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Arjie B.


BS Mathematics – 1st Year

The Cost of Integrity

Dr. X, distinguished structural engineer, received a phone call from an engineering

student at a nearby college. The student expressed concerns that Dr. X’s famous skyscraper
had a serious technical design flaw. At first, Dr. X dismissed the student’s concerns outright
but the conversation gets him thinking. Over the weekend, Dr. X sifts through his data and
realizes the student is indeed correct – strong winds could cause famous landmark to people
and in the process kill thousands of innocent people. Rectifying the problem would be no
small task would require notifying the building’s owner, city officials, and the press might
negatively impact Dr. X’s professional reputation.

Consider each of the following question and evaluation the case study:

1. What is the action or inaction that is the cause for concern?

One of the reasons or causes for the concern is the structure that Dr. X
planned could easily collapsed or become unsteady and fall slowly, especially when
there is a solid breeze. If it falls and the public will found out concerning the issues,
dread would emerge.

2. Who or what may be affected?

Of course the person who owns the building. Also, the people who occupy the
building could be affected. Additionally, Dr. X will be agitated.

3. How will they be affected? (i.e., what are the possible consequences?)

Dr. X’s reputation, standing, and career will be destroyed. He might be put
behind bars since it is a serious case/problem. Also, it would put numerous innocent
lives at risk. To the owner of the said building, maybe he will face various serious
issues for the failure of the structure; it would lead him to depression.
4. Are there any laws, regulation written or unwritten that may apply?

Since Dr. X is a professional engineer, he must know about the Code of Ethics
for Engineers that he needs to obey in fulfillment to his professional duties. The most
important point on the said code is the responsibility of each engineer to “hold
paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public.” If he fails to obey the codes,
he might face different questions by the critics. And if the people who occupy the
building will die, he will be accused of murder.

5. What actions might be taken and what would the consequences of these actions be?

Negative problems or cases will not always have a negative outcome. Dr. X
should find any ways to solve the problem and find alternatives for the repair or
additional equipment or anything that is needed for the building to be firm and solid.
He may consult the building owners and share his burdens concerning the problem.
By doing such, there are possibilities that his image to the public, the building
owners, and the building occupants will be all safe and cool, and the building will
stand firm and tall.

6. Can anything be done to prevent this from reoccurring or to minimize the severity of
the consequences?

If Dr. X will consult to the owners and do anything he can to solve the
problem (like what I stated on item 5) will minimize the possible consequences. Also,
he really need to review everything so that he will find the error or flaws that makes
the building weak, and so he will avoid his mistake for his future projects.

7. Recommended course of action:

If I were to be the structural engineer of the building, I will check and review
everything about the place where the building will be constructed. All aspects of a
structure is liable with the impacts of outside powers—gravity, wind, tremors, and
temperature changes. Also, I will choose the best equipment that we will be using in
the process of constructing the building so that we will be safe from any bad
circumstances. And if there will be any issues concerning the building we build, I will
inform the owner of the building that there is lacking about the building. If the owner
will know the issue, it will be easy for us to rectify the problem. The possible
consequences that the problem would give will be minimized. I will do everything to
fix the mess because it is my duty to give the best quality of the building to our clients.
I should know my responsibilities as an engineer. I should obey what is written on the
Code of Ethics for Engineers.

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