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Othello is a play about the cause and effect of jealousy.

Each character in the play had

different reasons to be jealous, and each of them decided to deal with it a different way. The
characters lago and Othello both had cases of jealousy and in the end dealt with the conflicts
and outcomes of it. The play focuses on the dangers of jealousy and shows how it can be used
to destroy lives.
Othello’s own problems led him to murder of his wife, Desdemona. He had insecurity
issues with himself due to his background and is easily swayed. Iago used this as an advantage
to his plan. Iago, a good friend of Othello, felt betrayed when Othello chose Michael Cassio for
his lieutenant and not him. This angers Iago so he devised a plan to strip Cassio of his rank as
well as get back at Othello. Iago’s plan involved tricking Cassio into starting a fight while drunk
to anger Othello and then manipulating the people around him to help him frame Cassio into
having relations with Desdemona.
As I mentioned, Othello has insecurity issues. He says, “For she had eyes, and chose
me. No, lago, I’ll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove; And on the proof, there is no more but
this: Away at once with love or jealousy.” This shows that he wanted to believe she chose him,
but worries Brabantio (Desdemona’s dad) is right about him not being good enough for her.
Later in the story, when Iago succeeded in framing Cassio and tricking Othello into
believing his lies, Othello had a breakdown and revealed his darker side because of his
insecurities. Othello felt that he is an outcast because of his skin color and only felt in place
because of his rank as general. This thinking leads him to become insanely jealous and believe
that it’s his race that has led Desdemona to “betray” him and ultimately he decides to kill
Desdemona for being unfaithful.
Othello went from a noble soldier to a crazed killer and back again in a matter of five
acts. He had insecurity issues from the start. One vengeance-seeking character played upon
these weaknesses. Being doubtful about his relationship allowed him to fall into lago’s plans.
Although Othello was viewed as wronged, he should be forgiven. There is a lesson to be
learned from him. It is not wise to let jealousy and insecurities take control.

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