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By: Edwin J. Montiel Ruiz

By 2016, the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce estimated that one-third

of the world's households were headed by women, with a tendency to
increase. In the country, there are currently 22 million women, of whom
less than half, 41.9%, have a job outside the home, given the
socioeconomic needs, head of household mothers look for a space to
work and be productive.
Susana Villarán, the Rapporteur on Women's Rights of the Inter-
American Commission on Human Rights, during her visit to Colombia
in 2005, affirmed that all the weight of the situation produced by
violence falls on women; that is, on widows with small children, illiterate
women or those with very little education. For this reason, women's
poverty transcends their families, as they are the head of the
household, constituting the so-called marginal "poverty trap" in the
most unprotected families of Colombian territory.
According to data from the National Administrative Department of
Statistics (DANE), 56 per cent of women in Colombia are heads of
household and less than half (41.9 per cent) have a job outside the
home. The data also show that 33.2% of workers in the social,
community or personal services sector are women. 31.4% in trade,
hotels and tourism; 14.8% in manufacturing.

Therefore, we see that the problem that most affects Colombian

society is the inequity that exists with women, in social and labor
aspects; illiteracy, domestic violence and displacement are effects of a
state abandonment of the female head of household.
In Barranquilla, one of the cities most affected by these factors, there is
a need to evaluate, propose and design a possible solution to the lack
of education and to the reduction of the conditions of poverty that these
women are experiencing; achieving with this to improve productivity,
through a prototype training program, in order to generate income and
improve their quality of life in the future by carrying out our project and
promoting economic growth with equity, to be women leaders of
information processes, training and participatory communication for the
development of women heads of household in the different localities of
Barranquilla, Rio Mar, North, Historic Center, Metropolitan, South East
and South West.
This is where ANEIAP can contribute to the development of
communities and head of household mothers through the
implementation and management of the training of a productive
development program; taking advantage of the context and skills of
women added to the engineering knowledge that the Association can
provide to achieve them, it will be possible to generate skills and make
learning sustainable in the lives of these women.
Education and training can range from basic accounting, personal
finance, opening businesses, pottery, clothing, emotional intelligence
and many other demographics interests that account for the
development of hard and soft skills for them, all this with the support of
allies and other entities that can contribute to the project.
Finally, it is hoped to take the project to all the cities of Colombia where
the Association is established, allowing it to be replicable.

The project implementation methodology will focus on 4 processes;

1. Contact with the community
2. Action Plan
3. Training in business training
4. Evaluation
The contact with the community will allow us to make a
characterization of the initial diagnosis of the chosen sample with the
mothers heads of household, that is to say, the application and
analysis of surveys according to the parameters related to the
productive promotion.
The action plan includes the management of training from the
association ANEIAP, national entities that support entrepreneurship
and business creation and project formulation and evaluation.
The evaluation consists of the productive support of the project and its
financial viability.


1. The United Nations (UN), the main promoter of International

Women's Day, 08 March 2007

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