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How To Start Affiliate Marketing Today

Let’s start from the beginning, if you are not so sure about what really is
affiliate marketing, it is a way to earn a commission for recommending
products or services to the readers of your website or blog.

The basic process to start on affiliate marketing would be as described below:

1) Choose a product to promote

2) Search for “product above affiliate program”
3) Sign up for the program
4) Now you have a link that can track who clicked through your ad/link
5) That's it when people buy the product through your link, you will
receive a commission

Ok But How Does That Work?

Now that we have covered the basics, we can start to get into more specifics
of the affiliate marketing world.

For example, if you join an affiliate program and promote a certain product,
then you will receive a commission when one of your visitors or anyone using
your link makes a purchase, as we have seen above.

Now, let’s get to the best parts of affiliate marketing:

You don’t really need to sell products to earn a commission, and that’s when
things get confusing for a lot of people, we’ll get through it…

So again, that’s 100% right, you don’t really have to sell all the time to
receive a commission.

This happens because there are a lot of different affiliate programs and they
work on different terms basically, let’s take a look into the most common
payment options:

“Pay per Sale”: this is the most straight-forward option we could think, the
product owner pays a percentage of the sale when a purchase is completed
through your link.

“Pay per Click”: In this type of payment, affiliates are paid based on the
number of visitors redirected to the products from affiliate sites, whether or
not a sale was made.

“Pay per Lead”: Affiliates get paid once the referred visitors provide their
contact information by filling out a simple contact form.
How Can I Become an Affiliate Marketer?
Now you are probably really excited with all of this information and want to
start right away with affiliate marketing, right?

The internet is really amazing these days, you can virtually pick any product
online, and you will find an affiliate program for it, meaning that you will find
a program that will pay you a commission for referring a sale.

But the most important thing to consider when selecting a product is:
Does that have any connection with my audience? The product must speak
with your niche, your public, otherwise, it will probably fail.

Can you imagine a rock and roll blog/site referring to oil-painting products or
flowers? It would probably have a low engagement…

When deciding what products to promote you should always ask yourself some

1) Would I use this?

2) Does it speak to my audience?
3) Is it easy and simple to buy? Complex products might be excluded
4) Is the affiliate commission good enough?

With these tips in mind, you will be just fine to start on affiliate marketing!

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