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Exercise: Solve the following integral

 dx
x 2 1

This integral will be solved by the Method of Partial Fractions

Factorizing the denominator x 2  1  x  1x  1

So the rational expression is now turning into

 A
 B
x 2 1 x1 x1

We operate with the sum of fractions and if the denominator are equal, so do the


Ax  1  Bx  1  1

Giving values to "x" in spite of expand the expressions and form a system of

If x  1

B1  1  1  2B  1  B  1

If x  1

A1  1  1  2A  1  A   12

Now with this values, the integral is complete and it can be represent as a sum of
integrals which both are immediate

1 1
 dx
  x12  2
dx   12  dx
 1
 dx
x 2 1 x1 x1 2 x1

These integrals are a natural logarithm, then...

  12 ln|x  1|  1
ln|x  1|  C ---> This is the result

But... Applying logarithms laws or properties of logarithms, we can make a


 1
ln x1

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