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Syahrani ilyas


Ag 5

Now a days Indonesian culture has gradually become extinct. Children are
familiar and familiar with foreign cultures. Children are very fond of Upin's stories
- Ipin, Spongebob, Avatar, Naruto, Marsha and The Bear, Frozen and other
cartoons shown on television. Likewise, teenagers are more fond of Korean
dramas and films such as Spiderman, Harry Potter, Batman rather than original
regional stories such as Malin Kundang, Timun Mas, Roro Jonggrang, Ande-ande
Lumut, and so on. In addition, in terms of games they prefer playing cards, UNO
puzzles, and other games from PS or computer to online games rather than
original games in our area such as the crank, sodor cart, dakonan, mound, stilts
and others.

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