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Reduce, Recycle & Reuse


Updated September 24, 2018

By Michael Owen, Ph.D.

Every item we use or product, and every product we consume, comes at a cost to our planet. Large
amounts of natural resources and energy are consumed during production, and the waste associated
with our consumption must somehow be absorbed. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” – referred to as the three
Rs – is a simple strategy that each of us can apply to limit the extent of our impact on our planet.

Preserve Natural Resources


The planet's natural resources are finite. By applying the three Rs, it is possible to dramatically reduce
the pressure we place on these resources. For example, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, recycling 1 ton of paper saves the equivalent of 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water.
Conserve Natural Spaces


Mining natural resources and large-scale farming are often detrimental to the natural areas where they
occur. Reducing the demand for these resources can help to preserve natural spaces.

"Use and Reuse" Saves Energy

The mining and refining of minerals and other natural resources and the manufacturing of consumer
goods are energy-intensive processes. An example: According to the Ohio Department of Natural
Resources, 20 times more energy is needed to make aluminum from bauxite ore than from recycled
materials. So when you reuse household items instead of buying new ones, you limit the amount of new
resources required and save a lot of energy.

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A large portion of the energy consumed during the process of mining, refining and manufacturing comes
from burning fossil fuels. Recycling half of your annual recyclable household waste saves 2400 pounds
of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse
gas linked to global warming concerns.

Reduce Pollution

The large amounts of waste associated with our consumption inevitably leads to pollution of our air, soil
and water. For example, improperly disposed of used motor oil can pollute ground and fresh water. The
EPA estimates that 200 million gallons of used motor oil are improperly disposed of each year. Reusing
things around the house, and disposing of them properly once they can no longer be reused, can have
an enormous impact on pollution levels.

Reduce Landfill Space


Many of the items we throw away end up in landfills, where they take up valuable space and are sources
of air and water pollution. Often these items are not biodegradable and take centuries to break down.
Plastic, for example, can take up to 500 years to decompose. The EPA estimates the average American
produces 4.3 pounds of nonhazardous trash per day. Other sources put the amount of waste that could
be recycled as high as 60 percent.

Create Jobs

Industries developed to recycle goods can be a valuable source of employment. In Ohio, as far back as
the year 2000 almost 100,000 jobs were created as a direct result of recycling as of 2000. Recycling
creates five times more jobs than landfill management, according to Brennan.

Stimulate Technological Advances

With increasing social pressure to implement more environmentally friendly practices, companies are
forced to find innovative technologies to incorporate recycled materials into their products. These new
technologies are ultimately good for the planet.
Save Money

Purchasing only what you truly need, and reusing things around the house instead of purchasing new
ones, saves money. In many parts of the U.S., it is more expensive to dispose of waste than it is to
recycle it, says Brennan. In some cases it is even possible to earn a small amount of money from your

Create a Sustainable Future

Our planet has a limited amount of natural resources and a limited capacity to process waste. By
reducing, reusing and recycling, we are not only decreasing our immediate impact on the planet but we
are creating practices that are sustainable for future generations.

The Impact of Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse

The result of doing all three of these behaviours is a vast reduction in waste. The effects of less waste are positive for
the environment, human health, and the economy. For example, these 3 R practices can help to extend the use of
natural resources so that they are not used at a faster pace than the world population is increasing.

With current systems, many places have poor water quality, and virgin resources are depleting quickly, such as iron and
copper. That is why many businesses around the world are beginning to seek out renewable energy sources, as well as
strategies to increase energy efficiency.

If people continue to discard waste without using recycle, reduce and reuse strategies, there are major health risks.
People who live near dumpsites, example are exposed to smoke from PCBs and HIV from hospital waste. As well,
waste disposal is linked to greenhouse gas emissions, which is hazardous to our health.
Making a Change
It is more important than ever to reduce the amount of natural resources being used in manufacturing processes, as
well as increasing recycling rates and reusing materials. Given the benefits of therecycle, reduce and reuse, the goal of
more and more governments is to adopt an approach that integrates the 3 Rs within it.

Recycling and reuse

Recycling involves the collection of used and discarded materials
processing these materials and making them into new products. It reduces
the amount of waste that is thrown into the community dustbins thereby
making the environment cleaner and the air more fresh to breathe.

Surveys carried out by Government and non-government agencies in the

country have all recognized the importance of recycling wastes. However,
the methodology for safe recycling of waste has not been standardized.
Studies have revealed that 7 %-15% of the waste is recycled. If recycling is
done in a proper manner, it will solve the problems of waste or garbage. At
the community level, a large number of NGOs (Non Governmental
Organizations) and private sector enterprises have taken an initiative in segregation and recycling of
waste (EXNORA International in Chennai recycles a large part of the waste that is collected). It is
being used for composting, making pellets to be used in gasifiers, etc. Plastics are sold to the
factories that reuse them.

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