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Nama : Alfin Lanagusti

NIM : 17/412348/KG/11002


Correlation between teeth crowding (in mm) and dental plaque accumulation
Number Crowding (mm) Plaque
(PHP - M)
1 12 24
2 10 18
3 20 25
4 22 26
5 15 25
6 6 10
7 8 14
8 10 16
9 8 12
10 14 20

Please estimate the correlation coefficient. Is it a strong correlation?

Number Crowding Plaque X2 Y2 x.y
(mm) Accumulation
(PHP - M)
1 12 24 144 576 288
2 10 18 100 324 180
3 20 25 400 625 500
4 22 26 484 676 572
5 15 25 225 625 375
6 6 10 36 100 60
7 8 14 64 196 112
8 10 16 100 256 160
9 8 12 64 144 96
10 14 20 196 400 280
Jumlah 125 190 1813 3922 2623

N .x. y  (X )(Y )

rxy =
[ N .X 2(X ) 2 ][ N .Y 2(Y ) 2 ]
= 10.2623 - 125.190 / √[10.1813 - 1252][10.3922 - 1902]
= 26230 - 23750 / √[18130 - 15625] [39220 - 36100]
= 2480 / √2505.3120 = 2480 /2795,64 = 0,89 = 0,9
Kesimpulannya, korelasi antara crowding (mm) dengan akumulasi plak (php-m)
adalah sangat kuat, yaitu 0,9

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