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1. The evidence is the report made by “The Guardian” which shows that around 51% of British people
suffer from a non-sleeping epidemic

2. The writer mentions the fact that she is not a doctor because she does not want to make the readers
think that she tries to influence them, she writes only what she sees everyday around her that makes
her concerned.

3. Because of the poor sleep during the night, negative effects appear in the day time and that damages
the quality of life.

4. Owing to the fact that insomnia is a serious matter and she does not want to suffer from such illness,
she wants to help with some pieces of advice.


1. d

2. c

3. b


1. as they may, it is hard too hard

2. have been reported to struggle

3. the higher the risk of developing



1. b

2. b

3. a

4. d

5. c


Nowadays, everyone has a routine which represents not only the work time but also the spare
time when each of us can decide what to do with it. Because of this, anyone has the freedom of
starting a hobby besides the career and enjoy the life as much as possible. Unfortunately, many of them
do not know how to relax when they are free to go, working until exhaution.
One of the advantages of the leisure, after work, is the fact that a person can forget about the
job and do whatever he or she wants. From shopping, whatching a movie to the cinema, havin the
dinner in a restaurant to only lying in the bed with a book or with the laptop, inside the house. This fact
does raise the moral of each person who has a job, making them believe that life has not ended yet, that
every second of spare time is worth living to the fullest.

In contrast, there are people who does not know how to live outise of the job, thinking that
their life is the career they choose, once they start working. If thery were to have the power of working
more than sixty hours on a week, it would be extremely conveninet for them and for the society, but
they do not have it.

To sum up, this new post-industrial culture does offer a lot of free time to people to do
whatever they want with it. They just need to know how to use it.

People do

Lying In bed

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