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We have limited natural resources and that too we are using in generating Electricity.

That’s why there is lot of emphasis is given on generating and using clean
energy. Today in this project, we will see how electricity can be generated from the sunlight, how it can be stored in the form of DC, and then how it is converted into
AC to drive home appliances.

Имамо ограничене природне ресурсе и користимо их у производњи електричне енергије. Због тога се много пажње придаје стварању и коришћењу чисте
енергије. Данас, у овом пројекту, видећемо како се електрична енергија може генерисати из сунчеве светлости, како се она може складиштити у облику
ДЦ-а, а затим како се претвара у АЦ за погон кућних апарата.

In a solar power plant, solar energy is converted into electrical energy by using photovoltaic solar panels and then generated DC (Direct Current) is stored in batteries
which is further converted by into Alternating Current (AC) by solar inverters. Then this AC is fed into commercial electrical grid or can be directly supplied to the
consumer. In this tutorial, we will show how to make a Small Solar Inverter Circuit for Home Appliances.
Here SG3524 chip is the primary component to build a Solar Inverter. It has complete circuitry for Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) control. It also has all the functions
to construct a Regulated Power Supply. SG3524 chip offers improved performance and requires less external parts while building switching power supplies.
SG3524 - Regulating Pulse-Width Modulators     
SG3524 incorporates all the necessary functions to design a switching regulator and inverter. This IC can also be used as a
control element for high-power applications.

Some of the application of SG3524 IC are:

 Transformer-coupled DC-DC converters

 Voltage doublers without using transformer
 Polarity-converter applications
 Pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques

This single IC consists of on-chip regulator, programmable oscillator, error amplifier, pulse-steering flip-flop, two
uncommitted pass transistors, a high-gain comparator, and current-limiting & shut-down circuitry.

СГ3524 - Регулишуће пулсе-Видтх Модулаторс

СГ3524 садржи све неопходне функције за пројектовање прекидача и претварача. Овај ИЦ се такође може
користити као контролни елемент за велике снаге.

Неки од примена СГ3524 ИЦ су:

Трансформатори ДЦ-ДЦ претварачи

§ Удвостручивачи напона без употребе трансформатора

▪ Примена конвертора поларитета

§ Технике пулсно-ширинске модулације (ПВМ)

Овај јединствени ИЦ се састоји од регулатора на чипу, програмабилног осцилатора, појачала грешака, флип-флопа
са импулсним управљањем, два транзистора који нису пропуштени, компаратора високог напона и струјних и
ограничавајућих струјних кругова.

TIP41 High Power NPN Transistor

TIP41 is a general purpose NPN Power transistor with high switching speed and improved Gain, mainly used for medium
power Linear Switching Applications. Due to high rating of V CE, VCB and VEB which is 40V, 40V and 5V respectively, we
have used this transistor for inverter circuit. Also, it has a maximum collector current of 6A.

Here, in this circuit these transistors are used for driving the 12-0-12 Step-up transformer.

Material Required
 SG3254 IC
 Solar Panel
 TIP41 High Power NPN Transistor
 Resistors (4 ohm,100k, 1k, 4.7k, 10k, 100k)
 Capacitors (100uf, 0.1uf, 0.001uf)
 12-0-12 Step-Up-transformer
 Connecting Wires
 Breadboard

ТИП41 Транзистор високе снаге НПН

ТИП41 је НПН транзистор опште намене са високом брзином пребацивања и побољшаним појачањем, који се углавном користи за примене у
линеарном пребацивању средње снаге. Због високог рејтинга ВЦЕ, ВЦБ и ВЕБ који је 40В, 40В и 5В респективно, користили смо овај транзистор за
инвертерски круг. Такође, има максималну струју колектора 6А.
Овде, у овом кругу, ови транзистори се користе за погон 12-0-12 степ-уп трансформатора.
Материал Рекуиред
§ СГ3254 ИК
Соларна плоча
§ ТИП41 Хигх Повер НПН транзистор
§ Отпорници (4 охм, 100к, 1к, 4.7к, 10к, 100к)
§ Кондензатори (100уф, 0.1уф, 0.001уф)
§ 12-0-12 Степ-Уп Трансформер
§ Спајање жица
§ Макет
TIP41 Tranzistor visoke snage NPN TIP41 je NPN tranzistor opšte namene sa visokom brzinom prebacivanja i poboljšanim
pojačanjem, koji se uglavnom koristi za primene u linearnom prebacivanju srednje snage. Zbog visokog rejtinga VCE, VCB i
VEB koji je 40V, 40V i 5V respektivno, koristili smo ovaj tranzistor za inverterski krug. Takođe, ima maksimalnu struju
kolektora 6A. Ovde, u ovom krugu, ovi tranzistori se koriste za pogon 12-0-12 step-up transformatora. Material Rekuired §
SG3254 IK Solarna ploča § TIP41 High Pover NPN tranzistor § Otpornici (4 ohm, 100k, 1k, 4.7k, 10k, 100k) § Kondenzatori
(100uf, 0.1uf, 0.001uf) § 12-0-12 Step-Up Transformer § Spajanje žica § Maket
The circuit consists of IC SG3524 which operates at a fixed frequency, and this frequency is determined by 6 th and 7thpin of
the IC which is RT and CT. RT set up a charging current for CT, so a linear ramp voltage exists at CT, which is further fed to
the inbuilt comparator.

For providing reference voltage to the circuit SG3524 have an inbuilt 5V regulator. A voltage divider network is created by
using two 4.7k ohm resistors which feeds the reference voltage to the inbuilt error amplifier. Then the amplified output
voltage of error amplifier is compared with the linear voltage ramp at CT by the comparator, hence producing a PWM (Pulse
Width Modulation) pulse.

This PWM is further fed to the output pass transistors through the pulse steering flip flop. This pulse steering flip flop is
synchronously switched by the inbuilt oscillator output. This oscillator pulse also acts as a blanking pulse to ensure that both
the transistors are never turned ON simultaneously during the transition times. The value of CT controls the duration of the
blanking pulse.

Now, as you can see in the circuit diagram pin 11 and 14 are connected to the TIP41 transistors for driving the step up
transformer. When output signal at pin 14 is HIGH, transistor T1 turns ON and current flows from the source to the ground
via the upper half of the transformer. And, when output signal at pin 11 is HIGH, transistor T2 turns ON and current flows
from the source to the ground via the lower half of the transformer. Therefore, we receive Alternating Current at the output
terminal of the step up transformer.

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