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Nama : Suganda Firas Pratama

NPM : 1961201194
Kelas : II C ( Manajemen)


1. Two people who meet somewhere and talk about the work they do, one of them works for
his own company and another person works as a salesman for a company, then eriks
introduces a manager
2. In a Restaurant
3. They met in the introduction of a business partnership
4. Introduction to who they work

1. Meet 6. Sea food
2. Company 7. Growing
3. Representative 8. Please
4. What 9. Introduce
5. Packaging 10. Self

1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True

1. Thank you very much
2. I don’t think we have meet
3. And, what company are you from Mr.Tang?
4. Your business expanding very rapidly at the moment
5. Yes, we are doing quite well and yourself? Who do you what for?
6. Actually, I work for myself, I’am the CEO of small export and packaging compan.
7. It’s a growing market
8. Yes, but a very competitive one Mr.Tang
9. I am very well thank you. Nice to meet you Ms Chan
10. Thank you

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