Wie Man Einen Dino Besiegt PDF

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How to defeat a dinosaur?

Wie: How
man: one/you
besiegt: defeat

Copyright: Hans Wilhelm, Inc.

Mit: with
seinen: his
Eltern: parents
lebte: live
großen: huge
Wäldern: forest

Bronto was a little dinosaur. He lived with his parents in the huge jungle.
spielte: played
allen: everyone/all
befreundet: friends
außer: except

other dinosaur families were also at home in the neighborhood

Und natürlich: and of course

gab es: there was
Nachbarschaft: Neighbourhood
waren: were
noch: still/yet
andere: other
zu Hause: at home
der sich: which
am liebsten: preferably
nennen: call/name
ließ: let
who preferred to be called Rex the Terrible

Und das nutzte er aus:

and he took advantage of that
nutzte: uses
noch: still/else
aus: from/out
viel: much
unausstehlich: obnoxious
stäker: stronger

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