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I was walking to school this one morning.

It was still dark outside and somewhat calm and

quiet, beside the cars driving by, probably heading off to work or school. I was listening to music
while I was walking. I could still make out some of the sound around my area even though my
ears were plugged with earphones. I had my head down, which i never should’ve never done,
lost in the music that was coming into my ears. I was observing everything i was walking pass
on the ground, I had one feet on dry grass and another on hard pavement. As i got a feel of the
grassy texture on my feet, a second later I felt it with my body. I was on the ground, my right
side of my body was numb. Took me a while to compose myself and come to realize that I was
hit by a car. The driver came out asking “are you okay” I answer with “yeah i’m okay” as It
seems my numbness is fading away. As I observe around, there was some damage done to
him too as his side window was broken. I ask him to drive me back me back home, my mom
called the police, and after a little discussion it came to the conclusion that it was my fault too
because I had headphones in, head down, hood on, and I was wearing dark clothes in the dark.
After that I was taken to the hospital to get checked. The hospital looked the same with its
doctor stuff and charts and smell the same, a fresh smell you could say. But the hospital feels
different when I'm here for this type of situation. So I got my checkup and as a result it came to
that I just had a bruise on my right shoulder. On my way home and several day further I had
time to reflect and think. I thought about how I need to be more serious about life. I shouldn’t
walk in life so carelessly as today, tomorrow, or any day could be the last. I should value the life
and purpose that God has given me on this earth.

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