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Tugas Pengantar Ekonomi Makro

Nama : Marcell E R Sinaga

Nim : 7193240029

Kelas : Ilmu Ekonomi C

Dosen Pengampu : Munzir Pohan, M.Si


1. Use the simple Keynesian Model to predict the impact of

a) An increase in government purchases.
b) An increase in taxes.
c) An equal increase government purchases and taxes.
2. In the simple Keynesian model, assume that the consumption function is given by

C = 200 + 0.75 (Y-T)

Planned investment is 100, government purchases and taxes are both 100.

a) Graph planned expenditure as a function of income.

b) What is the equilibrium level of income?
c) If government purchases increase to 125, what is the new equilibrium income?
d) What level of government purchases is needed to achieve an income of 1,600?
3. Although our basic version of the simple Keynesian model assumes that taxes are fixed
amount, in many countries (including the United States) taxes depend on income. Let’s
represent the tax system by writing tax revenue as
T =T́ + t . Y
Where T́ and t are parameters of the tax code. The Parameter t is the marginal and
proportional tax rate: If income rises by $1, taxes rise by t*$1
a) How does this tax system change the way consumption responds to changes in
b) In the simple Keynesian model, how does this tax system after the government-
purchases multiplier?
4. Consider the impact of an increase in thriftiness in the simple Keynesian Model. Suppose
the consumption function is
C=Ć+ c .(Y −T )
Where Ć is a parameter called autonomous consumption and c is the marginal propensity
to consume.
a) What happens to equilibrium income when society becomes more thrifty. As
represented by a decline Ć
b) What happens to equilibrium saving?
c) Why do you suppose this result is called the Paradox of thrift?
d) Does this paradox arise in the classical model for a closed economy? Why or why


1) .
a. ∆ Y ⟹ ∆ C
b. ∇ C ⟹ ∇ Y
c. ∆ Y ⟹ ∆ C ; ∆Y =∆ G=∆ T

2) .
a. E=C+ I +G=200+ 0.75(Y −100)+100+100
E=325+0.75 Y

Slope=1 Y Planned



1,300 1,400 Y
b. E=Y ; Y =325+0.75 Y ; Y =1,300
c. Efek ini dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan pengali.
∆Y = ∆G
∆ Y =4∗25=100
∴ Y ' =Y +∆ Y =1,300+ 100=1400
d. Y =200+0.75 ( Y −100 ) +100+G
1,600=200+0.75 ( 1,600−100 ) +100+G

3) .
a) C=Ć+ c ( Y −T ) dimana T =T́ +tY
C=Ć+ c [ Y −( T́ +tY ) ]
C=( Ć−c T́ ) + c ( 1−t ) Y
=c ( 1−t )
∴ halitu menurunkan kecenderunganmarjinal
untuk mengkonsumsi da ri c ke c (1−t)
1 1
b) G Multiplier= =
1−MPC 1−c (1−t)
karena MPC telah menurun , penyebutnya lebihtinggi dan
oleh karenaitu pengali lebih kecil
c) Y sekarang ku rang responsif terhadap perubahanG .
Oleh karena itu kemiringankurva IS akan lebih curam ke dalam r , bidangY
Periksa jawaban iniuntuk contoh spesifik kurva IS.
lihat juga I =I ( r ) , kemeringan dari kurva adalah
dY I ' ( r) dr 1−c (1−t)
= atau =
dr 1−c (1−t ) dY I ' (r )
jika t >0 pernyataanterakhir akan lebih besar ( IS steeper ) secaraabsolut

4) .
a) keseimbangan pendapatan adalah
1 1
Y ( Ć+ Í + Ǵ ) − T
1−c 1−c
dY 1 1
= ; dY d Ć
d Ć 1−c 1−c
karena itu , jika d Ć <0 ⟹ dY <0
pendapatan akan turun dengan penurunan
konsumsi otonom dikali pengganda
b) S=Y −C−Ǵ=Y −Ć−c (Y −T )−Ǵ
S=Y ( 1−c )−Ć+ cT −Ǵ
dS dY ( 1−c )
= (1−c ) −1= −1=1−1=0
dC d Ć ( 1−c )
oleh karenaitu , penghematan keseimbangan
tidak dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan penghematan
c) karena tabungan tidak akan meningkat
walapun orang mengkonsumsi dalam jumlah yang lebih sedikit
d) tidak , karena dalammodel itu pendapatan tetap .
ini , seperti yang kita lihat pada masalah sebelumnya
dS=−d Ć

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