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My “SUCCESS” Be Like:

My success is just delayed not denied,

With this thought I never quit and always strive.
For the right time is known only to divine,
I know that everything will be soon best and perfectly fine.
Great victories need immense sweat and blood to be put in,
And so I never let myself collapse and give in.
Never mind who says and thinks how I'll shine?
If I work hard with patience success is thine.
No matter if the situations are beyond my thought,
As it's up to me how should I fought.
People will too play their full role,
In breaking, cracking and infracting my goal.
But I know tripping from a tree- trop can't be called success,
It's just a step in the right direction nevertheless.
Because it comes to those who dissolve themselves to quench their
Rather than people who in tears get burst.
At times you might be alone like a luminous star in the sky,
You keep your ray accessible for each passer-by.
Do not forget to make your strength your motivation,
That's how you will be able to bring revolution.
Be welcoming for all critiques from whom you certainly will learn,
Get cut and polished like a diamond which glows like the none.

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