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Impacting One Life at a Time

Peter and Donna Pitman (Delp), serving with Commission to Every Nation
Spring 2020

What a year it has been! Oh wait, it’s only March! We are

praying for each and every one of you that you all can
stay safe and healthy. For those of you on the front
lines, we are praying for safety, endurance, and
supplies to be available! For those of you who are out
of work, we are praying that God will provide for you in
a mighty way. Guatemala has shut down majority of
things, even public transportation and all activities
leading up to Easter, which is huge! Grocery stores,
pharmacies, and places that have takeout or delivery
service for food are still open under strict hours. We are under
curfew hours from 4pm-4am in an attempt to slow the spread of this virus. We are thankful for a president
who has been taking action so quickly since the first case arrived. Our ministry is still looking for ways to help
the community, while obeying the regulations set into place. Meanwhile, check out what all has been
happening since the end of last year!

We celebrated Christmas with all the kids and youth from the tracks! We
read about Jesus’ birth, sang, ate, and gave them their gifts. Thank you to
those of you who donated towards getting gifts for them!
They absolutely loved them! It was a great time together,
celebrating Jesus’ birth.

The core group from California, who have been working with the local coffee farmers, came in
December and January. Peter and the group have been working hard to get the coffee shop
ready for business. It’s been a massive group effort with many of the local youth helping as well.

January, we had an amazing visitor for a month.

Rachelle came to be a part of our ministry and it
was nothing short of amazing and a huge blessing!
In a total of 4 clinics, including some in villages
down by the coast, we saw 350
patients! So many were blessed with clothes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, and
other personal hygiene items, as well as the medications each patient needed.
Rachelle had an amazing connection with our 2 kids, the youth, and our patients.
We absolutely loved having her and she’s definitely a huge part of our family!

In February, our church hosted a women’s

conference in Guatemala City and
afterwards, we all stayed at our mission
house for the night. We had purchased
tickets for each of the youth girls. We all
had an amazing time! It was an amazing
night of worship and messages about how
we are daughters of God and that no
matter what circumstance we are in, we
are still able to stand up and do what God has called us to do! He
will always provide what we need to be able to do it. Thank you to those of you who helped for each youth
and woman that went in our group to be able to each get something to remember that night, covering all
meals for the 24 hour period that they were with us, and paying the bus needed for transportation to and
from Palin.

Recently, we met fellow missionaries, who were in a

transition period in ministry. Charlene is a nurse and
Mike and Tabitha help any way they can during clinic,
praying with patients, and helping to get all the meds
together for each patient. Their ministry is called J33,
for Jeremiah 33. We are so thankful that we met
them as they have the same vision as us with
ministry, especially with clinics. They have been
working side by side with us in clinics, allowing us to
treat more patients each clinic. We have also teamed
together for other clinics in the villages.

A few weeks ago, we also teamed up with another ministry that provides
food to families and traveled a few hours up a very narrow dirt road to the
backside of Pacaya, an active volcano, to
do a clinic in a forgotten village. There are
a few families that live there. No
bathrooms or outhouse. No electricity.
They have never even seen a doctor. We
treated around 25 patients in that village.
One was an 87 year old man with a severe lung infection and was put on
antibiotics. On the way back down the mountain, we gave a ride to a
family to a different village. They were also really sick. Right there, on
the side of the dirt road, we evaluated 7 more patients, and gave them
meds. One 2 year old was really sick with a very round abdomen, full of
worms. We gave him meds to treat the intestinal infection and worms
that he has. We also stopped at another village along the way, talked
with local pastors, and are planning to do more clinics in the villages.
These villages, each containing hundreds of people, have never seen a
doctor and don’t even a pharmacy nearby.

We also did a clinic down at the coast while a team from Alaska and
Pennsylvania was there, including Blaine, my mom’s cousin. We were so
blessed to have met the team and to be able to bless the people in this
community with medical care. We look forward to continuing to work
side by side with J33 ministry to help a greater amount of patients with
each clinic. We will continue doing clinics in Palin. What this means is
that we will be doing more clinics,
especially in villages who don’t have
any access to medical care, and seeing
more patients now that we have more help with clinic. We also have some
new additions to our clinic! Sophi had her baby, Alexandra, at the end of
November. Another friend, Paola, who is in med
school has been helping with our clinics as
well. Sophi is now back from maternity leave
and perfect timing now that we have 2
nurses for each clinic. Sophi and Paola are a
huge asset to helping clinic to run smoothly,
explaining all the medications to each
patient and making sure they understand.

Kids’ club and youth group

continue to go strong! Now
that we are unable to have
gatherings, we have been
continuing to stay connected
with the youth through
social media.
Peter and I have become more involved in our church and are leading a connect
group. Because of not being able to physically meet during this time, we are still
connecting through messages, calls, and video chats! We are so thankful to
have such a supportive and amazing church family!

Since COVID-19 entered Guatemala, the president put many parameters in

place for everyone’s safety. That changed quite a few things for our ministry.
We have needed to pause clinics to not expose already sick patients to this
virus, plus there can’t be any gatherings. Youth and kids’ club were put on
hold, with us still communicating the best we
can with the youth during this time. However,
we have been helping Palin and some
surrounding communities the best we can with
the new needs that have arisen. Because of the
stores being sold out of many items at first, closures
of many businesses and markets, the families we
work with, who normally live day by day for food,
have needed food. So, thanks to the donations people
sent, we were able to buy food for 20 families.
Another ministry here donated bags of soup as well
for each family, with each bag providing 100 cups of
soup. Each family received: beans, rice, oil, sugar, salt, pasta, soup, seasoning,
vitamin c, masks to use if any of them were sick, calcium, and a bar of soap. We
also gave masks to firefighters in another town who had run out, along with alcohol
wipes, and vitamin c. We will continue to see how we can help the community right now during this time,
while obeying the regulations put into place as we all work together to try to contain the spread of this virus.

How to Help:
We are partnered with Commission to Every Nation, which is a highly accredited organization. Peter and I,
with the help of his mother, Estella, run medical clinics and continue working with children. If you feel led to
donate and assist with our living expenses, activities for children, caring for 2 kids in our house, supporting 8
children in school, and medications and supplies for the patients that we care for, please donate through this
site: or send a check to the address at the bottom of this page. Make your check
payable to CTEN and include a note, stating it’s for Peter and Donna Pitman. All donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to come for a medical trip, help with the children, or assist in some other way, please feel
free to contact us through Facebook, Whatsapp (011 502 5470 4197), or email:

Prayer requests: continued financial support, well as funds for the children we continue to support, for spiritual
protection, health, and safety, and for rest in the midst of trials.

Commission to Every Nation

*PO Box 291307* Kerrville, TX 78029-1307* 1-800-872-5404
Donate online at

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