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Thursday 3/25/20 Day 9 Learning Target/Objective Assignments

Watch video: How did the Cold War

I can discuss the Cold War happen?
Social Studies
Reading Connection: I can practice Answer questions

using skills for integrating information (See Social Studies Google Classroom)

I can complete reading tasks that are Explain plan for creating a book OR
creating/joining a virtual book club (see
aligned to 5th grade Reading and
Day 5 assignment)
Reading Writing standards
Independently Read for 20-30 minutes
I can read select books on my level and
read for enjoyment. (see Reading Google Classroom)

Writing: Grammar & Mechanics NoRedInk Assignment:

(Both Homerooms) I can identify commonly confused words in writing Editing a Writing piece Part 1
I can write a Narrative essay
Written Expression (see Writing Google Classroom)
(Carty’s Homeroom only)

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