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LTE saeso as Leyes) cL Tenn atc WME NN SMe tlle ELON osc a TUNA ree SE came ELC) a Lr Cy Peete Un M atc RCE Cr) Rae Re DCH The best way to protect yourself against COUPEE ISR COM enn TE Tent een Mae on SEN Sng hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose. (Deir Feo eit ame (000) 212) FACT: The new coronavirus Cee Mclean Nn areas with hot. and humid! climates ys +o) , Wain’ | re Pomerat) Todate, there is no specificmedicing Deere Teule CC MOM Tach aA ae any cofenavirus (2019-ACoV). LOW Temes RL RULES CeCe te MET Sal een RCN et gels symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation, and will be tested through feline ato VSCOM um com Cee leet rT ce Lis] POs nescence neu un Ea ucies BW routes Peo EM at PVCU Cy oXXen ime lea ees to prevent or treat the new coronavirus? Wr Tiretedfendiecas (Moss ong eerie rd Viruses, only bacteria. The new coronavirus (2019-nCOV) is a WCU M ee meee fe) not be used as a means of prevention or Recto as However, if you are hospitalized for the 2019-nCoV, you may receive antibiotics since bacterial co-infection is possible. BW routes Peon YeN att Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus? : ’ ’ DXey=C Ke ICN Pretorya) eel Ccc nay sC Minny Coaitccch Lt cao = Sere nei: coronavirus affect Oe ea oo eRe nc Sea ee sts) older people, (larlas medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, ef sTp peo ts aE aOR uel nce 4 becoming severely ill with the virus. also susce ptib e? WHO advise people of all age to take steps to PCr amu RRC Cech T CS by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene. heer EAeuO nT Nests (TMM Cla lcm} CCCs the new coronavirus? Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is ho evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people tram the new coronavirus (2019-nCov) Lee EPA eG) CRI sciem ent utactarcta cre lig MGR Cas onc AM RIG iCes sata) people from infection. with the mew Reel gen Ei Bee Ramla ETE rinsing the nose with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. However, regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent respiratory infections. eos E PANenSp GCN Le eT Can regularly rinsing NL meme iS lo cea cae tel) TRC coronavirus? DCAM E Kea Cer Wae a) Seculaeah WR alt ry Pieces lei HEIs arate By aleCurey Raat ecincoucontmcriap or aalc. eu crubsnnani sien choke SU CR TO ISRC RUMOUR iu Ue Lacy own vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against 2019-nCoV, and WHO is supporting their efforts. Oe Ue Ce ace a PUES eRe CUE Lua LTC illnesses is highly recommended to protect your tel we Heath pecans PYM Elda TERT E VUES pneumonia protect NOTE Tis AM AWC CeCe - No. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all Mca ona ToC NRO TT UsCouih et MUI geEt= that have-already entered your body. Spraying such substances CT Mu ee UM mules membranes (i.e., eyes, mouth). Be aware that both alcohol and Te Re MOMs Tica s Rac Late TT UCN TCL Co LMU ET Le under appropriate recommendations. Heel Leathecileron @ yee £87 Organization Can spraying alcohol Cyaan Ce) a tiem) ON =a your body kill the mel CLR BCC liesectr or lcercuaiciae laa Concsach) POV CRO ee CiCSaL NO STE Re Cr Cot Des Tar miami mn main ecKen mec t-1e-1<0179) ie Sets Leno CentER ’ However, they cannot detect people who are infected but are not yet sick with fever. This is because it takes between 2 and 10 days before people who are infected become sick and develop a fever. (ede H2019nCoV How effective are thermal scanners in detecting people infected with the new (qoTce MLAS Can an ultraviolet Prue Lee UV lamps should net be use ¥ the new coronavirus? to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation (climecliRrems Gimli g@leeta (oy. — 1 7IN yeu Livatetcneanh Drea No. Hand’ dryers are not effective in Lavliiiyeymaixemea betaine) To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol- based hand rub or wash them with REET NEL amen M MTT ey cleaned, you should dry them SUC NA MEL MC) cmt (Mae) warm air dryer. evo Livatetcneanh Le eT Are hand dryers liKad VCMT MULL mats) nKWWae ey Ceol N TAU Rsy eos ‘ Riis Cn uous Cann aoitag FACT: OT Citchoet e coun rs On koe iy The new coronavirus feet ep om ortrsu tase teh oles ie yi) iM OT The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus Coe ene be transmitted through COIS CC MCMC UMaine u me see mosquito yee Smee me ter ema Th eg Circe ecm csnteos DOM cas Tea eT Ca ent eee Cy with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them PR eC Cae OMEN OC Ra SRC clad PMC ence ne (Dein i eoccla enna 902 Reine ane Mea eee Non) FACT: Fee Dl Bree mola me Leemiton re eae Rne ET re hoe cacao umole aN rat cerry disease Seu AVE Cun Ren Rena) PTT CLs BUUREN aM listen robe set Leesa SO) ID BORE Siictenrn iy 7n ees ee el ee eee eae a ory Ky ree Once crate eet esl) FACT: eee: Ersnies guides Cold weatherand hy RS : 5 nee The normal human body temperature remains CANNOT kill bua ew ETC ear Rey OMT ECD UT) ela ee Vy Cee RC Tehama LL The most effective way to protect yourself Pea unm Cuenta mire teeny oe UI RC aU ERM UM eee ret) rub or washing them with soap and water. (Deir Goa oe iar mee (010) 2}

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