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Tugas ICT Kelas 3 minggu pertama Pembelajaran Online

Menempel dibuku ICT gambar Microsoft word, ikon, menu beserta fungsinya,
contohnya seperti berikut ini:
Tugas ICT Kelas 3 minggu Kedua Pembelajaran Online
1. The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of
commands that are independent of the tab on the ribbon that is currently
2. The Office button is renamed as file menu in the Microsoft Office 2007
version on words. Microsoft Office Button then you can see the basics
commands like open, save, save as, print, exit options.
3. A menu bar is a graphical control element which contains drop-down menus.
The menu bar's purpose is to supply a common housing for window- or
application-specific menus which provide access to such functions as
opening files, interacting with an application, or displaying help
documentation or manuals.
4. The title bar is the horizontal bar at the top of any Window that appears as a
result of opening any document or application. Its main function is to
display the name of the application or document you opens.
5. A status bar is a graphical control element which poses an information area
typically found at the window's bottom.
6. Ruler in Microsoft Word is used to see and control page margins, paragraph
indents, and more.
7. The Ribbon is a user interface element which was introduced by Microsoft
in Microsoft Office Word 2007. It is located below the Quick Access
Toolbar and the title bar.
Tugas minggu ketiga ICT pembelajaran online Membuat table sesuai video

1. Buka program Microsoft Word

2. Buatlah judul Tabel menggunakan menu Word Art dengan cara klik insert
lalu word art kemudian pilihlah jenis word Art lalu ketiklah teksnya,
kemudian tekan ok. Setelah itu Enter agar berpindah ke baris baru.
3. Buatlah table dengan cara mengclik insert lalu klick table lalu insert table
lalu isilah number of columns dan number of rows yaitu jumlah kolom dan
jumlah baris yang akan dibuat kemudian tekan Ok.
4. Membuat merge and cell dengan cara memblok kotak kolom atau baris
yang akan dijadikan satu bagian kemudian klik kanan dan pilihlah Merge
5. Mengcopy gambar icon dari paint ke table Microsoft word adalah

- Buka Microsoft Paint lalu tekan tombol pada keyboard tertulis Print
Screen lalu paste di Microsoft paint tersebut,
- Select gambar iconnya dengan icon select, lalu click copy ,kemudian
pindah ke Microsoft Word yang sudah ada tabelnya lalu klik paste maka
gambar icon tersebut akan pindah ke dalam table tersebut.

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