, MOW,' elied is yam, s mamba
and a days. Sims awe mom of MN Vern sew sod orphan. At the time of his death =.
WINMeit • ' • • • has been IS lenraNd sad a past solenta he was Oder et the shwa sod mashes to
• Feu' pouts iodise betimes , the: : sem •I: While Weibel; sad flistet, Willow mown the the Sabbsibmshatt which puffin he hod
temotpleur sad thims4m. weighliti net Om list et their,Ossabool• :FM 'thelf Wmw net ' held for many years, He leaves a devoted
shoo .ses to labe its the medial Sliedetoc. se ahem wile have as - compaallo. two tester ems and :their taw
IfInterul ens bratha, one sister, and *soy Mende
ay Ness' Chas et the lows Sailseloss. mato wi re poopessa lby Me welter. -
An atitual appeolooky Ow the *he wow • W., D.. Panama to WAWA the lees of a vestal and preeteus
Appliesots mom be in peed :MOM. and mew • Wails — _ life. Not holes she to 'Mods a utioleter of
bees el the S. 'A.` Chetah.; Class loplas moo. wet, our . faith. Rea II. Rite **elided it, the
sise4 Jane einianria iennet., egad 94 VMS
1M lel. OM, and salmis. rose a retied -and $ toeolim. Twisty yam me site 'rimed forteral. Sahli* Is, his text Jib set as. N.
moires of two, years. Write et toss Ilk end t Car. is t lo se' maws tor a loam - the
Elinegen MAIO. the lows Satiltatemo .... "* "1" Advestlits, and" Maw tamer third , Peah A .1tasams. .
o es Malmo. Iowa.. • • that time Sad a life of uotowerviivo fidelity as
• the cause of Gsd. She was war stelae,* Oualimat,•0 Died in Resider, Cola. Dee.
•1•1100.01••••••19.M•00.11 to tie oscoseities of others, and will he sadly tboth tam. Soak* W. W. Quallseit, to the tibia
missed by all yob* Mew, lose. Sio Mildew year st Mimic He was been in Greedy
• Ncifflem se COM101,•'- Nom. tits, sod' was malted
.boss lie,Crisatta, es Miss
Misr halo* pelisse. will be ptelithed laTM ""1" 4.6 sore
writer. "I/ twil 1/4" hmeral
• Maw /1/4 to
this .depansteat 'MOO to -the dieseeelem et hem sum prows wad. q a an, it& 11011 Mar, leafage* at New NookAna.
the publiMere. A , Marge of me dslisr 'tor , n woman, • M. 1144.- v.s0.;1160,0044 is lot
sac Morale* *Lists 11000.'er Mau sad et • mid *Mold the lialdlel'OlOreh• toeter he as.
twisty „mots at Russ aver else will be :. : iltimuow um it Alte he" at her Mk MOW the jthit•Ord
wok. Ammo la she rash et the ewe ohs ,•tdesthield, 1011140 'wend ',ant spew three. years.: a 'ha; In bade
wish sharp, tiledier• NOW tunne toed ••01 INN **0 Cresic011ibnla• 1,111011 this anal
se S. weal t•
10•99094 se sky 199994949 the rap It melba She ani ed for 110,0 _11_1101L rs, Itallok.where meet is yam to . faithful
Utiles hates anew Amish esed 111110111111004 *ft ,Molar lifelt.46lisfh ,unfutuutur idiot • ON - amostint *Utah. keel* be ra
to a , moire of pant*. deprived • her at toramt -Oa e,Aar ':.sod wan le Boulder.
Waytelie;w4P*4 geed'. OM , umbel* sad yeah and the nee of ens aide.. She Haim* Col% iIth the hope's( ragatalop his health.
drommakera Mat ha Mantles. Address tea sevettlem at Name meal r Ores* He died with a bright hope. He leaves a
O. '. Rata ses Faulk Ow Pootialtd, Ore, Maher was a ate Christian. was a wife and doubter, a IdeRelletitee, three
towsber et the Adventist shush bathe* sad two sitters is *taunt their lass.
'hie enamels eapeelly d our lelPfie4411 ter aver thirty yeses. A husband, two Another faithful Worn Me to Voles.
mishhte y and the big demand amble us he 4hireatlfts, and ass soot an loth as moors their teem will dose up the ran* a$d the wort
furnish' ahwMtelt pate, Atmeleas, Imitated* lees, yet we Mow it is well with her. Fume& will me &morn. The (Hoods eed pan from
moot butter at to via. per lb. Is moth, salts, aweless were soodusted by Rider 1'. H. him is oedema will mown hot a little while
et it hit, per la in talk cuts t sot butter Pardee, has ha Mote to ilreehlield. until He who shall atom will Neer mid the
made from stesised outs at ta as. and is IL R. Knees; sleeping saints will awake to letionnality.
cis. per Ito.. reepostively. Cash with elder. The remains *co removed to his home In
We Fee NI* en ill eaten of use sr ever Tems..... Died at Mansell* Ore., Nov.
to all points soot of the Mackin. Address oat*, of ewer of the Shaer Itl• Payette, Mo., far interment. The funeral
3. II. Schindler, Say City.. ilielo. elm C. Tool* Mod Po NAM. p moth% and was estultooted by the writer In the Baptist
days, abets, Train was a Naive tot New rintreik in Payette. and was well atteaded,
Y ork. Her puma .were side ittembers et
the Mothadist Aplomb, sod she. with that,
B. C. Novae,
Stasitameo.thir beloved Mother, Met
Obiturtrfes ;Misted with that deotamistalea *MN Mott H. IL Mahe% after sulfa* , for several
twenty4ve years as., whoa she sweated the MINIM wish a ~auks et dims**, died
*en- eV... roik•
truths for this time. Noise a awaistont and a ids hems to Aaula, ado. DM 4. lee*
Cieverro.• {'rid at St. Charles Hospital, devoted life as a member et he lieveedllolitY Brother Mitchell was born mar enrelen•
Nara. In.. N.% ap, 11414 Mrs. Sarah Oars% Adventist elowth till she hit &deep to await 01110. March Ile Soloed the M. B.
aged s ears and I dela Sister that. the eseistemisalleo of the hope she cherished Church in his mourn, and under the labors
united with the Plane Soromnialay Ad. en Iwo. Of Ave eldidetto, three, a see and of Riders Sunlit and Mann, embraced the
artist smock In ISO% and tenteined faithful tau daughters. mother with her Mahood. truths of the third were mesage in the
to the sad. She leaves tear seam sad one surely* her. Ilse sweet influence will live winter of My' For years brother Mitchell
builder. Wards of outheetatiett wen-wino after her, as en inetrnive to a life et waive was closely siandated with the work of the
by the writer, kills Amos 4 t la for God. Words at comfort were epithien at SIANNIhRes so minister, sod miaow of the Om.
O. A. Wnseme. the Mow*, by the writer. F, M. Burn. ered Colborne% He laves a WWI and a demob-
ilts.Ls.—. Died at Nelesa. Moat., Sept. N. HiLielt....D1401 at the beam of hie sec ter to mown his death. but not as these who
et la "WA, Kilmer Hills, aped ears Pr. C. P. Nolan, of Weeliwook, Minn. ON. have no hope, Ills death .served duchy
and I *oaths. His mind was esmatMakty 1904. brother C. Nelsen. seed fll the melee et the, Young Peeples minveotion,
clear until the last. sad he saproosed his 4at.loontlee, and ty days. Brother Nelsen will and the foaml was held in the *sodomy
hope of Hein at the mall et Christ, in the he remembered se one of the early plasmas chapel. Ills bream in the ministry were
Ant reearealen, Hie wife, Sister M. J. of the 004410111 in this State. He was In, $ hii w sareatern, and a number of ether Ohio
HIM, with whom be had traveled life's Mar* amber of yeses a Weimer in the Seastdima were pressed. A quartet say septa
As* for forty years, ravirse him. Many visa week. The immediate causes of his prime hymns. sad the writer, assisted by
bleeds were samosa at the lament send,. death were eampliestime that ea in shortly Mos Surbholder and Thompson, and others.
C.J. SAUSCIO. Oat a eureka operation performed by conducted the funeral *mites. It was a
butane.... Ma Its Termed% Ontario, Nov. Mayo at Richest, Brother NeIen was a adients?time. end a stirring call was given
ei. aeo4. of a complicatioo of disernes, my faithful Advent'. to his last moments. His to the grnortg to All Si. ranks as comrades
mother, Mrs. R. A. Shona axed ye years. faith and trust to the Lord were Arm to fall id their places. One brother. D. K.
Seely in life she soiled with the Presbyterian she end. Two soot and Ave deltoids's, with • Mitchell, and two sisters are left of a family
Church. I think it wee about dye whim she his faithful companion. are left to mourn his of ten children to mourn the brother's death.
aseepted Bible troth as taught hy fievettek- 'loath. They afirsow nut as those without These sad oceurrenters only stimulate we to
day Advertises. She was ens of the Arm comfort t for they have faith in God. The wore energetic and peraeverlog effort, and
members of the church at Dunkirk, °marls, funeral services were held at the Baptist rause us mere earnestly to pray, "Come,
aad was a faithful and sealers worker fee church in Westbrook. Sabbath afternoon. lord Jesus. come quickly." Words of coin-
die cause of Owlet. and a Ann believer In October as. Words of tendert were drawn fort were spoken from Rom. II: se. OS. end
his soon coming it was my privilege to have from s Tim. 4 t y, N The writer was as. Rev, tot sj. 11. Ineveitv.
enemeasenemm---, _
&DYZNT stavntwimmeAssAmlialtilW Demurnam New
1_101_1W.f r -VL

cent pro* to those wholtil from house, — Watch Veer Wrapper

to hou* ', ,, ' iAtffsh elite of the year a large ' sow
yeasty subscribers for tools will' bto, of oideetkideoe elyinottid on do
ve free the November and De- not mot, it shoe eemehto of the se.
Wantons:reit, D.. C.. Ditanoten en, eget ' musket el Ode Pear. ' Sub' 'Tow Wily so drop oat. i ' —
• • 04 Pric% 5° "Ms st Yar'h when 'rho* . has been a' good Nereus is
for UP steel Healt .. dedoir the tut
. reams
w. • • i 1"
1 ••• •• •Ammeatil
s. illteall
' Subset
l, toot out circle on
sommesasse 11"" yAll Ma" for your alwaw' Bah wr. three mouths. We cordially welcome
A Horror New Year to all our routers. dere orsot
por.: fise to otdior
escks.d n ii:
wonv :::::. :tin
in. en ta r egbleour
insir aresuti
a weeki dodrovo of
.1.' is that people whose God is the more of the pootoehet, „tow if you Resew& wake are wet to evilly sub.
Lord." haw any time to devout to its sale. scriber two weeks previous to aspira-
Address Life and Health, an North tion of subscription, but do not wait
Tote permanent address of Prof. j. G. ,e_atot St., %Allow
Lannon is now Holly, Mich. The new "rn for these. Watch the date on your wrap-
academy to be established at that place per, and send in your 1111,11111 early.
will bbl known as the Adelphian And- rats Review fer NOS We feel sure that you can not afford
emy, of which Brother Lamson is to be Tent Ms" change of km* in the to deprive yourself of the Eutaw dur-
the principal. calendar does not la Itself make any ing WS.
change In our circumstances and sur- It is safest to ono remittance by post-
roundings, or in our ability to deal with oEtte or express money-order, bank
Eon A. 0. DANIELL1 left Washing- the situation in which we find ourselves.
draft, or registered litter. Address Re-
ton last Sunday for an absence of two or Ws can not therefore promise that theta
view and Herald, an North Capitol St.,
three weeks. After delivering the ad- will be any radical difference between
Washington, D. C.
dress before the graduating nurses of the first issue of the Renew for 1903
the law* Sanitarium he will attend sev- and the last Issues of the old year. We
eral general meetings In that conference, c.on only say that it is our sincere desire Washington, D. C. ,
and then spend a few days with the to make the pasicr a worthy exponent Ur to the present time there has been
workers of the Southern Union Coder- of the truths of the third angel's mots- received $to.sytys on the One Hundred
s:Ice in their meetings at Nashville, Tenn., op, uncompromisingly opposed to Thousand Dollar Fund., See list on page
so. This leaves $59411.13 yet to be sup-
those deceptions and perversions of the plied. We have set our hopes on Nay
THE present effort to revive the inter- truth which are now flooding the world,
the date of the beginning of the
est in the principles of religious liberty We hope to Justify the standing an-
General Conference, for the closing up
and the plan for an aggressive campaign nouncement at the heed of our editorial
of this work. This can be dew. It
for the dissemination of these principles columns: "Devoted to the Proclama-
would be an Inspiration to our work
will be forwarded by the study of the tion of ' the Faith which was once de-
throughout all the world, if at the time
Sabbath-school lesions far the early part livered unto the Saints.'" We haw when our brethren whorepresent every
of next year. The subjects of the int been cheered by the many words of en. part of the great harvest 1814 tbe
six lessons of the next quarter are as fol- couragemest *OA have some tow der are assembled here to the capital city
lows: "The Bible and Liberty," "The Ins the past year, and by the Wetly of the last great nation of this world's
Sabbath and Liberty," " Sendq and efforts which haw been put forth in be- history, It could be said that funds had
been supplied to establish ow headoputt.
Slavery," "An Epoch of freedom," half of the circulation of the paper. We Mrs ht this city absolutely free to do
"The Powers That Be," "The Final enter upon the new year with the tart the work which the Lord has declared
Conflict." The remaining lemons of the est permanent list of subscribers whieh should be dine here. ?hie can be easily
quarter use upon health and ie.operance, the Review has ever had, and with the
It NU been some time since we have bad reasonable prospect of a steady increase. Are thew not twenty-five of our pea-
ple ht whose Warts the Lord has placed
a series of Sabbath-school lessens de- The year doss with such a combina- the desire to eve at least one thousand
voted to these phases of the third an- tion of *Minn occurrences In the dollars, and whom he has by his prov-
gel'. message, and they ought to awaken various developments of human history idence enabled to do sot Shall not the
special interest. that we can readily see that the aunt's.' first list of the new year be headed with
donation of one thousand dollars or
year will be a stirring one. It will cer- morel' In order to supply the amount
Still Selling Well tainly bring many interesting experi- yet needed before the General Confer-
Tits December number of Lite cud ences in the spread of this message. It ewe, at Wet two thousand live ken-
Health Is selling finely. Those who will also witness rapid progress In the deed dollars must be given each week.
have sold out their first supply can still fulfilment of prophecy concerning the Now that the annual offering has been
taken,— and as far as we are able to
get more. closing days of this earth's history. We discern, it will be by far the largest In
Please remember that the price to shall hope to give In the Revtaw a faith- the history of our denomination,-- shall
agents on twenty-live or more copies is ful record and interpretation of these we not take hold of this work with fresh
only two and one-half cents a copy. We things, and we make hold to say that courage and inspiration to finish let
We are absolutely certain that there
would be glad If a thousand more of we are confident that every believer In will be at the beginning of the new year
our people would take up the sale of this message will be encouraged and a great tevival in the interest in this
this Hale health maeisine, and would strengthened by being a regular reader work which is now the moat important
sell regularly each month from twenty- of this paper. thing before us until it is completed.
five to one hundred copies. "Our people are to remember that for
We sincerely thank our contributors the present the work in Washington is
We have concluded to continue dur- and other fellow workers for their valued to be our first interest. There are many
lag ttoos the same liberal ratite to agents help in the past, and look conidently Mods of work to be carried on is dif-
which have been given during Novem- for their co-operation ha the future in fer.* pious, but our first Interest Just
ber and December. So there is a lib- our efforts to melte the Review what It now is our work at the capital of our
eral commission to those who secure ought to be, and to pion it ht the hoses seise This *abides is ftu a Tin
thaw publishod M the issiist. "1 WM
yearly subscriptions, and a hundred per of ale our Sabbath-keeping families. Cale Thee." X.11. WASSIVIOL
^ •

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