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This method uses Wintrobe’s tube, a narrow glass tube closed at the lower end only. The
Wintrobe’s tube has a length of 11 cm and internal diameter of 2.5 mm. It contains 0.7-1 ml
of blood. The lower 10 cm are in cm and mm. This tube can also be used for PCV. The
marking is 10 at the top and 0 at the bottom for PCV.

By centrifuging the tube for 15 minutes at 3500 rpm, the blood will be separated into 3
layers. A column of red blood cells at the bottom, a narrow middle layer- abuffy coat of
WBCs and platelets, and the topmost fluid column od plasma.

1. Mix the anticoagulated blood thoroughly.
2. By using Pasteur pipette, fill the Wintrobe’s tube upto ‘0’ mark. There should be no
bubbles in the blood.
3. Place the tube vertically in ESR stand and leave undisturbed for 1 hour.
4. At the end of 1 hour, read the result.

Question and Answer

1. What’s the requirements that needed in wintobe’s tube methods?
 Anticoagulated blood (EDTA, double oxalate)
 Pasteur pipette
 Timer
 Wintrobe’s tube
 Wintrobe’s stand

2. Mention sources of error that can be found in wintrobe’s tube methods!

 Inadequate mixing of blood
 Irregularity of the bore of the tube
 Incomplete packing
Key word
- Centrifuge
- Separated
- Precentage
- Concentration
- Pateur pipette
- Wintobe’s tube
- Speeds
ESR as well as PCV can be measured in the same sample.

There are two methods that can be used in hematocrit/ packed cell volume. They are
wintobe’s tube method and microhematocrit cappillaries method. In wintrobe’s tube method,
we use pasteur pipette to fill the wintrobe’s tube till the 00 mark on tube. Then we could
centrifuge this tube for 15 minutes at 3500 rpm until packing is compete. As we know, the
blood will be separated into 3 layers. The precentage of the height of the column of blood
occupied by packed red cells constitutes the hematocrit.

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