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Role Play

Larouche : Aw its hurt, help… help!

His friend datang
His friend : What happen, we shold go to dr. Andrusiak clinic
I will help you
His friend panic
His friend : doctor !!...
Destine : what happen to Luc Larouche ?
His friend : Luc Larouche was hit by a rock
Destine : Omg! I can’t Larouche need a rergery. I’ll my to contach my coulage because I
need no experience absurt it. A please wait a moment.
Docter : Miller, I have a emergency patient with head injuries and he need surgeries to
stop the pressure building in his brain.
Miller : you can’t do anything because we’re a family doctor isn’t (…). So you need to
call surgeors at the montreal general hospital.
Doctor : oh okay, I will try it!
Doctor menelfon
Doctor : hello I’am dr. Andrusiak from Artic clinic. Right now, I have emergency patient
and he need surgery an hil brain.
Surgeons : you should bring your patient come here, but we can’t send you a plane
because the wether completely fogged in.
Doctor : oh, okay
Akhirnya dokter memantabkan diri
Doctor : hmm… so right now, what shold I do to save my patient’s life ? (sambal baca
text) Oh okay, I have to surgery right now!
Di ruang operasi
Doctor : nurse, please bring me my power drill
Nurse : are you serious ?, what will you do with your power drill in this situation ?
Doctor : we need operation immadietely to save his life.
Nurse : ok, wait. Please wait.
Shortly, dr. Andrusiak and his team do lanjutannya………….

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