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CBM Assignment, Part 3

Kati Schroeder
Student Name: Kodi Person
Student School: Toon Elementary
Student Grade Level: 4th Grade
Skill you are monitoring: Oral Reading Fluency
Skill level for progress monitoring: 3rd Grade
Name of assessment used: Dibels Next
By 1/9/2020, Kodi will, when given a 3rd grade level oral reading fluency assessment, read at
least 70 correct words per minute with at least 95% accuracy on 3 progress monitoring
A. Correct Words/Slope: The student made positive growth through out our progress monitoring
sessions. The slope is y=2.7697x + 51.867
B. Error Words: When the student rushed through the progress monitoring or was anxious to
leave, he would make more errors and needed to be reminded to slow down.
C. Observations: Kodi was a behavior concern, but only when he was in a group. One on one he
was much better behaved and would work well for me.
D. Comparison to Goal: Kodi did hit part of his goal. He hit the 70 words in a 1 minute, but the
95% accuracy was a little tricky. He needed to work on slowing down and not getting distracted.
Next Steps: I would like to focus more on his errors and really work on reading the whole word
and not being distracted.

Future goal
By 1/9/2020, Kodi will, when given a 3rd grade level oral reading fluency assessment, read at
least 100 correct words per minute with at least 97% accuracy on 3 progress monitoring
Summary: I think that Kodi will still benefit from reading on a 3rd grade level and really
concentrate on his errors. Working with Kodi to slow down and read the entire word instead of
guessing and going really fast will help him be successful on a 3rd grade level.

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