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Jaime Hernando Garzon Forero was born on August 24, 1960 and died on
August 13, 1999, he was assassinated for defending the human rights of
many Colombians. His legacy, in large part, is due to the fact that he knew
how to laugh by saying the crudest truths. He challenged formality,
academia, institutions, politics, and politicians. His rebellion and his wit
made him who he was. He became famous for a program called Zoociencia
that had great popularity, it was a social and political parody of the country,
they touched on topics of all kinds such as the security of the country and
the drug war promoted by the Medellín Cartel.

He contributed a lot to make this society more democratic because there was
no person whom he respected. No one. Starting with the President of the
Republic, this comedian was also part of the mediating groups in the release
of several kidnapped held by the Farc during the 90's. On August 13, he was
assassinated according to judicial investigations carried out since then.
proven that in the murder the responsibility falls on the high military
commanders of that moment and paramilitary leaders. Currently, it is not
clear who is directly responsible for his death.

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