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By : Erika Nurfathi Adnan (I0617018)

Instability economic that happened caused by world war II has had an impact to movement of
goods, services, capital, and people. The impact also had on culture, political and environmental
dimensions of globalization. Globalization is often viewed differently by different people in the
sense that it depends on how they are affected by it. Example most of developed countries feel
more losses caused by world war II so it will feel very unfair and it means welfare does not
spread evenly for all the countries in the world.

From that issue, it is important for global governance to take action facing the instability
economic that happened globaly. so from this situation the international institutions were born.
The international instituions which include international trade, IMF and GATT have each
strength and weakness. In addition each strength and weakness, the international institution have
a part to take action fairly on these crisis situation. The role of international institution been very
useful to fix the instability situation which their objective and functions, and responsible in
providing assistance and crucial solutions to international problems whisch triggered by
globalization. so from the formation of these international institution expected all the countries in
this world can feel the benefit of their economy so they can recovery all problems that caused by
globalization post – world war II.

I think it is a good action from global governance to create international institution to facing not
only post – world war issue but also take anticipation action to the future globalization issue that
gonna happen so there needs a continuous solution that take from global governance side. To
make every issue have a solution spesifically the formation of international institutions is a great

In some perspective, global governance means a long-term project of global integration. Global
governance is not a value-free term, but rather a highly politicized concept in the midst of a
discursive struggle about who decides what for whom. Global governance is a useful term it can
be alternative attributes such as international or transnational are narrow in restricting analysis to
either the relations between states or the transboundaryrelations between nonstate actors.

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