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I would like to give my report about Binus Festival Seminar that I attended at Binus Alam

Sutera about Big Data presented by DANA. DANA is a cashless payment platform on mobile
application, and was created in December 2017. This seminar was presented by Yustinus
Eko, a representative and key speaker from DANA.
They had an mission to improve Indonesia and to make payments easier by changing manual
system of payment becomes digital payment, like their slogan #BukaDompet.
Big Data is a combination of structured, semistructured and unstructured data collected by
organizations that can be mined for information and used in machine learning projects,
predictive modelling and other advanced analytics applications. Why its so important
nowadays? Companies like DANA uses big data to accumulate user data to improve their
operations, like providing better customer service, create personalized marketing campaigns
based on specific customer preferences and so on, Payments industry can benefit by this
because big data can provide companies with valuable insights into their customers and can
be used to refine marketing campaigns and techniques in order to increase customer
They’re looking for experienced candidates in IT sector (like data scientist, data engineers
and data analyst).
Finally at the end of the session, Dana and Binus sign for a collaboration. Yustino Eko said,
“BINUS is the only campus that I know that is the most aggressive in term of collaboration
for better Indonesia”.

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