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I am going to write some emotional stuff for absolutely no reason.

We had a good four years together. And just yesterday I realized, I wouldn’t be walking up every weekday to see
your faces in the morning. Not that you guys have beautiful faces, but somehow that seemed like the only constant
in the last four years.

Sometimes I feel this group existed because we all have sequential USNs. I mean think about it, this group initially
had Abhay, Akshay, Aishwarya, Terry and me. Four of us had some amazing coordinating skills during internals in
first year. Abhay’s jokes and Akshay’s insaneness made it easier for us to get along. And three of us together,
transformed Aishwarya from an innocent introvert to a wild extrovert. And as for Terrence, we always loved you
more (Took you three years to understand, but it’s true).

And just like that very semester there was a new addition for their own reasons. Aayush because every group
needs that guy who, actually likes computers and exercising his lungs. Allada because he thought being our friend
or getting a new hairstyle, would get him his dream girl (Really, why?). Gaurav because he is the jugaad man and
we really needed him. Anagha, well, because Aishwarya couldn’t handle all the beauty quotient of the group alone.
And Arun because we can take advantage of your niceness.

Over the years, of course, we’ve all had our share of issues. But for everything that we have gone through, we have
had at least one person stand by us from within the group. That is why we are really the best, because we have
seen groups break and wither.

“For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” – The Jungle Book

How I wish, I knew why I feel so empty when I write this. How I wish, that I saw the same faces when I walk into a
room full of strangers this year. How I wish, Dominos understood all the hard work we put into finding coupon
codes, before we order the same pizza every time.

Thank you for making these four years, the best time of my life.
Raj. (a.k.a Fatty. Topper. Jobin. Dilip. Moon. SAP)

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